Japan’s trade and industry minister said on Thursday that a ‘new world order’ is needed to counter the rise of authoritarian regimes which have thrived in post-Cold War free trade and economic interdependence. “Authoritarian countries have amassed tremendous power, both economically and militarily,” said Yasutoshi Nishimura, Japan’s Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, adding “We must rebuild a world order based on the fundamental values of freedom, democracy, human rights and the rule of law.”
Will citizens be allowed to speak freely over the internet in this “new world order?” Or oppose radical ideologies in schools? Or question the results of an election? Or will it just be another form of authoritarianism with a PR campaign? We digress.

Nishimura spoke ahead of a visit to Washington next week by Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida for talks expected to cover issues including Ukraine, North Korea and China’s tensions with Taiwan. That summit will be preceded by talks between defense and foreign ministers of the two countries.
Kishida said this week he would discuss Tokyo’s new security policy after Washington’s key ally in countering China’s growing might in Asia last month unveiled its biggest military build-up since World War Two. –Reuters
“We might need to make preparations to identify the choke points of countries wanting to engage in coercion and then take countermeasures if necessary,” said Nishimura, who warned that democracies need to protect their industrial power and guard against technology theft – particularly those which could be used for military applications.
He also encouraged US-Japan cooperation beyond semiconductors, biotech, AI and quantum science, and promised to work more closely with Washington on export controls.
“It is … absolutely imperative for us to reinforce our cooperation in the area of export controls,” he added. “We will implement strict export controls grounded in international cooperation while engaging closely in the exchange of views with the United States and other relevant countries.”
Prior to his speech, Nishimura met with US Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo. The pair was joined by executives from IBM and Japan’s Rapidus Corp, to discuss their collaboration on semiconductor R&D.” Source.
Every Bible prophecy that speaks of the return of Christ up to date have been fulfilled historically. We only have few prophecies left to be fulfilled and its happening rapidly. Revelation 17:12 has predicted a one world government that will be formed so as to ensure the enforcement of the mark of the beast. Please notice how the Roman Catholic Vatican will form a New World Order (NWO) – a global rule structure by separating the world into ten kingdoms – they actually use the same terminology of Revelation 17 on Rome’s adaptive model below.
Adaptive Model of the Global World System
“The Club had its beginnings in April of 1968, when leaders from ten different countries gathered in Rome…The organization claims to have the solutions for world peace and prosperity… The Club of Rome has been charged with the task of overseeing the regionalization and unification of the entire world… “The Club’s findings and recommendations are published from time to time in special, highly confidential reports, which are sent to the power-elite to be implemented. On 17th of September 1973 the Club released one such report, entitled Regionalized and Adaptive Model of the Global World System… The document reveals that the Club has divided the world into ten political / economic regions, which it refers to as ‘kingdoms.’

Meanwhile, the pope calls for a New World Government and also calls for ‘New World Order’ After the Pandemic. Christian prophecy is 100% accurate!
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