Digital dollars are now here, and the Centralized Bank of New York, the nation’s financial center, is pushing for it as a soothing tactic for people who may have lost their fortunes in crypto dollars. A group of major banks and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York have started to test the use of digital tokens representing digital dollars to improve how central bank money is settled between institutions. Citigroup (C), HSBC (HSBC), BNY Mellon (BK) and Wells Fargo (WFC) are among the banks taking part, along with payments giant Mastercard (MA), the New York Fed announced Tuesday. “The 12-week proof-of-concept pilot program will explore the use of a platform known as the regulated liability network, or RLN, whereby banks issue tokens that represent customers’ deposits that are settled on a central bank reserve on a shared distributed ledger,” Coin Desk reported on Wednesday… While the initial work will focus on simulating digital money issued by regulated institutions in US dollars, the concept could be extended to multicurrency operations and stablecoins, which are typically backed one-to-one by another asset such as the dollar or euro.” – Source.
This pilot test is not a coincidence. As prophesied, this is expected to happen so it is not a surprise for the students of prophecy. But the exciting part is that it’s happening now very rapidly in this last generation. By making all transactions digital, it will be easier to control the ability to “buy and sell” from the people and your livelihood be affected unless you received the mark of the Vatican beast.
Yes, the use of cash will be removed from society for this is the beginning phase to enforce the mark and those who refuse to keep the Vatican’s SUNday Sabbath holy will be prevented to “buy or sell”. (Revelation 13:17) The mark of the the beast will soon be enforced, first in USA then other nations will follow.
Are you ready? Are you sure?!
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