Hollywood director is now seeking a coup in America?!

f0baef33d761de12740f6a706700da40_c0-124-3000-1873_s885x516“Hollywood director and political activist Joss Whedon started using coup-like rhetoric on Monday while national protests against President-elect Donald Trump continued for a fifth day. “Avengers” director Joss Whedon created a pro-Hillary Clinton super PAC called Save The Day for the 2016 presidential election. The $1 million in seed money he supplied for star-studded commercials did not sway voters in a free and fair election Nov. 8. On Monday, however, Mr. Whedon confused social media followers with a cryptic tweet regarding the peaceful transfer of power between President Obama and Mr. Trump. “This is simple: Trump cannot CANNOT be allowed a term in office. It’s not about 2018. It’s about RIGHT NOW,” Mr. Whedon tweeted.” –Source

This is nuts! This Hollywood director is actually suggesting the people do all they can to prevent an elected president from stepping into the White House? And yes, something this crazy will start a civil war if left unchecked. And if that doesn’t do it, allowing them to continue bussing in paid for protesters city by city as well as giving plenty of air-time to Hollywood directors like this guy so they can make crazy demands on the people, yes we will have a coup that will lead to civil war. The riots are already here, so what’s to stop them from ballooning out of control wherein they set their sights on the nation’s capital so as to prevent Trump from being sworn in?   Continue reading