“A poll released Monday provides new insight into the religious practices, beliefs, and other demographic trends of U.S. Catholics. …Only 18% say they accept all the Church’s teachings and try to live them out. …While more than seven-in-ten Catholics, 72%, believe that certain actions are “intrinsically evil,” a majority do not think that abortion, euthanasia, and physician-assisted suicide are intrinsically evil acts.” –Source
If the majority of Catholics do not think abortion, euthanasia or Dr assisted suicide is evil, then why is it the Pope and his prelates act as if those three areas are so important to the Catholic people? It’s because the Pope and his pawns know, these three areas, and especially abortion, is something they can use as a means to bring about religious laws.
The man of sin knows that he needs to keep his so called religious foot in the door of government politics because even he knows the mark he soon plans to enforce is a religious law and so the Pope needs abortion and other murderous acts to stay legal so they can keep acting shocked and appalled by it all thereby assuring a political foot in the door.
Their insincere demands to stop such things is all a sham. Having a voice in politics on one important venue always allows the official voice to push another. In fact, that is how nearly every politician gains office. He or she makes campaign promises to get elected and then does the exact opposite once in power.
The Popes are political monsters with more countries in their hip pockets than any other nation on earth. In fact, the Pope is the only religious leader ever to be granted the “permanent observer state” status in United Nation’s meetings.
And so again, don’t think the Vatican cares about killing people who are sick, don’t think they care that doctors are lobbying to help some commit suicide even if they’re not terminally ill as we speak in Canada. Nor do they care about killing little children in abortion clinics. The reality is, the Vatican has been molesting and killing children their entire political history and just so you know, there are many Roman Catholic Hospitals that kill babies on a regular basis to this day. In fact, the Pope actually honored an abortion activist on camera back in January of 2018. The reality is plain, with most Catholics being OK with abortion, euthanasia as well as doctor assisted suicide, it is obvious the Pope only declares abortion to be evil to keep the Vatican’s political position intact.
It’s all political theater to make the masses think they are moral and loving. And the people sop it up as if it’s all truth. In fact, that is why the powers that be started talking points in 2009 declaring the Jesuit Pope in Rome to be a “huge moral authority” for all the world.
That is what happens when the people don’t study the Bible. Easily exposed lies become truth unto them and the eternal truth of God becomes the lie. Now do you see why Revelation 18:1-5 was penned?
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