Pope Francis requests Roman Catholic priests be given the right to get married

3a445bfb472bf9196f6df1fb040ea06e“Pope Francis has requested that Roman Catholic priests be given the right to get married. The request applies to priests in Brazil, and is on the agenda for an upcoming synod (church council) in the Amazon region. The controversial move would address the critical shortage of men joining the priesthood – but is likely to drive divisions through the church by enraging conservative factions.” –Source

The reason the Vatican has such a shortage of priests speaks boldly to long prophesied fruit of the priesthood. When speaking of the Vatican long before it formed, the Lord moved the prophet Daniel to declare the following in Daniel 11:37, “Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.”   Continue reading

Pope says NYC Terrorist Killed for the Christian God!

Pope-Angelus-640x480“Before a crowd of some 25,000 pilgrims gathered in Saint Peter’s Square for the noon Angelus prayer Wednesday, the Pope prayed for the conversion of terrorists’ hearts and asked God to rid the world of the murderous madness of those who kill in the name of the Lord. “Let us ask the Lord to convert the hearts of the terrorists and to free the world from hatred and from the homicidal lunacy that abuses God’s name to sow death.” –Source

As expected, this Jesuit Pope is using the deaths of innocent people as a way to further sanction and puff up Islam as a religion of peace so as to push his long prophesied agenda. By stating the terrorists that kill in the name of Allah are killing in the name of the Christian God is the real lunacy here. Not only do Muslims repeatedly declare Jesus Christ to be nothing more than a prophet, the Vatican inspired Koran’s description of Allah is by no means the same description we see of the God in the Bible. And yes, this Pope, most Protestants, and even the leadership of the SDA church declare the word “Allah” is to be defined as “God” in English; but that my brothers and sisters is nothing more than a bold faced lie. And I can easily prove it.   Continue reading

VIDEO: Pope Main Reason Islam Exists to Kill

Spencer-pope-Francis_810_500_55_s_c1“Robert Spencer is “perhaps the foremost Catholic expert on Islam” in the United States and he has written in many Catholic and non-Catholic Christian publications and programs. Therefore, what Robert Spencer has to say in relation to Islam should at least be given serious consideration. …In the case of this video, Spencer calmly presents legitimate concerns about what he believes would be the logical implications or real world perceptions by Islamists of Pope Francis’ statements and actions regarding Islam and the unchecked massive invasion of Islamist young men into non-Islamic nations. Given how deeply he is immersed every day in reporting on Islamist mass slaughters, violations of women and children and many other Jihadist depravities, it is no wonder that Spencer can seem rather harsh or blunt when discussing the pope and Islamism. …Spencer does not believe that traditional Islam is “inherently terroristic” but says he can prove that “traditional Islam contains violent and supremacist elements”, and that “its various schools unanimously teach warfare against and the subjugation of unbelievers” –Source

With all that said, the Pope still declares Islam a religion of peace and the Koran to be a peace filled book and as this reporter states in the video, he also claims meeting with known terrorist leaders to be an act of love. This man of sin in Rome is doing the exact same thing Hitler’s Pope did only now he does this openly without fear of much reprisal because of how easily the media of today is scripted. Due to the dumbing down of billions due to government schools as well as the censored media, most can’t see the danger here. And even though violence is committed right in front of them, they still don’t speak out against this Pope because even if they did the media would not allow it to be published. Hence the reason I have had more than a few videos deleted by Youtube as well as my main site being censored by AOL, Google, DLink Routers, and others.   Continue reading