Lock downs, compliance & Sunday laws

There are plans to make the population jump through all sorts of hoops in the coming days (and years) just so we can live a normal life that will later be adjusted slightly and easily implemented to enforce the mark as students of prophecy know. Yes, it’s all unconstitutional but it will happen and as prophesied they will change the constitution (or what’s left of it) to allow all of it. The fact we now have Harvard lawyers like Alan Dershowitz puffed up as scholars of constitutional law claiming “You Have NO RIGHT to NOT be Vaccinated” confirms their plans are a done deal.

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Pope to Students: Stop Preaching Jesus!


“Pope Francis told Christian high school students this weekend they should respect people of other faiths and not attempt to convert them to Christianity, insisting “we are not living in the times of the crusades.” Asked by one of the students Friday how a Christian should treat people of other faiths or no faith, the pope said that “we are all the same, all children of God” and that true disciples of Jesus do not proselytize. (The Pope said) …The last thing I should do is to try to convince an unbeliever. Never.” –Source

If you continue reading in the article you will find the Pope was outed as a liar by many historians when he added his own fiction to an already fictional sonnet made up by some Poet about forced baptisms of Muslims during the Crusades that never actually happened. He literally lied to those high school students to make his point appear stronger in the eyes of those impressionable students who will look upon the Pope as one worthy of worship.

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Pope said Jesus did not Resurrect

Notice what was just uncovered in an interview with the Pope.

“ROME, November 7, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – Pope Francis’ favored Italian interviewer Eugenio Scalfari is now claiming that the Pope told him that Jesus did not have a bodily resurrection after His passion and death on the cross, but that the man “disappeared” and he came forth from the tomb “in the semblance of a spirit.” –Source

Keep in mind, this is the same Pope that said Jesus failed in October of 2015, the very next month he said the Cross of Christ and God Himself were a failure in November of 2015, then he said Satan is much stronger than Jesus in 2017. And so now this Jesuit Pope is saying Jesus never came out of the tomb in the same manner all Christians will arise on that great and dreadful day when Jesus returns.

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PROPHECY FULFILLING: Catholicism will be LAW in USA

“At the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C., on Tuesday, Mulvaney said that principles of the Catholic faith are manifested within the Trump administration… The president has allowed us, Christians of all denominations, folks from all different faiths … to be very vocal about their faith. …I’m comfortable as a Catholic, even though I work for a gentleman who is not Roman Catholic, that the principles of our faith are alive and well and well respected in this administration and are driving many of our policies,” Mulvaney said. “That is something I am extraordinarily proud to be a part of.” –Source

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CNN Promoting Worship of the Pope

popeCNNcutSome of you may recall a video I did a little over 4 years ago wherein I showed the Scriptural and historic proof that the mortal wound that was administered to the Pope back in 1798AD in the exact year the Prophet Daniel predicted was finally healed. As expected, no one in any 501c3 church or ministry that claims to understand or even preach prophecy ever said anything about what happened back in January of 2014 that confirmed what obedient students of prophecy declared regarding the wound being healed many years prior that I listed on my main site. And now we see CNN, a News Network known for their fake news, has decided to create a docuseries about the Pope being the most powerful man in the world wherein the Pope is declared a man of his own word instead of God’s Word just as Jesus predicted he would do in John 5:43 so as to bolster their network’s ratings while at the same time confirm what we stated years ago that the mortal wound is clearly healed. When you get time, you seriously need to check out the trailer they just released for that docuseries glorifying the Pope as another god on earth on Pastor Craig’s YouTube channel.   Continue reading

Pope says don’t oppose God or Caesar

popefrancisToday’s blog entry is a video of the Pope posted by Rome Reports a few moments ago, and as usual they have next to nothing in the way of comments regarding the video itself. And so I will just share quickly as to what he said in the video and what he actually meant by what he said, as per Vatican record.

In the video he declared, and I quote “The Christian is called to commit himself concretely to human and social realities without opposing ‘God’ and ‘Caesar.'” And so who does this and every Pope believe to be the God he is speaking of here that the common man must never oppose? And who is it he believes to be Caesar? Well first of all, as we know by many Vatican quotes, the Popes of Rome actually declare themselves to be “God on earth.”   Continue reading

Hardline Colombia Catholics shun ‘false prophet’ pope

2a16f1e6688d40f9c012a24f0a0c5fab0d37d467Though millions may turn out to wave at Pope Francis when his popemobile rolls through Colombia’s streets this week, one group of people will not be smiling — or even watching.

They go to mass and their homes are filled with devotional figurines, but for some here, this pope is just not Catholic enough.

“This visit is by someone ‘non grata’, as diplomats say… He is a false pope, a false prophet of God,” says the academic Jose Galat, the movement’s most prominent member.   Continue reading

Pope Francis ‘paving way for Antichrist’

jose_galatAn ultra-conservative university and television network director has fallen out of grace with Colombia’s Catholic church after claiming Pope Francis is a “false prophet” who is “paving the way for the Antichrist.”

The influential but radical Jose Galat, director of the Great Colombia university and Teleamiga television network, almost spewed fire when interviewed by Blu Radio about an impending papal visit to Colombia.   Continue reading

High Court rules Tel Aviv stores can open Sabbath

telaviv800.2016215T101003“Israel’s High Court of Justice today ruled that supermarkets, entertainment centers, and pharmacies would be allowed to operate in Tel Aviv on the Sabbath (Friday sunset to Saturday sunset). The Court had to rule on the issue, after three years during which Ministers of the Interior Gideon Sa’ar, Silvan Shalom, and Aryeh Deri refrained from making a decision. …he special and separate arrangement for the Sabbath day reflects national Jewish culture, together with the important social values of democracy. At the same time, the arrangement includes an important democratic element at the local level making it possible to give more precise expression to the different characteristics of the population in every town and community.” –Source

In other words, as expected, the Jews have bowed to the Roman man of sin just as students of prophecy declared they would for many years. And I am not just saying that to toot a horn or seek recognition because we all know that the prophecy of the mark of the beast entails a global law and no matter what day you call Sabbath, unless you give it up and bow to Rome’s Sunday laws you will have some very difficult times ahead of you when it comes to having the ability to buy and sell and then those in power will see your life. Hence the reason for 30,000+ guillotines already on US soil.   Continue reading

Retrial for Jesus: New campaign launched in Israel

Israel-600x300“A Jewish Orthodox scholar is proposing an Old Testament ceremony, the redemption of the firstborn, to return Jesus of Nazareth to the Jewish fold and then hold a retrial at which he could be acquitted. The first trial, two millennia ago, resulted in Jesus’ condemnation by the high priests for blasphemy, his crucifixion by the Roman conquerors and his resurrection through which Christians worldwide believe they can receive salvation and life eternal. The Jewish authorities, however, have been libeled ever since as “Christ-killers” and more. …Alloro’s argument is that the retrial of Jesus is necessary because the original trial before the high priest in the middle of the night was illegal.” –Source
First and foremost, the Jews were not “libeled” as Christ killers. Their leaders did in fact fabricate a case against Him and used the Roman authorities to kill Him because they could not kill Him themselves. Still, all that was prophesied and Jesus was supposed to die for the sins of men including this illegal trial and the sin of murder by the Jews. And yes, even the lie of this so called “Rabbi” can be forgiven if in fact the man proclaiming it repents and accept Jesus as Saviour.   Continue reading