Pope: OK with Abortion

I have just a few points to make here and after sharing them I hopeful many will see what I see on this. First and foremost we all know the Roman Catholic church claims to be anti-abortion, and for those with eyes that see, we also know they claim to be that way for the sole purpose of keeping their foot in the door of politics so as to hide their hellish acts in plain sight. But the other toss on this coin is that for the Vatican to claim to be anti-abortion grants them the best of both words when it comes to honoring Satan.

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Pope Says only He can Define Bible



One bold and obvious way for Popes and prelates to assume authority over God’s people is to make them believe that the God of creation cannot write a book His own children can understand; therefore only the Pope himself and those that echo his words are the only ones trusted with the understanding of God’s Word.

They actually teach  this in their own Catechism books, and just so you  know, they also declare this strange claim on the Vatican website itself which says for all to see that, “The task of interpreting the Word of God authentically has been entrusted soley to the Magisterium of the Church, that is, to the Pope and to the bishops in communion with him. -Catechism pf Catholic Doctrine Page 35 –Vatican Source

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Pope Says Don’t Strike Women – AFTER Striking Woman

On January 01, 2020 we find; “Pope Francis began 2020 with a bang Wednesday, issuing a harsh condemnation of violence against women and insisting that how society treats women and their bodies is a measure of its level of humanity.” –Source

Yet just one day before releasing this statement this very same Pope actually strikes a woman TWICE on camera! Check it out in this video.

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Pope to Students: Stop Preaching Jesus!


“Pope Francis told Christian high school students this weekend they should respect people of other faiths and not attempt to convert them to Christianity, insisting “we are not living in the times of the crusades.” Asked by one of the students Friday how a Christian should treat people of other faiths or no faith, the pope said that “we are all the same, all children of God” and that true disciples of Jesus do not proselytize. (The Pope said) …The last thing I should do is to try to convince an unbeliever. Never.” –Source

If you continue reading in the article you will find the Pope was outed as a liar by many historians when he added his own fiction to an already fictional sonnet made up by some Poet about forced baptisms of Muslims during the Crusades that never actually happened. He literally lied to those high school students to make his point appear stronger in the eyes of those impressionable students who will look upon the Pope as one worthy of worship.

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Pope said Jesus did not Resurrect

Notice what was just uncovered in an interview with the Pope.

“ROME, November 7, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – Pope Francis’ favored Italian interviewer Eugenio Scalfari is now claiming that the Pope told him that Jesus did not have a bodily resurrection after His passion and death on the cross, but that the man “disappeared” and he came forth from the tomb “in the semblance of a spirit.” –Source

Keep in mind, this is the same Pope that said Jesus failed in October of 2015, the very next month he said the Cross of Christ and God Himself were a failure in November of 2015, then he said Satan is much stronger than Jesus in 2017. And so now this Jesuit Pope is saying Jesus never came out of the tomb in the same manner all Christians will arise on that great and dreadful day when Jesus returns.

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Jesuit Magazine Makes ‘Catholic Case for Communism’

“The Jesuit flagship publication in the United States, America magazine, has published an article defending Marxism and comparing the murderous, atheist ideology to Christianity. In “The Catholic Case for Communism,” America writer Dean Dettloff says that the militant atheism of Marxist politics is “understandable” because “Christianity has so often been a force allied to the ruling powers that exploit the poor. …Communists, on the other hand, are loving people concerned above all for the good of the poor, …The Jesuits’ decision to publish a radical article of this sort suggests that they believe public opinion is warming toward communism. America’s editors have floated a weather balloon to see how Americans react to communism 2.0.” –Source

As I’ve done previously during this video series exposing the open sin of the SDA leaders; I have to take a slight detour today regarding something that just happened in the News that is prophetic in nature when it comes to Satan gathering his antichristian troops that will soon go forth against God’s people at Armageddon. As we already see the media hating on Christians all over the world now on a daily basis and  we know the Vatican was actually built by Satan for this purpose and every prelate in Rome have been recently exposed as card carrying devil worshipers just as prophecy predicted long ago, what was just released to the world-wide media needs to be addressed.

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Fr. James Martin: Pope appoints ‘gay-friendly’ bishops, cardinals to change Church on LGBT

Vatican consultant and homosexual activist priest Fr. James Martin stated at a recent conference that Pope Francis has gone out of his way to appoint “gay-friendly” bishops and cardinals in the Catholic Church.

Speaking at the Ignatian Family Teach-in for Justice 2018 in Washington D.C. on Saturday evening, the Jesuit priest and America magazine editor-at-large told students that “things are changing” in the Church regarding homosexuality under Francis’ watch.

“…Just look at what has happened in the last five years–since Pope Francis has been elected,” he said.   Continue reading

Pope Francis Commissioned Report to Attack Sex Abuse Victims While Archbishop of Buenos Aires

“Pope Francis commissioned a four-book study in 2010 as archbishop of the Archdiocese of Buenos Aires attacking sexual abuse victims and defending a priest convicted of molesting a teenage boy. Francis, who was then known as Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio, asked a lawyer and jurist by the name of Marcelo Sancinetti to carry out a more than 2,600-page study encompassing four volumes for the Argentinian Episcopal Conference to discredit the alleged victims of Father Julio César Grassi.” –Source

It’s bad enough this Pope and all previous Popes have defended these child molestations for literally all of what they claim are religious lives; but to claim the victims were lying just to get the priest that molested them in trouble, is downright demonic.   Continue reading

Pope Francis Compares Vatican Whistleblower to Satan


“Satan, the “Great Accuser,” has been unleashed against the bishops of the Church, Pope Francis said Tuesday, in a thinly veiled reference to the former Vatican nuncio to the United States. The former nuncio, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, recently accused a number of prelates of dereliction of duty in dealing with clerical sex abuse and claimed that the pope had rehabilitated serial abuser Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, elevating him to a position of influence despite knowledge of his misdeeds.” Source

For those wondering why the Pope says things the Bible boldly declares to be lies; you need to keep in mind that the Popes of Rome are political in every sense of the word. In fact, they are the carriers of ancient of Roman politics into modern day. What he’s doing when scandals like this come forward that can rock the church to its core is what any politician will do. He is simply appealing to his base. What I mean is, the Pope knows most Roman Catholics don’t read Bibles and so he knows when he says things like this the larger number that trusts him more than the Bible will stay loyal to him and actually believe what he says as if it is a biblical utterance, and they will sit tight in that pew.   Continue reading