Fed report: Amend laws so ‘gay’ rights trump faith

obama_shrug_smirk“The Obama administration long has been forcing Christians and others of faith to violate their beliefs to accommodate “nondiscrimination” laws that give special privileges to homosexuals and transgendered persons, and now a federal commission has proposed codifying the practice. …Democratic Party presidential nominee Hillary Clinton is on record insisting that to protect “gay” rights, “deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed.” (See her say that in this video) …The commissioners deliberately chose to single out for denigration Christian colleges or organizations that don’t promote homosexuality and business owners who choose not to endorse homosexuality with their artistic talents, such as photography and cake-making. …He and the other members of the commission who agree with him want to throw out the First Amendment and trash religious freedom whenever faith and practice collides with an intolerant LGBT agenda,” Staver said. “The report is a declaration of war against religious freedom. George Washington said anyone who works against the twin pillars of religion and morality cannot be called a ‘Patriot.’ This report is un-American.”- Source

Prophecy stated clearly that the United States of America would start out as a Christian nation only later to turn completely against Christians and actually attack them for their biblically based faith. For more on that prophetic fact click here. If you look into that prophecy you will see the only reason the United States eventually goes against the forefathers and their Christian faith that was instrumental in reaping all the blessings we saw as a nation in our infancy is because this great nation would eventually be infiltrated by Roman Catholic Jesuits who would con our leaders in Congress as well as the churches to join hands with the largest known homosexual organization known to man throughout history. And yes, I am talking about the Roman Catholic Vatican. Rome’s homosexual agenda has poisoned America just as prophecy predicted it would and the only reason they use the homosexual people at all is because as prophecy also predicted, they will be the most hateful people towards Jesus Christ inthe last days. Anyone in a business that caters to the general public knows what I mean here. And so, such fruits are very useful for Rome in getting their long prophesied agenda met.  Continue reading

More than half a million signatures in support of Polish draft law on limitation of commerce on Sundays

sejm-2-9-16-1-697x370More than 500 000 Poles have supported the civic draft law on limitation of trade on Sundays.

On 2 September, the signatures were submitted to the Speaker of the Polish Parliament (Sejm), Marek Kuchcińskiemu. Now the bill will be proceeded by the Sejm.

‘Employees in the Polish commerce sector are eagerly waiting for this law to come into force as soon as possible’ said Alfred Bujara, the President of the Solidarity Commerce trade union and the chairman of the Legislative Initiative Committee during delivering the signatures in the Parliament. He stressed that the gathering of such a large number of signatures is a great success of all the people who were involved in this initiative. ‘This bill has the support of the society. Poles willingly signed the project, including employees in the commerce sector. They are overworked, they do not even want any additional bonus for working on Sundays. They want this day to spend it with their families’.   Continue reading

Pentecostals meet Pope Francis; World Council of Churches’ Tveit speaks at Pentecostal conference

pentecostal-world-fellowship-conferencePope Francis met with a group of Italian Pentecostal pastors Sept. 8, telling them that unity is achieved by walking patiently together.

In São Paulo, Brazil, on Sept. 7, Rev. Olav Fykse Tveit, general secretary of the World Council of Churches spoke about climate change during the opening day of the 24th Pentecostal World Conference.

“We all sin against the Holy Spirit if we ignore climate change,” said Rev. Tveit.

The encounters between the head of the Catholic Church and the leader of the WCC which represents mainly Anglican, Orthodox and traditional Protestant churches comes at time of greater ecumenical contact across the board.    Continue reading

VIDEO: London ‘thought police’ special unit to track down online trolls

internet-censorship“A generously funded “online hate crime hub” has been set up to tackle online vitriol by identifying suspects and encouraging citizens to report them to police, but critics fear the newly-established unit might endanger freedom of speech. …By establishing this unit, we are sending a strong message to those who use online forums to spread hate that their actions will not be tolerated,” Metropolitan police said in a statement, as cited by The Business Standard. The newly-established cybercrime unit will consist of five trained detectives, aided by volunteers who will be urged to report both “criminal and non-criminal incidents.” Under the auspices of a joint partnership program run by police and social media services, the volunteers will learn how to use “online tools” to respond to hate crimes they encounter on the web. …While online hate speech presents a complex problem, having police officers take up the role of “chatroom moderators” doesn’t seem like the best way to tackle it to many people. Liberal Democrat leader Tim Farron argues that this approach will likely result in “undermining our very precious freedom of speech.”” –Source

This is nothing more than an attempt at stopping Christians who preach present truth and who will be used to proclaim the loud cry. And no, I am not being redundant on this topic. If you study prophecy you know that the Loud Cry has begun and the message is about to get VERY loud globally. Once the Latter Rain falls more abundantly it will be an amazing movement of the Lord’s Holy Spirit and a very powerful message that will bring in all the souls riding the fence between truth and lies. Satan knows this better than anyone because as it says in Revelation 12:12, “..he knoweth that he hath but a short time.”   Continue reading

In Hungary, anti-Christian persecution prompts government action

candle_vigil_credit_coloneljohnbritt_via_flickr_cc_by_nc_sa_20_cna_12_12_14The Hungarian government has established a new office on the persecution of Christians to address both persecutions of Christians in the Middle East and the subtle forms of discrimination some Christians face in Europe.

Zoltan Balog, the Hungarian Minister for Human Capacities, explained the new office. His ministry oversees the newly established sub-secretariat on the persecution of Christians.

“Today, Christianity has become the most persecuted religion, where out of five people killed out of religious reasons, four of them are Christians,” Balog told CNA. “In 81 countries around the world Christians are persecuted and 200 million Christians live in areas where they are discriminated against. Millions of Christian lives are threatened by followers of radical religious ideologies.”   Continue reading

U.S. court rejects Muslim’s demand to use Shariah

gavel-american-flag-600“A state court in Minnesota, which already is heavily influenced by a large population of Muslim immigrants and has one district represented in Congress by a Muslim, has decided that in America, it’s American inheritance law that applies. …The opinion, which was marked “unpublished” and not to be used for citation, involved the claim of Hosameldin Ibrahim Imbabi of Gold River, California. Representing himself, he claimed that all of the parties in the case were Muslims, so the state court should apply Islamic law.” –Source

Of course this case is minuscule in its long prophesied expectation of Shariah in America as it’s only regarding some Muslim who wants to make sure his dead brother’s widow only gets 25% of his estate. And yes, the man failed to get Shariah allowed. And yes, as usual, Satan uses the love of money to get things done and so this ends up in court so as to help the Muslim get some extra funds while at the same time tickle the ears of the judges regarding Sharia law in the long run. Still, it’s not a guillotine worthy decision and it really doesn’t matter if the man appeals or not to that end. BUT they do have to start somewhere.  Continue reading

The U.S. Has Started Tracking Religious Discrimination In Schools

School classroom with school desks and blackboard in Japanese high school
School classroom with school desks and blackboard in Japanese high school

The United States government is taking a big step to curb religious discrimination in schools.

The U.S. Department of Education announced a series of initiatives this summer to address religious discrimination in public schools, including a new website with legal information regarding students’ religious rights.

For the first time ever, the agency’s Office for Civil Rights will require schools to report the number of incidents involving religious-based bullying and harassment using an online data collection platform. The office also updated its online complaint form to clarify to schools the kinds of incidents that will fall into this category.

The department’s move comes at a crucial time, as the country grapples with disconcerting levels of anti-Muslim sentiment.    Continue reading

VIDEO: US Muslim woman inaugurated as officer

13907064_10154118177517935_5220988672774098083_n“A US Muslim woman from Dearborn, Michigan has been inaugurated as a law enforcement officer in the city. She says her religious and cultural background will allow for better community policing in the city that has the highest percentage of Muslim Americans in the US. Elian el-Khamissi reports from Chicago. “-Source

Our sinful elected leaders have normalized everything from homosexual marriage to abortion and now they seek the normalization of Islamic theology and law step by step. That being said, how long do you think it will be before many Muslim men who follow Sharia Law religiously become United States police officers? It’s no mistake they had a very small Muslim woman join the police force wearing a hijab first. To have a man do it first would be a show of force and many ‘might’ protest. I say ‘might’ because as we have already witnessed the last few decades, the herd mentality of this nation is playing right into the hands of Rome. Still, a small woman with a pretty face and a well scripted profile wherein she supposedly joined to be there for her community when her Koran says her job is the duty of men alone speaks volumes as to the deceptive manner in which they did this.   Continue reading

Ecumenical autumn: Pope’s calendar filled with dialogue opportunities

Pope Francis greets Anglican Archbishop Justin Welby of Canterbury, England, spiritual leader of the Anglican Communion, during a private meeting at the Vatican in this June 16, 2014, file photo. The pope will meet Archbishop Welby in Assisi during an interfaith peace meeting this month and in Rome in October. (CNS photo/L'Osservatore Romano) See VATICAN-LETTER-POPE-ECUMENISM Sept. 1, 2016.
Pope Francis greets Anglican Archbishop Justin Welby of Canterbury, England, spiritual leader of the Anglican Communion, during a private meeting at the Vatican in this June 16, 2014, file photo. The pope will meet Archbishop Welby in Assisi during an interfaith peace meeting this month and in Rome in October. (CNS photo/L’Osservatore Romano) See VATICAN-LETTER-POPE-ECUMENISM Sept. 1, 2016.

VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Hopes for Christian unity may not be spring fresh, but Pope Francis’ fall calendar is filled with ecumenical appointments.

Even as developments within Christian denominations seem to be solidifying differences that would make full unity difficult, there is no sign that the desire to meet and dialogue is waning. And, in fact, divided Christians are finding more opportunities to pray together and engage in joint work to help the poor and needy.

Pope Francis will open his season of ecumenical engagements Sept. 20 when he joins other Christian leaders and representatives of other religions in Assisi to commemorate the 30th anniversary of St. John Paul II’s interreligious peace gathering. Ten days later, Pope Francis flies to Georgia, a predominantly Orthodox nation. In October, he will meet and pray with Anglican Archbishop Justin Welby of Canterbury and, at the end of the month, he will fly to Sweden to take part in ecumenical events launching commemorations of the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation.   Continue reading

Norway state church sees exodus after allowing online exit

685636d517258a2da30f6a7067003a2bSTOCKHOLM (AP) — Norway’s state church has seen a record fall in membership after making it possible to join and leave the church electronically.

The Church of Norway says almost 25,000 members left in August by using a new function on the church’s website. Meanwhile, about 1,200 new members joined online.

Even though the church has seen a steady decline in membership in recent decades, that’s by far the biggest monthly loss in recorded history. By comparison, the church lost 8,588 members in the first seven months of 2016, before the online option was introduced.   Continue reading