NEWS-ImageAliveWe now know the 501c3 government pastors next move. In fact, this is actually a very easy prophetic event to see before it comes to fruition thanks to the fact all the apostate pastors have done exactly as the Bible said they would at every step. They have joined their ministries and churches with the State they reside in making them an exact duplicate of the Roman Catholic beast which has the original Church & State structure prophecy speaks of when declaring it to be the woman on a beast; because the only way to get the 501c3 is to join your church or ministry with the State. 

These apostate pastors started doing this prophesied act 63 years ago when they began to sign the 501c3 contract. Then after the Vatican knew they had all the churches in agreement with them, as was also prophesied, on March 7, 2006 the pastors were given the legal right to stand as legitimate government agents thanks to George W’ Bush’s pen on that date via his executive order #13397; that just happened to be exactly 1685 years to the very day since Pagan ruler Constantine signed the Roman day of the Sun into law on March 07, 321ad as a legal day of worship, which then became the very first Sunday laws thereby initiating the first official Sunday Sabbath for the Bishop of Rome. Yes, that means all those Sunday keeping pastors throughout history and on all pulpits today lied when they said the Sunday Sabbath started three centuries earlier at the resurrection of Christ. You simply cannot fake well documented historic record, and you certainly cannot find a single Bible verse to back up their claims either. In fact, I recently offered $5000 cash to anyone that can. As expected, not one verse was given that makes Sunday a Sabbath for Christians.

Then on May 04, 2017 President Trump gave the 501c3 pastors the legal right to speak politically from their pulpits thereby revealing their prophesied fruit of emulating the Church & political State structure of the Vatican. But what Trump did that day was only an executive order. And like Bush’s executive order, the pastors knew it was only valid as long as he stayed in office or until the following President removed it. But then on December 02, 2017 in the middle of the night as most Americans slept, which happened to be the actual Biblical Sabbath of the Creator God, Trump and the Senate made that Executive Order permanent US law wherein the 501c3 pastors could legally endorse political candidates as well as legally lobby for legislation. (See page 427 of the new law here) And so as prophesied, all those pastors now have the same Church & State power to permanently stand as the same sinful image of the beast in Rome. But how does this make us realize what their next major move will be? Notice what it says in Revelation about what just happened…

  • Revelation 13:15, “And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.”

The “he” in this passage is the second beast which is the US Government. What just happened in the middle of the night last week was in fact the second beast just gave life unto the image of the beast which is in fact all the government approved 501c3 churches and pastors. They are now a legal church and political state power. And just so you know, the prophetic term “speak” means to lobby and or legislate law. The prophetic term “cause” means to enforce the law they passed. (See all definitions here)

And so, for all those lying pastors out there that have stated for literally decades that we the obedient people of God have been lying about their 501c3 being the prophesied fulfillment of the image of the beast; how is it that everything that was supposed to happen that makes it become the express image of the Roman Catholic church & state power, HAVE ACTUALLY HAPPENED exactly as the Bible said it would?

In short, and as prophesied, all 501c3 pastors are now Biblically proven to be the “many false prophets” Jesus Christ warned us about in Matthew 24:11. That means if you are in a 501c3 church, (check your church or minister here) you are under the tutelage or guidance of a false prophet. You need to leave that church immediately just as Jesus said in Revelation 18. For if you disobey your Lord and are found in the apostate churches when He returns, you will most assuredly be left behind when His obedient bride rises with Him to New Jerusalem.

NOTE: Due to the urgency of this prophesied event, this blog entry was already made into a video and posted online here a few moments ago.

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