“A victim’s graphic letter describing sexual abuse by a priest that was witnessed by a controversial Chilean bishop was hand-delivered to Pope Francis three years ago — contradicting the pontiff’s claims that he was unaware anyone had come forward about a coverup, The Associated Press reports.”–Source
Well that is par for the course for the man of sin in Rome. In fact, as we know every Pope since day one has lied about everything from child molestation to what they call Christian doctrine; but with this Pope, who is in fact a Jesuit, lying is something that comes naturally. And no, I do not say that to be sarcastic or insulting in any way shape or form. The well documented and published Jesuit oath confirms this is what they must do as it shows how they promise to lie to every single denomination they infiltrate so as to move Vatican dogma into the churches they invade. They actually do so by acting as if they are newly installed church leaders of the same faith. As a Jesuit that is their main duty. Continue reading