“Satan, the “Great Accuser,” has been unleashed against the bishops of the Church, Pope Francis said Tuesday, in a thinly veiled reference to the former Vatican nuncio to the United States. The former nuncio, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, recently accused a number of prelates of dereliction of duty in dealing with clerical sex abuse and claimed that the pope had rehabilitated serial abuser Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, elevating him to a position of influence despite knowledge of his misdeeds.” Source
For those wondering why the Pope says things the Bible boldly declares to be lies; you need to keep in mind that the Popes of Rome are political in every sense of the word. In fact, they are the carriers of ancient of Roman politics into modern day. What he’s doing when scandals like this come forward that can rock the church to its core is what any politician will do. He is simply appealing to his base. What I mean is, the Pope knows most Roman Catholics don’t read Bibles and so he knows when he says things like this the larger number that trusts him more than the Bible will stay loyal to him and actually believe what he says as if it is a biblical utterance, and they will sit tight in that pew. Continue reading →