I’ve been asked quite a few times as to what I think of all that’s been happening with the planned-demic and bought and paid for rioters. As usual I send a list of the blog entries (see below) that touch on this. But that’s a lot of reading or video watching as I made a short video for each one. And since I’ve been asked to summarize all the blogs I did on this, I decided to share this blog which will also be a video to condense things a bit. And if anyone wants more info they can just check out all the links in the blog entries as I have many in each of them.
The lock downs that destroyed many jobs, businesses and careers was very strategic for the powers that be in that when the buy and sell portion of the mark of the beast is enforced as the Pope wants to do using climate change by 2027 as well the death decree his one world government hopes to enforce by 2030 during the long prophesied one hour with the beast; they knew locking millions of people down now made it easy for them to recruit contact tracers for when this all changes from tracking down people with Covid 19 to tracking people refusing to keep Sunday holy. In fact, becoming a contact tracer is one of the fastest-growing jobs in America.
And to ensure this goes much smoother when it comes to enforcing the buy and sell portion of the mark, they’re right now using the planned-demic to make cash illegal due to their claims the virus can be transferred with money. And for those that don’t believe that bold faced lie, they also claim the virus disrupted the circulation of cash due to people buying mostly online and that somehow led to a shortage. But again, only those that don’t realize money is minted and printed non-stop are going to believe that lie. If anything the lack of circulation would cause a surplus of cash since no one’s using it and they keep printing it. But seeing how most prefer to believe lies today exactly as prophesied in 2 Thessalonians 2:10-11, most will trust the media over actual reality. And since we all know they cannot enforce the mark if the people have access to cash, this was a done deal from day one.
And by the way, even the thermal cameras popping up in all government buildings, many businesses and soon at all airports, we can see that it won’t be that hard to switch from taking everyone’s temperature to using facial recognition software to find those that refuse to receive the admitted mark of the beast in Rome?
But what about the masks and the social distancing? How does that play into it all this? Students of prophecy can tell you that the prophesied latter rain is about to fall and with that the promised time of refreshing from the Lord which we know is needed to bless the obedient people of God with the words needed to proclaim the loud cry; when we go forth with the 3 angels message. That bold and biblical truth we present actually empties many apostate churches once the truth gets out about what the mark of the beast really is. And so, with masks on faces and the inability to gather in crowds to preach to the masses, as well as the many strange laws removing free speech, Satan hopes to make it difficult for us to preach unto tens of thousands daily all over this world so as to help them escape his charred trophy case. But the ever living God of the Bible has already revealed unto His obedient people just how we are going to get around all this.
And so keep praying that we have the means to do the work as well as the faith to stand firm as we do it. For just as all of people, believers and nonbelievers alike have seen every prophecy of the last days come to fulfillment with uncanny accuracy, you can rest assured the last few are going to fulfill just as prophesied. However, they will fulfill much quicker and so, now is the time to “prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.” -Luke 3:4
- https://nicholaspogm.blog/2020/03/11/coronavirus-hype-georgia-guidestones/
- https://nicholaspogm.blog/2020/03/16/they-want-you-to-be-scared/
- https://nicholaspogm.blog/2020/03/25/covid-19-global-compliance/
- https://nicholaspogm.blog/2020/03/29/covid-19-authorities-caugh-lying-on-camera/
- https://nicholaspogm.blog/2020/04/08/covid-19-this-is-our-66ad/
- https://nicholaspogm.blog/2020/04/13/covid-19-confirms-the-new-world-order-is-here/
- https://nicholaspogm.blog/2020/05/20/lock-downs-compliance-sunday-laws/
- https://nicholaspogm.blog/2020/05/27/mask-less-woman-attacked-next-christians/
- https://nicholaspogm.blog/2020/06/15/talk-of-beheadings-by-protesters/
- https://nicholaspogm.blog/2020/06/19/roman-catholics-demand-sunday-laws/
- https://nicholaspogm.blog/2020/06/26/by-beholding-most-will-becomes-killers/
Additional Articles Confirming we are in the Last Days: click here for all the poGm updates
THINKING OUT LOUD: “Satan’s greatest weapon is man’s ignorance of God’s Word. The bible may hurt you with the truth but it will never comfort you with a lie.” -PDH (Click here if you also want to Think Out Loud!)
SIGNS OF THE TIMES: Zimbabwe Sees Child Marriage Boom During Coronavirus Lockdown * U.S. Closes Chinese Consulate in Houston over Privacy, IP Theft Concerns * Houston Fire Department Responds as Chinese Consulate Burns Documents * French Locals Make Deal with Drug Dealers To Let Them Operate In Exchange for Quiet * Homosexual Mayor Pete gets hired by Roman Catholic Notre Dame to ‘restore trust’ in politics * VIDEO: ‘OBEY’: Mysterious message appears in the sky over Lexington * Global frustration: Online sentiments about COVID-19 have turned from fear to anger * GET OUT OF THE CITIES! Joni Ernst Urges Trump to Ban Federal Funds for Cities Allowing Anarchy * MASKED POLICE! Miami Enforcing Mandatory Face Coverings with Dedicated Unit * Retired military officers stand with Trump to stop U.S. riots * Flight from the Cities: Existing Home Sales Soar Nearly 21%—A Record Shattering Monthly Jump * Portland Demonstrators Attack Federal Courthouse on Day 55 of Violent Protests * Nearly 200 Officers Apply to Leave Minneapolis Police Force * 14 Wounded in Mass Shooting Outside Chicago Funeral Home as Mayor Lightfoot Publicly Rejects Trump’s Help * VIDEO: Chicago FOP President: Mayor Has ‘Run the Titanic into an Iceberg, Intentionally’ ‘Broken’ Justice System Creating ‘Bloodbath’ * VIDEO: Watch: Rioters Use ‘Peaceful’ Protests as Cover for Attacks on Chicago Police * Nolte: 8 Reasons Now Is a Good Time to Get Your Concealed Carry Permit * ‘Bodies everywhere’: Mass shooting at funeral sends at least 14 to hospitals * Christians warned to ‘wake up’ as churches burn * VIDEO: Shoplifters Steal from Walgreens in San Francisco Unimpeded * RACISM IN POLITICS: Poll: Majority of Whites Believe ‘American Society Is Racist’ * Allen West: Democrats Unleashed ‘Frankenstein’s Monster’ in BLM * NBA Unveils Black Lives Matter on Court in Orlando * Sage Steele Claims Black ESPN Colleagues Excluded Her from Race Documentary * ABC News Executive Fired for ‘Unacceptable Racially Insensitive Comments’ * Students demand firing of black dean because she mixed up black students’ names * Two journalists, from The Washington Post and CNN, agree with Jemele Hill’s claim that Trump voters are ‘racist’ * Defund police plan: Fire only WHITE police officers * VIDEO: Petition Calls For Trader Joe’s To Change ‘Racist’ Packaging * RELIGION OF PEACE? Islamic school tortures and chains kids between 2 and 10 years old * ROME’S SOCIALIST AGENDA: Caruzo: Arrested for Tweeting and Locked in Rotting Hotels: How Socialist Venezuela Fights the ‘Colombian’ Virus * ROME’S WAR ON FREE SPEECH: Nolte: California City Chooses No Speech over MAGA Speech * Michigan Teacher: I Was Fired After Saying ‘Trump Is Our President’ * Twitter Blacklists 7,000 ‘QAnon’ Accounts, Limits 150,000 Others * Twitter bans Star of David images as ‘hateful’ * Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile Shut Down Trump Campaign Texting Program * CORONAVIRUS HYPE EXPOSED: Poll: Nearly One-Third of Americans Do Not Believe Coronavirus Death Toll Is as High as Reported * ‘Safe Travel Guaranteed’: Uzbekistan Offers $3000 to Tourists if They Get Coronavirus * Millions of Americans not buying official coronavirus death count * VIDEO: Surgeon General Jerome Adams sides with Trump on opposing national coronavirus mask mandate * Want the INSIDE INFO on what the Bible says will happen next? GET THIS BOOK!
Additional Articles Confirming we are in the Last Days: click here for all the poGm updates
THINKING OUT LOUD: “Racism is man’s gravest threat to man – the maximum of hatred for a minimum of reason.” -Abraham Joshua Heschel (Click here if you also want to Think Out Loud!)
SIGNS OF THE TIMES: Chinese Government Orders Low-Income Families to Abandon Their Christian Faith or Lose Financial Aid * VIDEO: Make This Go Viral!!!! Another Doctor Exposed Bill Gates Wicked Agenda On Depopulation of the World * Teen boy grew breasts from ‘experimental’ estrogen prescribed in jail, lawsuit says * VIDEO: Gunman Opens Fire At Home Of N.J. Federal Judge (Four days ago this judge was assigned to the Jeffrey Epstein case – also see this) * Floods Force China to Blow Up Dam to Protect World’s Largest Hydroelectric Plant * Pro-Life Artist Paints ‘Baby Lives Matter’ in Front of Planned Parenthood * Kentucky Couple Under House Arrest After Testing Positive for Coronavirus (She refused to sign for obvious reasons) * Coaches engaging in sex with teens in their care – And it’s not even illegal * VIDEO: Man stabs pastor during bible study in Virginia church; Police chief takes down attacker * 2 of 3 say news outlets pursuing political agenda (aka propaganda) * Study: ‘Jaw-dropping’ decline in births set to have disastrous global impact * VIDEO: Resurfaced drone footage from China shows men being herded from train cars * GET OUT OF THE CITIES! VIDEO: Video shows protesters get shipment of bats before Brooklyn Bridge brawl (First it was pallets of bricks, now it’s baseball bats) * Government protects Government buildings instead of Citizens buildings * Portland Moms Create ‘Human Shield’ to Protect Protesters from Law Enforcement * VIDEO: Black Lives Matter Protesters Loot Businesses, Set Fires in Seattle * At Least 13 Shot as Fight Breaks Out in Peoria Illinois * VIDEO: Black Woman Pours Paint over NYC’s BLM Mural, ‘Refund the Police‘ * RACISM IN POLITICS: AUDIO: Portland cop slams hypocrisy of Black Lives Matter protesters for having fewer minorities than police * Workers protest racial inequality on day of national strike * MLB, Players Contemplating Adding ‘Social Justice’ Themes to 2020 Season * UConn Student Government Leaders Resign Because They Are White * VIDEO: Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms Suggests Race, Sex Behind GA Governor’s Legal Challenge to City’s Mask Ordinance * Black cop: White BLM protesters are nasty and clueless * Is the anti-racism training industry just peddling white supremacy? * ROME’S CASHLESS SOCIETY: Why is there a coin shortage in the U.S.? (They’re using the planned-demic to remove cash) * Keep the Change: Coronavirus Causes Nationwide Coin Shortage * Hang on to your nickels and dimes, the pandemic has created a coin shortage * A run on cents: Why coins are disappearing from cash registers across the country * Walmart joins the cashless game – but can small merchants afford this? * COVID-19 and the war on cash: What is behind the push for a cashless society? * Do you go cashless? Or do you prefer hard currency? * Casinos Consider Cashless Gambling to Fight Coronavirus * POPE’S CLIMATE CHANGE AGENDA: Jesuit Magazine Urges ‘Carbon Tax’ to Combat Climate Change * Climate-prediction craziness is ‘worse than we thought’ * ROME’S WAR ON FREE SPEECH: VIDEO: Sen. Merkley Says Bill Will Stop ‘Peaceful Protester’ Arrests * Juniata College calls cops on student for sending email that mocked diversity demands * University punishes student for Instagram image memorializing Tiananmen * USING CORONA VIRUS HYPE TO ROME’S ADVANTAGE: New COVID-19 restrictions will be needed for anti-vaxxers * They are seeking to change DNA using the Covid vaccine! * Bipartisan bill introduced to require TSA to take temperature checks * Feinstein moves to pull funding from states that don’t require masks * CORONAVIRUS HYPE EXPOSED: U.K. to Offer Hollywood Actors, Crew Exemption From Quarantine Rules * Media Get Absolutely Exposed In Epic Thread On Their Hydroxychloroquine Bias * Jerry Nadler Proposes Ban on Deporting Illegal Aliens with Coronavirus (Proves virus fake – They need migrant votes!) * Columnist Blasts Chris Cuomo’s Wife for Indoor Yoga Class: ‘Rules Don’t Apply’ * ‘Sudden surge’ in coronavirus in infants is false, official says * Man dies in motorcycle crash – AMA says he died of Covid 19! * Want the INSIDE INFO on what the Bible says will happen next? GET THIS BOOK!