“A Bible was removed from the waiting room of a Chillicothe Veteran Affairs Medical Center in Athens, Ohio after a veteran complained. “Our government is secular, and must remain secular,” the unidentified veteran wrote. Mikey Weinstein, the founder of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, fired off a letter to the medical center on behalf of the veteran – alleging that the presence of the Bible inside a government facility is a violation of the U.S. Constitution. Weinstein, a fussy man with a strong aversion to our Lord, said the Bible’s placement in the waiting room was “illicit and unconstitutional.” In other words, “Good Housekeeping” is fine, but the Good Book is not.” –Source
First and foremost, to make the claim “Our government is secular, and must remain secular” is not going to fly when the Lord finalizes judgment on the person that said it. Everyone, knows that when the government claims to separate church and state it is a bold faced lie. They will use the church when they can benefit by it and they will slam the church when they can benefit by it as well. The 501c3 as well as the so called “lessons” in the Koran in most public schools confirms this as concrete fact. Continue reading