Evangelicals in Trump’s Cabinet: Choice of Pruitt alarms scientists, environmentalists

Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt departs after a meeting with U.S. President elect Donald Trump at Trump Tower New York, U.S., November 28, 2016.  REUTERS/Lucas Jackson - RTSTQYT
Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt departs after a meeting with U.S. President elect Donald Trump at Trump Tower New York, U.S., November 28, 2016. REUTERS/Lucas Jackson – RTSTQYT

(RNS) President-elect Donald Trump’s pick of Scott Pruitt to head the Environmental Protection Agency has increased concerns about science foes in the incoming president’s inner circle.

Pruitt, who is Oklahoma’s attorney general, is a climate-change denier. In the National Review last May, he and co-author Luther Strange wrote, “Scientists continue to disagree about the degree and extent of global warming and its connection to the actions of mankind.”

The vast majority of scientists do not disagree that global warming is linked to mankind’s use of fossil fuels. Pruitt heads a coalition of Republican state attorneys general who are suing the EPA and the Obama administration over its climate change initiatives.   Continue reading

2016: A time of political and spiritual miracles?

wndb-farah-restitution-of-all-things-cover“I’m hopeful he’s going to do his best to “make America great again.” But it will take more than better governance in Washington to heal our land. That’s why I wrote a very optimistic new book – my first new title in six years. It’s called “The Restitution of All Things.”The title comes from something the Apostle Peter said in Acts 3: …Peter mentions – something all the prophets of old spoke about? It’s the fact that Jesus is returning to rule and reign with His faithful friends – true believers like you and me – for a thousand years on Earth.” –Source

First and foremost, Joseph Farah of World Net Daily fame is a false prophet. He’s not only declared and preached some very strange Vatican dogmas over the years, he’s also one to promote Rome as a moral house by promoting the book, “Islamic Antichrist” on his News site of which I expose on my site here by simply using some easy to research historical facts that match perfectly with Bible prophecies that speak of certain activities the real Antichrist will do that Islam could not possibly do. One of the main reasons is, many of the prophesied acts were fulfilled long before the so called “prophet” Mohammed, who was also a Vatican invention, was born. The fact the Pope sits on a throne that has carved upon it the following words should be alarming enough for most.   Continue reading

Tsunami warnings after 7.7 quake strikes off Solomon Islands’ coast

58499f24c46188df068b45fcA tsunami warning has been issued for the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Papua New Guinea, and Nauru after a 7.7 magnitude earthquake struck 70km off the Solomon Islands, according to USGS.

The USGS initially reported the quake as 8.0, but later downgraded it to 7.7.

“Hazardous tsunami waves from this earthquake are possible within the next three hours along some coasts of Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Papua New Guinea, Nauru, New Caledonia, Tuvalu and Kosrae,” stated the warning issued by the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center. Continue reading

Worry of copycats in states with assisted-suicide laws

125_2016_ap-113930235798201_c0-415-4148-2833_s885x516“Physicians, researchers and ethicists are grappling with the copycat effect of suicide and rising U.S. suicide rates as jurisdictions enact laws to allow the terminally ill to take their own lives with the help of a doctor. Dr. William Toffler, national director of Physicians for Compassionate Care, says suicides do not occur in a vacuum but among others who might be moved to imitate the act, a phenomenon called the “Werther effect.” An increase in suicides should be expected where assisted suicide is legal because society is sending the unmistakable message that killing oneself is a proper response to life’s challenges, he says. “Essentially the message is, ‘I’ll avoid these problems by killing myself,’” says Dr. Toffler, a practicing physician for more than 35 years in Oregon, which became the first state to implement an assisted suicide law in 1997.” –Source

Amazing how they talk about this as if it’s all just an unfortunate phenomenon wherein if one person does it another will follow. How many of us recall our mothers saying, “If Johnny jumped in the lake, would you jump too?” That’s right, most people today will say, huh? Mom never said that! But in my generation it was the favored comeback of moms all over America when you got caught doing something wrong with your friends. I know, this was a regular occurrence in my home seeing how we were the largest family in the State, if not the nation. (I am one of 11 children)   Continue reading

Trump’s Jesuit Transition Team

hqdefault“Three sources from different conservative groups said that Heritage employees have been soliciting, stockpiling and vetting résumés for months with an eye on stacking Trump’s administration with conservative appointees across the government. One source described the efforts as a “shadow transition team” and “an effort to have the right kind of people in there. …Ultimately, Trump won 81 percent of the evangelical vote, a higher percentage than even George W. Bush — himself a devout born-again Christian earned in 2004. Part of the reason the list made such a splash was because Heritage and DeMint are hugely influential in deeply conservative circles, often appearing at the nexus of conservative power structures. …It will be as exciting as the 1930s, greater than the Reagan revolution — conservatives, plus populists, in an economic nationalist movement. And daylight between traditionally conservative policy prescriptions and some of Trump’s campaign rhetoric is especially apparent on the issue of foreign policy.” –Source

As many are aware, Trump attended Jesuit owned and operated Fordham University in the Bronx in his early days. So he has already been well-trained on Vatican politics from day one, and this is besides the fact that most see him as only a narcissistic businessman. But look around.. how many people are allowed to become multibillionaires in this world without first being approached by Rome or at the very least born into a family that is already “on the books?” None that I know of. And so one can expect that after decades of making money hand over fist as well as making deals with all sorts of people the world over, be they trustworthy or not. After seeing how well ecumenical compromise has paid off for him so far, would he at this stage in the game decide not to continue to play ball after seeing how well the game has been? What I mean is, after hearing Pope emeritus Benedict XIV aka Ratzinger proclaim a vote for Democrat means you’re hell-bound, suggests their long groomed man made it into the Oval Office after all. (Click here for the Pope’s letter penned back in 2004 that was pushed into the media the week of the election.)

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Cardinal Zen: Pope Francis would ‘betray Christ’ by allowing Communist China to select bishops

cardinal_zen_810_500_55_s_c1 — The highest ranking Chinese Catholic has stated that if Pope Francis allows Communist China to have a hand in the selection of the nation’s Catholic bishops it would be “betraying Jesus Christ.”

“You cannot go into negotiations with the mentality ‘we want to sign an agreement at any cost,’ then you are surrendering yourself, you are betraying yourself, you are betraying Jesus Christ,” Cardinal Joseph Zen told The Guardian this week.

The 84-year-old former bishop of Hong Kong has firmly opposed a potential deal between the Vatican and the Chinese government that would add legitimacy to the state-run Chinese Catholic Patriotic Association. He says the move would alienate authentic Catholics who worship in the ‘underground Church’ from the one true Church headed by Christ and his representative, the Pope.  Continue reading