Covid-19 Authorities CAUGHT LYING ON CAMERA!

This is disgusting! The so called authorities made up a bunch of flyers lying about a homeless man that they said died hours ago but the woman who befriended the homeless man and even fed him on a regular basis confronts them ON CAMERA and exposed them before witnesses how they were spreading fear for the government! She saw the man 5-10 minutes prior to them arriving saying he died hours ago! They got caught red handed spreading fear to keep the people under control!

It’s amazing how some people will lie through their teeth for the money the government gives them! Reminds me of the brownshirts that helped Hitler. What they fail to realize is that their lies will cause their government to not only cause major issues for their neighbors, but for themselves and their families as well!

UPDATED: 03-30-20

Additional Articles Confirming we are in the Last Days:
SIGNS OF THE TIMES: China bribing children to report on their own religious parents * Kill Cameras’: As Kids Held at Gunpoint in Raid on Wrong Home, Cops Illegally Stop Recording * Cop Fired, Charged As Chilling Video Shows Him Torture Naked Unarmed Man In ‘Diabetic Event’ * VIDEO: As I stated on my plagues page years ago, the Lord’s method by which He will bring on the boils is already here (See the 7 Last Plagues Page here) * Leftist: Let’s use coronavirus to eliminate ‘the family’ * Dancing dean: NYU admin sends bizarre video to students demanding refunds * Chuck Norris warns of rebellion, martial law if America’s COVID strategy doesn’t change * As leftists demand America stay closed for months, suicide calls skyrocket * Chinese maker of forehead thermometers ‘jokes’ about making faulty product to spread disease in U.S. * SDA Church Asks MARY to bless grapes! * Real ID deadline extended (AGAIN) to Oct. 1, 2021 – The Washington Post * ROME’S CASHLESS SOCIETY: Who Urges People To Go ‘Cashless’ Because ‘Dirty Banknotes Can Spread The Virus’ * USING CORONA VIRUS HYPE TO ROME’S ADVANTAGE: Use of religious beliefs to justify rights violations must be outlawed says UN expert * FYI: VIDEO: The National Plan to Vaccinate Every American * Bp To Turn Smart Cities Into 24/7 Real-time Listening Devices Using Fiber Optic Cables * Rhode Island Authorities Conduct Door-to-Door Checks-ins of New Yorkers Fleeing Coronavirus * 4 Ways China Gains from the Coronavirus Pandemic * VIDEO: India: Police Beat People with Sticks for Violating Coronavirus Curfew * CDC: Japanese Data Show Indoor Coronavirus Transmission 18.7 Times Likelier, as Garcetti Moves L.A. Homeless to Rec Centers * VIDEO: Donald Trump Extends Coronavirus Guidelines to April 30 * Corona Gossip: Rome Mayor Asks Citizens to Snitch on Quarantine Breakers * Large-scale ‘internet rationing’ possible, experts warn * CORONAVIRUS HYPE EXPOSED: VIDEO: VIDEO: Fake Virus! No one at NYC Hosptial * Italy’s COVID-19 situation is dire but a photo of coffins is not from the coronavirus pandemic * Why Did Hundreds Of CEOs Resign Just Before The World Started Going Absolutely Crazy? * Coronavirus (LEGAL) Jailbreak: Eight Sex Offenders Freed in Cuomo’s New York * U.S. doctor fired for sounding alarm on lack of protective gear * Epidemiologist Behind Highly-Cited Coronavirus Model Drastically Downgrades Projection


Covid-19: Global Compliance

Do you recall all the videos I posted showing how the Pope met with all the CEO and Political leaders as well as how he controls the media in America and other aspects of society? There’s far too many to list here. It’s all part of the final plans towards a New World Order.

Have you seen all the Covid 19 compliance emails being sent out from every major company we associate with on and offline? I’ve seen emails about how these companies are doing all they can to do their part in this so called pandemic. From our banks to utility companies, to our schools and even online shopping. Most of us have seen this type of email the last 2 weeks. And so what does it all mean?

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The reason they WANT you to be SCARED!

Reuters just announced “‘It’s okay to feel scared’” (Source) But as Christians that trust the Lord, no, it is not “ok to feel scared.” Despair is sin. In fact, as I stated in a video back in 2018, fear keeps you OUT of Heaven!

As prophesied, the powers that be are doing this to cultivate fear because it makes it that much easier to control the masses. Moving one man away from his opinion or even his morals can be very difficult for the powers that be. But put that man in a crowd filled with fear and he will follow the herd wherever they are told to go.

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Coronavirus Hype, Georgia Guidestones & the MARK

I am sure many are wondering as to why the media is saying people are dropping like flies due to the Corona virus, yet most people don’t see it in regular life. In fact, I did a poll in my YouTube Community of 30,000 subscribers and it turns out that 98% never had it nor know of anyone that had the virus. None of us, myself included have yet to hear of anyone that has the virus. As a pastor, I myself have yet to receive a single prayer request from any of the brethren we are in agreement with that are now in every nation on earth. One would think at least one would have emailed or called by now.

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Prepare to Meet Thy God!

Check out this video my brother in the faith Pastor Craig posted as part of his video exposing “The Pope’s Global World System” the other day. What you’re about to see is something I also did a video on some time ago as well. But this new video steps it up a bit in regards to how the technology has been greatly improved. Keep in mind however; I do not post this video for the student of prophecy or even the obedient people of God because they already know what time it is. The Lord they love reveals these thing to them so as to bless them with peace as well as the courage and faith needed to stand firm when that day finally arrives. And all these blessings come about by simply reading our Bibles and praying each and every day. And so no, I post this video for the lukewarm Christian who rarely reads their Bibles as well as the scoffer that never reads the Bible at all.

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U.N. plans One World Government by 2030

“In Article 3, Instead of the inalienable rights of “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” found in our Declaration of Independence, the UN declares everyone’s right to “life, liberty and security of person.” …There are goals for the cities, for women, for the poor, and even for life under the water. Absolutely no sphere of human activity is exempt from control by the UN. …In 2015, seventy years after their original rights-based document, the UN took a giant step towards the global government that was only hinted at in their first organizing document. The sustainability ideal is not wedded to a Christian worldview. …The relevance of the individual is downplayed.”  –Source

In the article they go on to say no one will be allowed to have individual rights. This confirms the discernment of God’s obedient remnant, who have been declaring for decades that none of this can go down without a Socialist form of Government. What we have been preaching all along has only recently been spoken of in the mainstream media as the coming norm and this article literally stated when speaking of the One World Government that “there was a socialistic thread in its founding document” and that is why they tabled it for decades so as to ready the people for the change. And now that Socialism is all the rage in today’s politics, the means by which to finally go forward is now upon us. And when it comes to removing the rights of the individual, it will only be possible as the article says, when individual liberty is submerged in a scientifically determined collectivist mindset with final decisions in the hands of the devilish, all-knowing Big Brothers.” Which the government schools have been indoctrinating the students towards for decades to the point the media now feels they have a sanctified freedom via the courts to regurgitate daily on every News channel knowing most over 18 agree thanks to their teachers brainwashing them.   Continue reading

VIDEO: “An alert for the world” – UN Secretary-General António Guterres, 2018 New Year Video Message

171231130352-un-chief-antonio-guterres-exlarge-169“United Nations – Video message by United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres on the occasion of the 2018 New Year.” –Source

If you either watch the video or read the transcript they so graciously placed in the comments section you will see something if you have eyes to see it. As you may know, I made a video on Wednesday that openly exposed the Pagans running the United Nations. That video in only 4:00 minutes long and well worth the watch as it shows how the United Nations used their power, influence and cash on hand to build and promote three Pagan gods in grand display for everyone to bow to. Well, everyone in their circle of deception that is.

As was also illustrated in that same video was the absolute and rock hard connection of the U.N. with the Vatican in Rome wherein Paganism has always been uplifted and promoted as the norm to the point the prelates in the church of Rome had no problem admitting in writing that they merged Paganism with Christianity to create what they now call Catholicism.

Now that all that has been said, notice this about the man that heads up the United Nations that is calling for global unity of all the nations of the world in the video. Keep in mind before I share this that the Popes in Rome have been doing everything they can for centuries to get to this point and have even admitted in writing in their infamous Jesuit oath that they will kill anyone refusing their political advances. Since the end is finally in site; Satan who is running scared knowing his time is short has them now forging ahead ever so stealthily with their plans for a New World Order in this video since we all know most nations have already bowed to the Pope. In other words, the majority of nations have spoken and so the hold outs are either at war or are about to see their leaders replaced to make sure this will happen for the dying god of Rome.

Just so you know, all of us have seen that since the meetings of Vatican II, the Pope demanded all prelates focus heavily on infiltrating and forcing all the Protestant churches to join with them just as the prophecy predicted long ago. We also know that as of June 26, 2000 the one world church did in fact form with the Pope as the elected leader of it. (They even stated in writing in 1999 that he would lead it) And so they right now have gained the loyalty and worship of all Protestant leaders including the SDA General Conference presidents. And thanks to the latest cog in the wheel being set firmly in place right here in America wherein all 501c3 churches have created their prophesied image of the beast in Rome so as to help the Pope bring about national Sunday laws, it’s a no brainer now that the United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres steps up on camera within exactly one year of being elected to demand in a very gentle format wherein we all know by looking back in historic record that actually means do it or die, every nation on earth must now put into play their final orders regarding the unification of all nations under their long prophesied New World Order.

Now.. are you sitting down?

There is a nail in this coffin of deception most missed back when this man was elected to head the United Nations on January 01 of 2017. Just to summarize the facts presented here as well as drive home the point I brought up in my last video; the Vatican is in fact the Whore of Babylon, and as students of prophecy we know Babylon is Pagan in origin to the point of hating the Christian God of the Bible. Just by looking into the News over the last year we also discovered that since this man took office in the United Nations he has funded the erection of literally three Pagan temples and gods to be placed before the people of the world as gods he is proclaiming to be worthy of worship. Because you do not fund such things and promote them as he did unless you plan to declare them worthy of worship. And just so you know; to date, no other UN Secretary General has ever done that.

And now get this. According to the Roman Catholic church and more than a few of their officially endorsed church offices, this man that heads up the United Nations who has delcared three Pagan gods worthy of worship who is also right now declaring a need for a one world government, this man is in fact a devout Roman Catholic.

Additional Articles Confirming we are in the Last Days: 
Prof says ‘white Christians’ facing an ‘existential crisis’ * Swarthmore College Offers ‘Queering the Bible’ Course with ‘Trans Readings of Scripture’ * US taxes now pay to rebuild churches of any faith – no matter how strange * German Government: Rise in Violent Crime Is Linked to Mass Migration * Iran Stages ‘Counter-Protests’ to Distract from Popular Outrage Against Islamic Theocracy * Report: YouTube Responsible for Logan Paul Suicide Victim Video * Video of Jordan Peterson Denying Being White Supremacist Blocked by YouTube in Europe for ‘Incitement of Hatred’ * Huma’s new Muslim family, email crisis * VIDEO: U.S. woman stabbed 14 times by Somali explodes police narrative * London gets Muslim mayor, now tops in acid attacks * Meet ‘pardoned’ illegal aliens: Felons, thieves, druggies * Planned Parenthood enters transgender-hormone market as abortions decline, clinics close * FYI: Security flaws put virtually all phones, computers at risk * Bloomberg: 2018 Is ‘the Year of Social Media’ * Nissan Wants to Improve Vehicle Handling by Reading Your Mind * U.S. Muslim population expanding ‘rapidly’ * Turkey religious affairs state agency under fire for saying girls as young as nine could marry * Facebook declines to say why it deletes certain political accounts, but not others * VIDEO: Pro-Abortion Student Defends Infanticide. Killing a 2-Year-Old Baby is Okay Because “It Can’t Communicate” * Students win 30th fight against speech limits


VIDEO: Anti-Fascist Film Goes Viral After Charlottesville Rally

DHQq-KXXgAAN7ScAccording to Business Insider, the video – called “Don’t Be A Sucker” – was produced by the U.S. War Department in 1943 and re-released after the end of World War II.The video opens by discussing a man named Mike who has “got everything.” –Source

YOU NEED TO WATCH THIS VIDEO. The first video is 17 minutes long and I didn’t watch it. Although I assume it will be well worth the viewing; but I only watched the second one first as it was posted as an advert off a different article I was originally reading this morning as I was scanning for articles worthy of posting to the blog. It took me a while to find the original 2 minute clip as it appears to be well hidden online regardless of the fact they said it went viral. But I’m glad I did finally find it so as to post it here.   Continue reading

Papal Advisers Bash American Christians in Bigoted Screed

Pope-Francis-with-Spadaro-640x480“In a peculiar, rambling essay, papal adviser Father Antonio Spadaro SJ has caricatured white southern evangelicals as well as conservative American Catholics as ignorant, theocratic, Manichean, war-mongering fanatics anxiously awaiting the apocalypse. …Conservative Christians, the article warns, are ultimately driven by “the desire for some influence in the political and parliamentary sphere and in the juridical and educational areas so that public norms can be subjected to religious morals.” …They write that the American tendency to view the world in terms of good and evil and to mingle “politics, morals and religion” dates back to the beginning of the 20th century, with the publication of Lyman Stewart’s 12-volume work, The Fundamentals.” –Source

So, let me get this straight. The Pope’s head advisor, who is also a bloodthirsty Jesuit, and I do not say that in a sarcastic manner. They both took the Jesuit oath in order to declare themselves to be Jesuits. And so with that in mind, this Jesuit is upset because some Christians in the south, who are by majority to this day to have yet to forget why America was truly founded; which was to escape the Vatican Inquisitors that used their religio/political State to torture and kill hundreds of millionsof Christians that refused to worship the Pope and his Pagan dogma, these American Christians of the south are now (according to Jesuits) the evil ones in today’s world because they want to influence their government by prayer and by using a religious tone in life since our nation was in fact founded on Christian principles?

The pot calling the kettle black?!

This Jesuit needs to stop echoing blood curdling oaths, Vatican transcripts and Jesuit authors and start doing a little more research into what his church really stands for. Well.. ok.. I say that for the benefit of those readings because since he is a Jesuit he knows all too well how to play the two ends against the middle so as to gain the upper-hand in political banter. Reality dictates he is upset that nonCatholics are trying to stand firm in their faith with the hopes of moving their political leaders to do the same for God and country. That all being said, need I remind you Mr Spadaro about the following quotes from your own political / church leasers? And before reading, keep in mind none of them spoke as Americans on American soil with American citizenship when huffing and puffing forth their proVatican agendas.

And yes, for those of you that can see the forest for the trees that are reading this now, this is why the Pope and his cronies need a one world Government. They know they have no say so when speaking from a foreign land (Vatican City) when it comes to American ideals. Yes they can say the political leaders with palms out, but the people they supposedly represent? Not so much. And so, under their long prophesied New World Order, all sovereignty is gone and they can and will do just as prophecy predicted so as to assure the Vatican mark is enforced. Only problem is, prophecy also predicts they have already lost!

  • The Roman Catholic motto is ourselves alone for fellow Roman Catholics. We must defeat all heretics (non Catholics) at the ballot box. The holy father states that negative tactics are fatal. The demands of the holy father (the pope) are that the public services should be 100% Roman Catholic soon. Care must be taken that no suspicion may be raised when Roman Catholics are secretly given more government jobs than Protestants, Jews and other heretics.” -Archbisop Gilroy
  • But Constitutions can be changed, and non-Catholic sects may decline to such a point that the political proscription [ban] of them may become feasible and expedientWhat protection would they have against a Catholic state?” –The State and the Church, pp.38,39, by Miller and Ryan, imprimatur of Cardinal Hayes.
  • “The Catholic Church in this nation must live on to accomplish her work, even though our Republican form of government disappears.” –The Catholic World,April, 1935, p.12. “
  • They [Catholics] must penetrate wherever possible in the administration of civil affairs… all Catholics should do all in their power to cause the constitution of states, and legislation to be modeled on the principles of the true Church.” –Encyclical of Leo XIII.

Now do you see why our political leaders in our nation’s birth were very adamant about how they penned our constitution? They knew all too well about how evil the Popes of Rome really were. In fact, as also prophesied in 2 Thessalonians 2:3 everyone alive back then knew because all of them read their Bibles and all of them fled to this nation seeking religious freedom from the long prophesied beast in Rome that hates, tortures and kills Christians. Proof? Notice what George’s Washington’s General said in writing back then…

  • If the liberties of the American people are every destroyed, they will fall by the hand of the Roman Catholic cult’s clergy.”  –General Lafayette under President George Washington

It was so well known that publishing a statement like this would never cause any public outcry against it. For every soul alive at the publishing of that statement lost loved ones and even saw some die at the hands of Catholic priests. And how have times changed eh? And yes, we know all about how prophecy predicted it would change and the second beast (the USA) would help the Vatican regain her power after the prophesied 1929 meeting in the Lateran Palace. But for those that want see how quickly times changed? And this may be especially shocking to those that worship Ronald Reagan and think he could do no wrong; notice what one of his cabinet members said after being asked why Reagan felt the USA needed an ambassador to Vatican City.

  • “It would allow the USA to influence the political decisions of the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH!” W. Kenneth Dan


Religious establishment prohibited. Freedom of speech, of the press, and right to petition. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

One last thing, the Pope’s advisor hatefully described the southern Christian people in America by saying they were “war-mongering fanatics anxiously awaiting the apocalypse” in the article. Why did he say that? The Jesuits know how little time their dying god has to fill his trophy case with obedient souls and so they hate anyone that states the end is soon to come because that sparks and interest in the hearts of many for repentance just as John the Baptist did and we that also have the same message to prepare a people of the Lord right before the end. In fact, this is why the unbiblically declared “Saint” Pope John Paul II himself stated in 1998 that “the end is not yet nigh!” He knew the efforts of God’s obedient people were getting some in his church to leave and so to prevent a mass exodus, he lied openly to all the world to keep his pews filled! Click here for the entire article on this.


Additional Articles Confirming we are in the Last Days: 
Christian Pastor Shot Dead Outside Church in India * Israel To Reopen Temple Mount With Additional Security Measures * ANOTHER Clinton Foundation witness found dead * GOP Spending Panel Invites Illegals to Get Government Jobs * Fishermen express fury as Fukushima plant set to release radioactive material into ocean * WHAT?! Having children is one of the most destructive things you can to do the environment, say researchers * FYI: Six major US airports now scan Americans’ faces when they leave country * ANOTHER Vatican Scandal dealing with Children! * UK’s First State-Funded Muslim School Taken Over by Govt After Pro-Rape Books Found * FYI: Amazon Considering Allowing Developers Access To Alexa Transcripts * VIDEO: Bernstein on Trump-Russia Collusion: ‘We Are in the Midst of a Cold Civil War in This Country’ * Union Demands Teachers Undergo Compulsory ‘Gender Diversity’ Training