Mega-Church Pastor says Jesus is a liar

presbusa-1144x761“The leader of the second largest congregation in the Presbyterian Church (USA), Rev. Shannon Johnson Kershner has declared that Christianity is not the only way to heaven. Kershner, 45, who leads the 5,500 member Fourth Presbyterian Church in Chicago, Illinois, expressed her belief in a podcast with the Chicago Sun-Times after she was asked the question, “Is Christianity the only way to heaven?” “No,” Kershner replied bluntly.” –Source

Question, where does our Heavenly Father reside? In Heaven right? And as Christians we all want to go to Heaven to be with Him. Knowing this, we that read and believe the Bible recall how Jesus stated clearly in John 14:6, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” Therefore, this woman who claims to be a pastor, even though the Bible says the only way to be a pastor is to be “the husband of one wife” (See 1Timothy 3:2) and worse yet; like most pastors the world over she blasphemes by using the title “reverend” even though when speaking of the Lord, it states clearly in Psalms 111:9, “holy and reverend is his name;” this woman is openly mocking the Lord in many different ways by simply standing as pastor before the people. And that is the main reason she stands there.   Continue reading

Belfast’s St Anne’s Cathedral: Catholic priest installed for first time

_91375067_img_3329Catholic priest Fr Edward O’Donnell has been installed as an ecumenical canon at St Anne’s Cathedral in Belfast.

He is one of three ecumenical canons appointed at the cathedral.

In his role at St Anne’s he can preach, lead prayers and read scripture. He can also assist at the cathedral’s traditional Black Santa Christmas collection for charity.

It is the first time in St Anne’s history that a Catholic priest has been appointed to such a role.   Continue reading