Like the proven false doctrine of Purgatory wherein Rome claims our loving Heavenly Father enjoys listening to the screams of the lost souls for millions of years as they burn in a fire that Rome claims is far worse than any fire on earth, the Vatican has also invented a new doctrine about Hellfire so as to make billions believe the God of Heaven is a very hateful tyrant. And yes, they purposely do that because as also prophesied we not only know who the man of sin is, we know all the Popes are card carrying devil worshipers who purposely preach doctrines of demons to make the Christian God look evil. That’s simply what Satanists do. Click here for the facts and even some videos I made with some scary facts that most Catholics never knew was going on in their own church. The pictures are shocking to say the least.
The best way for Satan to get people to trust him working behind the scenes is for him to act as if he is a religious leader. That’s how he’s been able to get billions into graves awaiting the day he and all his followers will burn to ashes when the long prophesied Hellfire ignites. And so, what does the Bible say about Hellfire? Do people live for eternity in the flames and do Satanists really rule in Hell with Satan for eternity? Or was it all fabricated by Rome? Continue reading →