LGBT activists blame Christians for Orlando attack

nightclub_shooting_florida-jpeg-92b94_c0-131-3300-2055_s885x516“Several prominent gay-rights activists took to social media to blame Christians for Sunday’s massacre at a gay nightclub inOrlando. Chase Strangio, a staff attorney at the American Civil Liberties Union, on Sunday said the “Christian Right” is implicated in the slaughter by passing “anti-LGBT bills.” –Source

This is how demented and hateful the homosexual mind truly is. Even though Christians had absolutely nothing to do with aMuslim man killing 50 homosexuals and wounding 53 more in a homosexual nightclub, the hatred for Jesus is so deep seated by Satan himself inside the homosexuals he guides, he has been able to twist reality to such an extent that they truly do believe Christians are the reason for the shooting. After all, if he can get them to lust after the same sex, how hard would it be to get them to hate the only people on earth that love them enough to warn them of danger who are also praying for them. Satan hates us that much!  Continue reading…

poGm VIDEO: Muslim kills 50 in Florida gay Nightclub

news-killedingaynightclub“A gunman wielding an assault-type rifle and a handgun opened fire inside a crowded gay nightclub early Sunday, killing at least 50 people before dying in a gunfight with SWAT officers, police said. It was the deadliest mass shooting in American history. Authorities were investigating the attack on the Florida dance hall as an act of terrorism. The gunman’s father recalled that his son recently got angry when he saw two men kissing in Miami and said that might be related to the assault. At least 53 people were hospitalized, most in critical condition, officials said. A surgeon at Orlando Regional Medical Center said the death toll was likely to climb. “There’s blood everywhere,” Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer said. All of the dead were killed with the assault rifle, according to Rep. Alan Grayson.” –Source

This is the true definition of the word HATE! Why so many people think Christians, who only share love and truth are hateful makes no sense at all. When people persecute, torture and even kill you, that’s how one defines hatred! (click here for video on YouTubeclick here for video on  Source

Leaders of the world’s two largest faiths reconciled with a hug and a kiss

pope-imamWith a hugely symbolic hug and an exchange of kisses on the cheek, Pope Francis and the grand imam of Cairo’s al-Azhar Mosque, which houses a 1,000-year-old university, took a major step toward restoring relations between major branches of the world’s two largest faiths, Roman Catholicism and Sunni Islam. The two met privately for 25 minutes in the pope’s private library at the Vatican.

“This meeting is the message,” the pope told the imam, Ahmed Mohamed el-Tayeb.  Continue reading…

Five Suspects Arraigned in Beheading of Nigerian Christian

womanhanddeadas_siFive people have been arraigned in Nigeria in the brutal murder of a Christian woman who was accused of blaspheming Mohammed.

Nigerian authorities said 74-year-old Bridget Abihime, a trader and pastor’s wife, was surrounded last Thursday by a mob of Muslims and beheaded at a market in Kano.

It is reported that the woman was killed for allegedly saying Islam’s prophet was not important.  Continue reading…

VIDEO: Tiny Christian church in holy war with Islam

belmont-drive-missionary-baptist-sign“The church is so small it doesn’t even have a website. It’s main method of communicating with the outside world is its outdoor marquee sitting out front of its building along a highway that few travel. Harrington posted messages last month on the board that read: “Wake up Christians. Allah is not our God. Muhammad not greater than Jesus.” The other side of the marque stated “Only the Bible is God’s Word. Koran is just another book.” In a matter of days word spread to Muslim groups and their left-leaning supporters well beyond Hood River. About a dozen protesters descended on the small church with signs saying “take down this sign.” This church is so small it often can’t muster more than a dozen members for a Sunday service.” –Source

Amazing how a small town preacher with a handful of church goers can see the truth in this, but the main stream millionaires dressed up as wolves in sheep’s clothing can’t seem to realize Allah is not God and Jesus is much more powerful than a pedophile; but then this is the norm in these last days wherein if you have enough political pundits willing to spread the lie for Rome who not only has to make pedophilia the norm, they also seek to make it appear as a wise choice for those looking on who can be indoctrinated to think since learned and powerful men are pedophiles it must mean it’s the right thing to do. Don’t believe people can’t be indoctrinated into thinking child rape is the norm? Perhaps you would have laughed 40 years ago as well if told abortion and homosexual marriage would be legalized in the future?  Continue reading…

ISIS burns 19 girls alive for refusing sex slavery

isisburqa-1“ISIS, the army of Islamic terrorists controlling large portions of Syria and Iraq, quickly established itself as a potent monster with its firing squad executions, its beheadings and even crucifixions. It soon added the dropping of victims into water while they were confined in cages along with dissolving victims in acid. It even was found to be burying alive its own fighters for fleeing from the enemy. But those atrocities all may have just been trumped by reports ISIS is executing captured girls and women for refusing sex. According to ARA News, jihadis last week burned to death 19 Yazidi girls who had been taken as “sex slaves.” “They were punished for refusing to have sex with ISIS militants,” ARA News learned from a local activist, Abdullah al-Malla. The 19 girls were burned to death, while hundreds of people were watching. Nobody could do anything to save them from the brutal punishment,” another source in Mosul told ARA. The victims were placed in iron cages in central Mosul and burned, the reports said. The girls were captured from the ISIS region in northern Iraq, which was taken over by ISIS in the summer of 2014.” –Source

Have you ever read Foxe’s book of Martyrs? Not an easy read on any account. Most Christian can’t get half way through. But if you ever read portions of it, or have heard about the methods of murder used by the Roman Catholic church in its not so distant past, or you hear about how Roman Catholic Emperor Adolph Hitler killed Christians and Jews you will see that they not only hate Christians who refuse to obey them, they all use the exact same methods of torture and murder. But it doesn’t end there. Continue reading…

Muslim Migrant Wants Swedish Taxpayers to Fund HIS 3 WIVES AND 20 CHILDREN

A Muslim migrant who claims to be unable to work, recently moved to Sweden and wanted taxpayers to foot the bill for his three wives and twenty children. He was surprised to learn that even in Sweden, there are limits.

Mad World News reported:

Muslim Wants Taxpayers To Fund 3 Wives & 20 Kids, Border Control Answers

An entitled Syrian asylum seeker claims he is “too sick” to work or learn his host country’s language, so he’s demanding that taxpayers foot the bill for all three of his wives and 20 children. Just when he thought he was going to get his way, the migrant welfare leech was stopped by border control and given a response that wiped the greedy smile right off his face.

Continue reading…

poGm VIDEO: US Schools say NO to Jesus and YES to Allah!

news-no2jesusyes2allahAs most of you know I did a post about all this on my poGm blog last week. (on Friday) But this needs to get out there so I made a short video as well so more people find out what’s happening in their local school system. Just as the children were indoctrinated 20+ years ago to vote yes on all the decadence we see now in America on a daily basis, they are now being indoctrinated to vote yes on Sharia law so as to legalize the killing of the Christians when the mark is enforced. – Please spread the word.. Government schools are not a safe place for our children! (Click here to see the video on YouTube or click here to see it on

By the way, as is apparent in this video, Sharia law is about to be a part of American law just as students of prophecy predicted years ago. I did a video back in 2014 in fact about how “Sharia is coming to America” to alert the people about what’s already rolling downhill. As we see by the use of age old tactics of brainwashing children into a mindset that agrees with all that is evil in the world, strangely enough, the schools are still bulging at the seams with new students each year. And this is besides the fact that homeschooling children not only prevents the child from becoming Atheist, homosexual or even downright hateful against Christians, homeschooling also blows the doors off of Government schooling methods. The statistics are shocking in fact! Check out this video wherein 6 homeschooled children from the same family all stepped into college by the ripe old age of 12!  Continue reading…

Head Of Germany’s Protestant Church Wants Islam Taught In State Schools

574f36651200002500895118The head of the Protestant Church in Germany has called for Islam to be taught in state schools across the country as a way to make young Muslims impervious to the “temptation of fundamentalists.”

Bishop Heinrich Bedford-Strohm told the Heilbronner Stimme newspaper that teaching Islam in schools nationwide would give Muslim pupils a chance to take a critical approach to their own religion.  Continue reading…


Saudi Arabia: Muslims Converting to Christianity Despite Persecution

29591-cross-sunset-facebook-800w-tnAlthough Saudi Arabia is a predominantly Muslim country that is hostile to Christians, many in the country are converting to Christianity and receiving support for their faith online.
According to, there are about 1.4 million Christians living in Saudi Arabia. Although this is only 4.4 percent of the country’s total population, it is up from only 0.1 percent just over 100 years ago.
Islam is the official state religion and those who reject it–whether Christians, atheists, or those of any other religion–are often severely persecuted. In fact, Saudi Arabia ranks fourteenth on persecution charity Open Doors’s World Watch List of countries where Christians face the worst persecution.  Continue reading…