Wicked within: U.S. plunges toward ‘occultism and demons’

satanic“Television shows featuring exorcisims as entertainment. Lucifer as a crime-fighting hero on television. Occult symbols used in music videos. References to demons seem to be everywhere in American culture. And the rise in occultism comes at a time when experts, including Catholic priests who specialize in the rite, claim exorcism is becoming more common.” –Source

First and foremost a Roman Catholic priest cannot exorcise any demons. The fact they invented the so called “exorcism” proves this hands down. What I mean is, when you look into the Word of God what do you see each and every time Jesus Christ cast out a demon? Do you see Jesus going to the person’s home dressed in black (the color of Satan, Hell & pain) with a Vatican approved contract for the parents to sign as well as a receipt booklet so as to give the parents a receipt each time they “pay” to have their child “exorcised” of the demon over the coming months and even years depending upon the wealth of the family and greed of the exorcist? No, whenever a person that was possessed by a demon got anywhere near to Jesus that person would be instantly freed of that demon! No money changed hands, no splashing of useless man-made holy water, no candles to fend of “negative” spirits, no burning of sage to help keep the demons away and certainly no prayers being repeated over and over and over again.   Continue reading

Fatima solution to mayhem in Vatican today

threefatimachildren_810_500_55_s_c1“Mayhem. That’s the only word to describe what is taking place in the Church today. Remember the archbishop who released a scandalous Vatican sex-ed program at World Youth Day in Krakow? He was appointed as the new head of the Pontifical Academy for Life and Rome’s John Paul II Institute for Marriage and Family. Both institutions have now been stripped bare – the Academy of all its members and the Institute of its most conservative faculty. Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia recently gushed praise for one of Italy’s leading proponents of abortion, same-sex “marriage” and restriction on religious freedom. More than that, prior to his Vatican post he commissioned a homoerotic mural in his cathedral church in which he had included an image of himself.” –Source

And it goes on from there about some of the scandals in the Vatican. But they most assuredly don’t cover all of them. In fact, if they were to peruse my website to just hit on the highlights (or lowlights for that matter) regarding the Vatican’s sinful past the last few decades alone, they would have one very large article to contend with.   Continue reading

Exorcists warn against Wiccan spell to bind Donald Trump

Candles_Credit_Vera_Petruk_Shutterstock_cnaWitches in the U.S. are offering a solution to those who say Donald Trump is not their president: cast a spell on him. It’s a planned monthly event that began Friday, Feb. 23 at the stroke of midnight Eastern Time.

Witches from around the country are casting a mass spell to drive Trump from office. The plan is to continue every night of a waning crescent moon until he is no longer president.

Organizers set up a Facebook page, called “A Spell to Bind Donald Trump and All Those Who Abet Him.” The spell is publicized on the Internet and includes a supply list such as an unflattering photo of Trump, a tarot card, a stub of an orange candle, and earth.   Continue reading

VIDEO: Disney’s first ‘exclusively gay moment’ hits screens in Beauty and the Beast

JS122062081-beauty-and-the-beast-xlarge_trans_NvBQzQNjv4Bqy34agG8LywN8jF2j6iD1ZW33BCoFRjiBBi3TgWHQy5QNow, Disney is to move firmly into a new era as it introduces its first “exclusively gay moment”, disclosing the new version of Beauty and the Beast will star a manservant exploring his sexuality. The live-action version of Beauty and the Beast is already on course to be the most thoroughly modern film of its kind, with star Emma Watson discussing how she made the role of Belle more feminist. The team have now revealed one character, LeFou, will experience Disney’s first ever “gay moment” on screen, as he struggles with his feelings for ultra-macho leading man Gaston.” –Source

Surprised? Yeah, neither am I. Many people, and this includes Christians and non-Christians alike, have known for many years that Disney is one of the most evil organizations on the planet. And I say “most evil” because as we all know, the adults in this world have been easily CONvinced into thinking such things as homosexuality, fornication and bestiality is normal. But unless you indoctrinate the children early on, as we have seen for decades now wherein Hollywood companies that have designed “entertainment” specifically for children that is both blasphemous as well as downright satanic, you’re not going to have an easy row to hoe when they grow up. But Disney literally built an empire on manipulating children just as the Vatican did with everything from all boy schools to choirs.   Continue reading

The 50th anniversary of the greatest religious movement few have heard of

A Catholic Charismatic Renewal youth healing service in Brazil in 2009. Photo courtesy of Creative Commons
A Catholic Charismatic Renewal youth healing service in Brazil in 2009. Photo courtesy of Creative Commons

(RNS) This month marks the 50th anniversary of the birth of the most important Catholic lay movement of the past century.

The Catholic Charismatic Renewal ranks second only to Protestant Pentecostalism among significant new Christian movements to emerge over the past century. Like Pentecostalism, the CCR was made in the USA.

At a prayer retreat in a Pittsburgh suburb led by two Duquesne University professors, several students experienced baptism in the Holy Spirit.

From Duquesne, the new Catholic brand of Pentecostalism spread quickly to other universities in the Midwest, such as Notre Dame and Michigan State.   Continue reading

Ecosexual: Sex With the Earth Now Available in Experimental Art Bathhouse in Sydney

earth-dayTwo Australian artists have set up what they call an “ecosexual bathhouse” at a festival of experimental art in Sydney where people are invited to have sex with the earth to help secure the future of the planet.

Part of the Syndey LiveWorks Festival of experimental art, the bathhouse is premised on “ecosexuality,” a “growing” movement involving a queer identity that considers the environment an erotic partner. The bathhouse has been created by artists Loren Kronemyer and Ian Sinclair of the artists collective of Pony Express, according to Vice.

The artists described their work as a “no-holds-barred extravaganza meant to dissolve the barriers between species as we descend into oblivion” as the result of our global environmental crisis.   Continue reading

Leading US exorcists explain huge increase in demand for the Rite

exorcists-large_transqvzuuqpflyliwib6ntmjwfsvwez_ven7c6bhu2jjnt8“In the US, over the past 10 years, the number of official priest exorcists has more than quadrupled from 12 to 50. But for two of America’s most active exorcists – Father Gary Thomas, whose training in Rome was chronicled in Matt Baglio’s book The Rite: The Making of a Modern Exorcist, and Father Vincent Lampert, whose work was depicted on Paranormal Witness – it is an ongoing struggle to keep up with the demand. In lengthy interviews with The Telegraph, the two exorcists discuss how the increase in drug and pornography addiction, failure of the mental healthcare system and a rise in popularity of “pagan activities”, such as using a Ouija board to summon the dead, are among the factors contributing to the huge increase in demand for the Rite.” –Source

First and foremost, as we all know by the Scripture that explains doctrine and the many passages that outline the prophetic characteristics of the Antichrist, it is clear to see that the Roman Catholic church can in no way be a Christian church. In fact, her fruits and multiple instances of being caught red handed worshipping Satan confirm the Roman Catholic Vatican to be the prophesied headquarters of Satan himself. So, when it comes to exorcisms, they can in no way possible cast out a demon, for Satan cannot cast our Satan. Nor would he want to because Jesus said in Matthew 12:26, “And if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself; how shall then his kingdom stand?”   Continue reading

What the Hell? Satan worship on rise in America

57c41487c4618822048b456aSatanists are not merely mystical eccentrics wearing black Gothic garb, sacrificing animals and operating in shady and secret societies. They are now ordinary people who call themselves ‘secular’ and praise reason and the individual freedom of thought.

In the US, explicitly satanic groups have begun drawing attention to themselves in the context of public governmental ceremonies.

Just this month, a member of the so-called Satanic Temple was allowed to make an opening prayer to Lucifer at a local council meeting in Alaska. Continue reading

Catholic Church confirms Argentine apparitions as ‘supernatural’

An icon of the Virgin Mother draws visitors inside the Shrine of Our Lady of the Rosary of San Nicolas on July 25, 2016, in San Nicolas de Arroyos, Argentina. RNS photo by Fernando Poggi
An icon of the Virgin Mother draws visitors inside the Shrine of Our Lady of the Rosary of San Nicolas on July 25, 2016, in San Nicolas de Arroyos, Argentina. RNS photo by Fernando Poggi

SAN NICOLAS DE LOS ARROYOS, Argentina (RNS) Once a month, thousands of devout Catholics descend on this small industrial city, where a woman with little education but great faith said she began seeing visions of the Virgin Mary on Sept. 25, 1983.

After all these years the crowds flocking to a shrine built on the site are as big as ever, and they could well grow still further now that the local bishop has declared that the visions are genuine.

Not that the devout needed much encouragement.

Just a few weeks ago, for example, despite bitter cold and torrential rains — it’s winter in Argentina — pilgrims from around the country filed through the streets to the Shrine of Our Lady of the Rosary of San Nicolas. Continue reading

‘Pope Francis’ Claims Mary Was ‘Assumed Into Heaven Body and Soul’ on Feast of Assumption

Pope_Francis_in_March_2013-300x200ROME — Jorge Bergoglio, also known as “Pope Francis,” asked for Mary to intercede for the oppressed on Monday and claimed to the thousands gathered to observe what is known as the Roman Catholic “Feast of the Assumption” that she had been “assumed into Heaven body and soul.”

“To the Queen of Peace, who we contemplate today in heavenly glory, I wish to entrust once again the anxieties and sufferings of the people who, in many parts of the world, are innocent victims of persistent conflict,” he said.  Continue reading