On March 29, 2024, NDTV reported that, “President Irfaan Ali was speaking in an interview to BBC journalist Stephen Sackur, who had questioned the President on Guyana’s carbon emission rates as it planned to extract oil and gas along its coast… In a viral interview clip, Guyanese President can be seen interrupting the question of the journalist, and cross questioning him on whether he had the “right to lecture him on climate change” and if he was in the “pockets of those who destroy the environment through the industrial revolution and are now lecturing us… this is a hypocrisy that exists in the world. The world, in the last 50 years has lost 65 percent of all its biodiversity. We have kept our biodiversity. Are you valuing it. Are you ready to pay for it? When is developed world is going to pay for it or are you in their pockets?” the Guyanese President said.”
Tag: Co2
Climate Countdown Set in 2030

The Independent News reported on June 29, 2023 that “King (Charles) activates climate countdown clock.” It goes on to say why it was actived “which counts down the time left to balance global greenhouse gas emissions to prevent the Earth heating more than 1.5C above pre-industrial levels. Scientists have said that achieving this is vital to ensuring a safe and liveable planet as even sticking to 1.5C offered just a 50-50 chance of avoiding catastrophic tipping points that would heat the Earth beyond human control.”
Continue reading“Pope On Earth Day: We Have The Means, It Is Time To Act” Prophecy News Updates – 4/23/21
According to pope, the pandemic and climate change crises show that there’s no time to lose and “we have the means” toward “innovation and invention and to seek new paths” to save the planet from it’s destruction so he was calling all the leaders of the world to act their part. However, it’s already evident that the Vatican invented the climate change agenda and is behind this plandemic to deceive and control the world so he can enforce his mark of authority. That being the case, we have to prepare our heart by confessing and forsaking our sins before the judgment and share the present truth to others whether they hear or forbear. Bible prophecy revealed that this planet earth is reserved to be destroyed by fire (2 Peter 3:7) because the people transgressed God’s holy laws (Isaiah 24:4-6 ). Truly our time is running out – but opposite of pope’s reasoning – it is because our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ is soon coming! Are you ready? Are you sure?
Pope on Earth Day: “It is time to act!”
“the Covid pandemic taught us this interdependence, this sharing of the planet,” Pope Francis said, adding that both global catastrophes – Covid-19 and the climate emergency – show us that we are running out of time. “We have the means, it is time to act, we are at the limit,” he urged.
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