Pope says NYC Terrorist Killed for the Christian God!

Pope-Angelus-640x480“Before a crowd of some 25,000 pilgrims gathered in Saint Peter’s Square for the noon Angelus prayer Wednesday, the Pope prayed for the conversion of terrorists’ hearts and asked God to rid the world of the murderous madness of those who kill in the name of the Lord. “Let us ask the Lord to convert the hearts of the terrorists and to free the world from hatred and from the homicidal lunacy that abuses God’s name to sow death.” –Source

As expected, this Jesuit Pope is using the deaths of innocent people as a way to further sanction and puff up Islam as a religion of peace so as to push his long prophesied agenda. By stating the terrorists that kill in the name of Allah are killing in the name of the Christian God is the real lunacy here. Not only do Muslims repeatedly declare Jesus Christ to be nothing more than a prophet, the Vatican inspired Koran’s description of Allah is by no means the same description we see of the God in the Bible. And yes, this Pope, most Protestants, and even the leadership of the SDA church declare the word “Allah” is to be defined as “God” in English; but that my brothers and sisters is nothing more than a bold faced lie. And I can easily prove it.   Continue reading