Have you seen what the SDA church is now doing so as to further her prophesied connection with the church of Rome? They are belittling God’s Sabbath day so as to move their church members into accepting Sunday Laws as well as holding a Sunday worship service at one of their events. (Click here and scroll to February 9).
Check out what’s going on at the Daytona International Speedway. If you mouse over the dates on this page on their website to February 8th and 15, which are of course Sabbath days, you will see the SDA Advent Health organization is sponsoring a racing event. In fact, they are sponsoring the entire week. That means all the drinking and gambling that goes on there is being condoned by the SDA church. This includes the “Busch Clash At Daytona” event. (For those unaware, Busch is a beer manufacturing company.)
Also notice that Advent Heath’s Pit Crew will be making a special appearance between 11:45am and noon on the Sabbath day. Scroll down to 1:30 and you will see their bought and paid for driver “Josh Wise” will also make his appearance on Sabbath day.
The SDA church even spent tithes or love offerings on their own entrance gate to the Speedway. (Mouse over the “entrances” link to see their gate. To see where you can buy beer, mouse over the “concourse” link to “section 108, 148, 372 & 456.”) And to make matters much worse, if you scroll to Sunday February 9th, they will actually be holding a Sunday worship service at the Advent Health Injector, or Gate as most people call it.
Keep in mind that as people see the signs saying all this is “Presented By Advent Health” on these cars which race on Sabbath day, and these races make a ton of money for gambling houses across the nation, the people are led to look upon the Advent message as being just as weak as any other apostate church message. They only claim to be Christians to take away their shame. (See Isaiah 4:1)
Worse yet, think on this for a moment. If there is a struggling sinner in the crowd who has been contemplating seeking to obey the Lord by keeping His Sabbath holy; when this seeking soul attends this race to see the Seventh Day Adventist Church’s Advent Health organization sponsoring race cars with logos on them from companies that promote all sorts of sinful products, and some logos even have the number 666 in their logo as a sign of loyalty to the man of sin in Rome. In fact, right above the massive “Advent Health” logo on the hood of their race car is the 666 logo of Monster Energy Drink!
When that struggling soul sees all this, he or she may fall into agreement with the SDA church and embrace their apostate thinking that breaking Sabbath, making money on Sabbath day and holding Sunday Worship services under the SDA name is no longer sinful for them and so they can relax in their path towards Christ like all the other apostate denominations on earth.
On the Advent Health page itself they are asking people to write 500 words or less essay as to how racing makes you feel so you can win free tickets to partake in their gambling and drunken debauchery as men race around the track endangering their lives and the lives of the people if and when they crash; and all this can be enjoyed on God’s Sabbath day! And they proudly announce on this advert page that Advent Health is a proud partner of Daytona International Speedway which means everything that speedway offers the public is openly being condoned by the Seventh Day Adventists Church.
And so I have to ask.. if you’re SDA and you’re still sitting in an SDA church; why I ask are you there? If you’re leaders declare there is no sin in doing thine own pleasures on God’s holy day, why aren’t you at the track with your fellow SDA brothers and sisters? If it’s because you know like everyone in long prophesied remnant number that have left the SDA church knowing the apostasy of the SDA church confirms it is no longer a Christian church, then why on earth are you still in that church?
Additional Articles Confirming we are in the Last Days:
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