When the Catholic “host” was dropped, altar servers reverently kneeled to clean and gather the particles, then kissed the floor afterward. Watch:
Read the transcript here: – “This happened on Christmas, December 25, 2024, during 7pm mass. We thank these devout altar servers at The Immaculate Conception Church Pasig, who cleaned and made sure that no particles of the holy body and blood of Our Lord Jesus were left on the floor after being dropped. May God bless these altar servers and their families.”
When I was young, I served as an altar boy and truly believed that the bread would transform into flesh and the wine into blood of Jesus at the moment the priest spoke the words of consecration. It wasn’t until my teenage years that I learned the Bible truth and that the Catholic Church was practicing idolatry.
These altar servers may be ignorant of the truth, (just like me before) and God accepts their sincerity. The same is true for many devoted and sincere Catholics who haven’t learned the truth from the Bible yet.
Acts 17:30 says, “And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent:”
But when light shines on their path, God requires them to worship Him by obeying His law; the keeping of the Ten Commandments. And the true Christians in the Babylonian Catholic Church will respond to the last call of mercy by our loving God to “come out” and separate, to be free from corporate sins, and avoid the coming wrath of God.
Revelation 18:4 says, “And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.”
Truth is truth!
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