Why the Atlantic Ocean is cooling fast is unknown

The Atlantic Ocean is cooling at an exponential rate, and nobody is sure why,” according to weather report yesterday. It goes on to say that, “it’s been more than a year of record-high global sea temperatures, including being close to the collapse of the AMOC. Despite those troubles, though, the Atlantic is now experiencing something quite baffling-temperatures are cooling, and scientists are scrambling to figure out what’s going on.”

This is yet another blow to those pushing the global warming a.k.a. climate change agenda of the Vatican to enforce the mark. The truth is that the real danger is global cooling poses a greater risk that has been happening for years according to growing number of scientists which others were being ignored by global-warming alarmists, and that we have over 31,000 scientists declaring that global warming is lie. Sadly, some who exposed these facts “may have been assassinated within a space of a few months.” Well, only God knows who did it! And as prophesied, those who will preach the present truth will be persecuted!

Regardless, whether we have global warming or global cooling does not matter because God has declared that the climate will not cease to change and that all these natural calamities are happening to warn everyone to repent of their sins because our Lord and Saviour Jesus is coming very soon!

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