VIDEO: Bill Nye uses perverted cartoon to blaspheme

IceCreamSexuality-640x480“In his new Netflix series, Bill Nye Saves The World, “Science Guy” Bill Nye presents a cartoon in which talking ice cream cones teach viewers about the many different “flavors of sexuality.” “We are enlightened and forward-thinking, but not everyone sees it this way,” Nye says. “But there are lots of flavors to sexuality.” …Eventually, the vanilla ice cream is overcome by sexual desire and is seduced by other flavored ice creams to participate in an apparent ice cream orgy.” –Source

This man (Bill Nye) is one sick soul. And yes, this is the same man that said people that deny his proven bad science and agree with 31,487 Scientists that confirm Global Warming is wrong, should all be jailed as war criminals. So as is apparent, Bill Nye is more about the politics than the science. And now making this cartoon pushing perversion in sex, it’s now confirmed he really is all about politics. I have no doubt in mind that his cartoon, or a facsimile thereof will eventually appear in schools across the nation to further indoctrinate our precious children towards a perverted normality in life. This man is one angry man and his anger is mostly focused on the Creator God, as most in today’s main stream media are. And this cartoon confirms that big time.   Continue reading