125_2016_ap-113930235798201_c0-415-4148-2833_s885x516“Physicians, researchers and ethicists are grappling with the copycat effect of suicide and rising U.S. suicide rates as jurisdictions enact laws to allow the terminally ill to take their own lives with the help of a doctor. Dr. William Toffler, national director of Physicians for Compassionate Care, says suicides do not occur in a vacuum but among others who might be moved to imitate the act, a phenomenon called the “Werther effect.” An increase in suicides should be expected where assisted suicide is legal because society is sending the unmistakable message that killing oneself is a proper response to life’s challenges, he says. “Essentially the message is, ‘I’ll avoid these problems by killing myself,’” says Dr. Toffler, a practicing physician for more than 35 years in Oregon, which became the first state to implement an assisted suicide law in 1997.” –Source

Amazing how they talk about this as if it’s all just an unfortunate phenomenon wherein if one person does it another will follow. How many of us recall our mothers saying, “If Johnny jumped in the lake, would you jump too?” That’s right, most people today will say, huh? Mom never said that! But in my generation it was the favored comeback of moms all over America when you got caught doing something wrong with your friends. I know, this was a regular occurrence in my home seeing how we were the largest family in the State, if not the nation. (I am one of 11 children)  

Today, most young adults and even some just under my age group never heard mom say that, and that’s a sad state of affairs as far as I can see because it shows a societal shift in the way we in America think. We no longer stand as individuals with morals intact. Instead we as a nation have succumbed to the herd mentality and that is exactly what our political leaders, under the long prophesied Roman influence were going for. Yes, even here you cannot effectively hope to enforce the mark of the beast in Rome unless the people are prepared to stand in line to receive it simply because it appears to be the thing to do.

It used to be in my teen years that suicide was romanticized so as to garner its constant new crop of victims. The numbers were somewhat small and so the enemy of souls had to kick it up a notch. Satan knew we didn’t have the AMA killing the babies on a daily basis as we do today and we certainly didn’t have doctors suggesting suicide when the disease you had was tagged incurable. So he did all he can to make the one killing themselves believe that once they’re dead and laying before all at the wake, those with suicidal tendencies can look around to see all their ex-lovers weeping for their dead friend in the casket. Satan makes them believe they will weep days on end when in fact they will be totally forgotten within a day or so. Living for the moment back then was just as powerful as it is today.

One can see how the AMA is working hand in hand with Satan on this one. Take the so called incurable disease fiasco. They know natural methods prove they have been lying all along. In fact, natural methods worked just fine for 6000 years. That’s why they go after such true healers tooth and nail in the courts today. Most disease is 100% curable, but the term “cured” in the AMA means “customer for life.” And if they cannot come up with a drug cocktail, clinical treatment or surgery that they can allow you to live WITH the disease so as to make gobs of money for them, they will deem you dead where you stand and shout NEXT!

So.. just as I saw in the 1970’s where many teens were tempted to commit suicide after attending a friend’s funeral wherein people wept for a few minutes, we now see the mindset shifting to where if you can’t get a certain problem fixed, a lustful lover back, or a massive bank loan approved, many today will choose suicide because the AMA has greased so many palms in DC with the money they make off their victims to assure suicide is not only legalized, it is sanctioned a profitable entity and thereby a moral and acceptable choice for those with just about any molehill Satan can bolster into a mountain  worth killing one’s self for. In so doing and because we all know about governmental bureaucracy, many and especially the poor among us, will choose the low cost of a bullet over the long drawn out expensive process of legalized lethal injection. After all, even the dying god of this world knows how quickly a mind can change when the Lord enlightens that soul seeking to end it all. That being said.. do you know someone on the edge? If so.. why not reach out to them right now?

 Additional Articles Confirming we are in the Last Days:

Rwandan government says Vatican must apologize for Church role in 1994 massacres * Rwanda’s Catholic Church says sorry for its role in 1994 genocide * Artificial Clouds and Geoengineering: Public Exposed to Toxic Chemicals * Lloyd’s of London warns of devastating $2.6 trillion solar storm * Angry Muslim may become next DNC leader?! * SDA Carson STILL delving in politics! * Nestle “created” a new man-made sugar? * Vietnam vet dies with maggots crawling in wound in Oklahoma VA facility *VIDEO: Hundreds of VA dental patients possibly exposed to HIV, hepatitis * UCSB student called ‘fascist’ for questioning aid to illegals


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