The “Pro-LGBT Catholics like Jesuit Father James Martin have lauded the Vatican’s allowance of blessings for gay couples as “a huge step forward.” according to news headline on December 19, 2023.
Actually, Pope Francis have endorsed homosexual marriage for the first time back in 2020 and this was all prophesied to happen especially that 98% of Vatican priests are homosexual. In fact, the pope even said that homosexuality is a sin early this year. Those who live under this abominable sin may feel “blessed and happy” today because of the “endorsement” of the “man of sin“; but they will later feel guilty and condemned if they do not confess and forsake this evil way while there is still time to repent.
Marriage, like the seventh day Sabbath, was instituted and blessed by God from the beginning. Not just to populate the globe and perpetuate the race, but also to promote social order and human happiness, to prevent irregular affection, and to transmit truth, purity, and holiness from age to age through well-regulated families. Marriage is a blessing when the divine origin of it is recognized and the divine laws that govern it are followed. But when they are ignored, untold calamities are certain to follow. When used properly, it is a great blessing, but when misused, it becomes the greatest curse.
One reason why Satan is attacking the sanctity of marriage is because it symbolizes our relationship with Christ.
Ephesians 5:31-32 “For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh. 32 This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church.”
Truth is truth!
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