World Council of Churches Scolds Trump for Dumping Paris Climate Deal

stop-climate-change-sign-paris-agreement-getty-640x480“The World Council of Churches (WCC) has censured President Donald Trump for his decision to withdraw the United States from the 2015 Paris climate accord, an agreement the president said gravely disadvantaged American workers. In an official statement from its executive committee, the WCC said that the President’s decision “has grave consequences for the impoverished and vulnerable, for our children’s children, and for the entire planet, putting at risk people’s access to clean water, food, shelter and secure livelihoods, and undermining efforts for environmental sustainability and for peace.” –Source

As we know, Trump caved on the climate change fiasco after he appointed his daughter to head up the White House climate change work for the Pope. Plus, we have Trump’s own words that his decision to pull out of the Paris accord had nothing to do with the fate of the planet as the Pope’s fear-mongers suggest. In days gone by he was very vocal declaring global warming a lie. Which 31,487 Scientists have stated in writing is bad science and a bold faced lie. But when pressured about it after becoming president, Trump reiterated about how the United States government has all along been a trailblazer in taking measures to slow global warming by its many very expensive (to US business men) government regulations. He even stated we are the cleanest nation on earth when it comes to governmental efforts in this issue.   Continue reading

Catholic cathedral welcomes ‘Pink Saturday’ gay pride gathering with bishop’s blessing

bishop_gerard_de_korte_810_500_55_s_c1The southern Dutch town of ’s-Hertogenbosch (Den Bosch for short) has been chosen to host the Netherlands’ “Pink Saturday” on June 24. The capital of the historically Catholic province of North-Brabant will welcome LGBT persons from all over the country and beyond with a first-ever event: an ecumenical prayer service for participants to be held in the Catholic cathedral of Saint John the Evangelist in the presence of Bishop Gerard de Korte.

The Roman Catholic bishop recently confirmed that he will give a blessing at the end of the ceremony. Gay rights groups are overjoyed. The local radio, Omroep Brabant, tweeted “Hallelujah” when the news was made public.   Continue reading

Al Gore Says God Told Him to Fight Global Warming

al-gore-640x480In his comments, Gore equated the fight against global warming to a religious-based, moral crusade similar to the civil rights fight, women’s suffrage, and the abolitionist movement during the Civil War era. Gore insisted that it is a moral imperative to fight against climate change. … And if you are a believer, as I am, I think God intends for us to open our eyes and take responsibility for the moral consequences of our actions.” –Source

As many students of prophecy know, the prophecy regarding the mark of the beast predicts the need for a religious law and so the powers that be need to do all they can to assure religious laws become part of society as soon as possible. They need to rush ahead with their plans because their dying god knows his time is short and so this is why Trump did what he did a few weeks ago to help the government approved 501c3 pastors have the legal ability to lobby for religious laws. See my May 4th video on this.   Continue reading

Ramadan Rage 2017: The Complete List of Jihadist Attacks

Ramadan2017-640x480“The estimated 950 deaths and 1,021 injuries from the estimated 70 attacks that have taken place across about 20 countries during the first 13 days (as of June 8) of this year’s holy Muslim month of Ramadan have already marked the bloodiest Ramadan in recent years. In just one day (June 08), the death toll increased by 84 and injuries by 42. Jihadists believe martyrdom is doubly rewarded in paradise during Ramadan. Jihadist groups encourage martyrdom among their sympathizers and followers, promoting the belief that they will be doubly rewarded if they fatally castigate infidels during Ramadan.” –Source

This is overwhelming evidence that the Islamic religion is an exact duplicate to the Roman Catholic torturous and murderous fruits of their inquisition during the prophesied 1260 year rampage of the Popes. Yes, it was prophesied that the “great tribulation” that saw hundreds of millions of Christians killed for their faith would end in the exact year 1798ad. But it was also prophesied the Vatican church would regain its church and State power as well as begin its horrific killings again. Sadly today, most look at the 165,000+ martyred Christians each year as a normal fact of life in today’s society when it’s not normal at all for the human race to do this to each other. But it is normal in the last days as everyone alive knows is happening right now.   Continue reading

Muslim Groups Unhappy With Indianapolis ‘Perfect Man’ Billboard

ede199fd-c246-4978-a1c8-709ea2ab68c6-large16x9_billboard“A billboard in Indianapolis, IN is stirring controversy among local Muslim groups, says a Fox 59 report. The billboard, seen going southbound I-465 near the Washington Street exit mocks the prophet Mohammed as “The Perfect Man.” The billboard then lists six bullet points about Mohammed to describe him. The points include: “Married a 6-year-old,” “Slave owner & dealer,” “rapist,” “Beheaded 600 Jews in one day,” “13 wives, 11 at one time” and “Tortured & killed unbelievers.” …According to Fox 59, the Muslim Alliance of Indiana plans to raise money to put up its own billboard close by to spread a message of peace and kindness.” –Source

So let me get this straight. Nowhere on this billboard do you see the name “Mohammed” mentioned. All you see are statements about a “perfect man” that has done some pretty awful things and so all the Muslims are upset? Why are they so upset? It’s because they know all of what’s listed on the billboard are historic facts nary a single Muslim can refute and so instead of realizing the truth about Mohammed and his blatantly evil ways, they purposely ignore all the facts listed and get all upset at those people that posted the truth about their god? And yes, I said Mohammed is their god because like the Roman Catholic that worships and prays to Mary, the Muslims were also taught by the Popes to uplift everything and anyone by the Creator God and in their case, they chose Mohammed to be their god.  Continue reading

U.S. schools ‘bowing’ to Islam during Ramadan

ny-high-school-prayer-rooms-for-ramadan“High schools across America are being pressured to offer time off school, in-school prayer rooms, and special dietary demands by Muslim students observing the Islamic holy month of Ramadan. One campus in Brooklyn has agreed not to serve food at its prom until after sundown while another school in upstate New York is setting up prayer rooms to satisfy the demands of students who observe Ramadan.” –Source

Amazing isn’t it? In a Christian nation we now have Government teachers who have displayed all sorts of hatred towards anything about Jesus Christ who is the pinnacle of peace and love unparalleled throughout the history of mankind so much so it is illegal to even mention His name in American schools. But, if you worship a god that demands you kill Christians in as graphic a manner that pleases the Pope in Rome who actually wrote the book on torture as well as the Quran of Islam, then you are free to demand all sorts of religious rights in the government schools of America who for decades protested to demand a supposed removal of church & state.   Continue reading

VIDEO: Zinke: It’s not about climate change, it’s about a bad deal

694940094001_5457443734001_5457440699001-vs“On ‘America’s Newsroom,’ the secretary of the interior defends President Trump’s decision to exit Paris accord…” –Source

As I said in videos and blog entries, Trump caved long ago on this but not as many can tell as of yet it seems. He has been saying since day one in his presidential campaign that climate change is a hoax. But almost immediately after being elected president his daughter Ivanka is granted the lead position in the White House climate change department. If it’s a hoax and he plans to walk away laughing; why is his daughter doing as he denies? Why is he allowing US tax dollars to be spent on what he called a hoax?  Continue reading

Pelosi says Trump ‘dishonoring’ God in global warming decision

nancy_pelosi_trump_san_francisco_21957_c0-267-3387-2241_s885x516Rep. Nancy Pelosi said Thursday that President Trump was “dishonoring” God and questioned whether his grandchildren will even be able to breathe air after his announcement a day earlier that he would withdraw from the Paris climate accord.

“How is he ever going to explain to his grandchildren what he did to the air they breathe — assuming they breathe air,” she said at her weekly press conference.

She compared the president to racist segregationists during the civil rights movement, said Mr. Trump’s decision was yet another reason he needed to release his tax returns, and said the U.S. has isolated itself from the world, joining just Syria in rejecting the Paris agreement as too onerous.  Continue reading

Facebook Criticizes Germany’s ‘Hate Speech’ Law & Kathy Griffin’s “legal” insanity

World-Leaders-At-G8-Summit-640x480“Business Insider
reports that Facebook is unhappy with Germany’s new hate speech law that would force social media companies to face heavy fines for failure to remove hate speech and fake news from their platforms. Facebook has argued that these strict new measures will result in legal and legitimate content being deleted from their platform in order to avoid the fines. …If Facebook refuses to comply with the law, the individual deemed responsible for the company in German could receive a personal €5 million fine, while Facebook as an organization could receive a fine of up to €50 million.” –Source

Oh how opinions change so quickly when the dollar bills piling up in Facebook’s vaults are being threatened. Just the other day Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg announced he was going to Pay an ‘Army’ of Roman Catholic Filipinos to Police ‘Offensive’ Material on his Facebook servers, and now that Germany suggests large fines for offensive material on those very same servers he is upset that they would do such a thing. And he (as well as Germany) can use the excuse of “hate speech” and “fake news” to get just about any post removed no matter how truthful it may be. What gets me is how people still use Facebook after so much evidence has been posted as to how dangerous it is to post on those government owned and monitored servers. But then following the herd has always been a favored means to an end for the dying god of this world. Don’t believe me? When we get to New Jerusalem ask Noah what he experienced in his day.   Continue reading