Donald Trump Executive Actions Kill TPP..

AP_17023607018219-640x480“President Donald Trump signed three executive actions this morning, killing the Trans-Pacific partnership, instituting a federal hiring freeze, and restoring the Mexico City policy, which bans federal funds from being used to fund abortions. “We’ve been talking about this for a long time … a great thing for the American worker,” Trump said after signing the order killing former President Obama’s signature trade effort.” –Source
The only reason I am posting this is because some questions have arisen in the minds of some as to why this happened in the way it did. Some students of prophecy know for a fact it can be a bit confusing when we look at Scripture and see how the Vatican’s New World Order will definitely come to pass and the TPP was one way to get the leaders of each nation in bed with the Roman idea of splitting the planet into ten separate regions so as to make sure the golden carrot being dangled is well funded. But as students of prophecy, we are not only to stand firm in the fact it will happen just as it was written because Christian prophecy is a declared fact, we must also be wise as the serpents that are behind all this crafty political banter by proclaiming the truth of our King Jesus while at the same time as gentle as the doves we have been prophesied to emulate so as to better appeal to the heart rather than the flesh.   Continue reading

Obama advances stealth plan to pass TPP

NEW YORK – The Obama administration is betting on a stealth plan to secure final passage of the massive Trans-Pacific Partnership, or TPP, before Obama leaves office by pushing the bill through Congress in the “lame duck” session between Election Day Nov. 8, and Jan. 6, 2017, the date the new Congress is sworn in, despite growing voter opposition that now has Hillary Clinton joining Donald Trump in opposing the bill.

Tactically, the Obama administration has decided to postpone a TPP vote until after the election, concerned that pushing TPP passage now would risk damaging Clinton’s chances, given her enthusiastic support for TPP during her tenure as secretary of state. Continue reading

Rejected by U.K., Europeans to seek ’empire’?

“WASHINGTON – Now that the European Union will be losing the United Kingdom as a result of the Brexit vote, concerns are growing that the E.U. is seeking to expand intercontinentally with the aim of establishing an “empire.” A week after the British vote on June 23, E.U. Vice President Federica Mogherini released a document outlining the union’s plan for expansion,“A Global Strategy for the European Union’s Foreign And Security Policy,” raising some eyebrows in foreign policy circles. Not only does the document suggest the possible formation of an E.U. army, it explores expanding the multi-state entity into Asia and Africa. It even envisions a global government. “We will invest in regional orders, and in cooperation among and within regions,” Mogherini wrote in the foreword. “And we will promote reformed global governance, one that can meet the challenges of this 21st century.” –Source

What are those regions? Have you seen my “Ten Toes of Daniel” videos? If not, please do so as soon as possible. And what are their in depth plans? Have you ever read my “New World Order” page or watched Pastor Craig’s video on “The New World Order“? Perhaps now’s the time if you haven’t as of yet. The man of sin in Rome was prophesied to use craftiness when manipulating the masses towards his way of governing. Daniel 8:25 says, “And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand.”  Continue Reading…

President Obama: The TPP would let America, not China, lead the way on global trade

obama_jazz-0e0d8Barack Obama is president of the United States.

Over the past six years, America’s businesses have created more than 14 million new jobs. To keep this progress going, we need to pursue every avenue of economic growth. Today, some of our greatest economic opportunities abroad are in the Asia-Pacific region, which is on its way to becoming the most populous and lucrative market on the planet. Increasing trade in this area of the world would be a boon to American businesses and American workers, and it would give us a leg up on our economic competitors, including one we hear a lot about on the campaign trail these days: China.

Of course, China’s greatest economic opportunities also lie in its own neighborhood, which is why China is not wasting any time. As we speak, China is negotiating a trade deal that would carve up some of the fastest-growing markets in the world at our expense, putting American jobs, businesses and goods at risk.  Source

Video:  Obama on TPP: ‘Other countries should play by rules set by US & partners, not the other way round’