It’s amazing how many articles and videos are out there proving that Sunday Laws are in the Pipeline. Notice this on my Sabbath attack page alone; I have many videos exposing how the powers that be in and outside the church are doing all they can to bring about Sunday laws all over the world. Yet Ted Wilson says no such is happening in the pipeline. There are so many articles now and some of them are real powerful evidences that Ted purposely hid the truth in that video. There are thousands of articles on this one page alone and I am just one of many watchmen on the wall sharing this. Not to mention the millions of articles all over the world from people who have no idea of the prophetic realities in all this.
I implore all those reading this blog or watching this video (when i post it) to seriously consider checking just a few of the videos or articles on this page so as to get an idea of how much the SDA church leaders are ignoring here. Your eternal lives are in abject danger now! I am certain if you just check out a few articles you will see what Ted Wilson said was proof of a prophetic coverup in the same way the Pope’s climate change agenda is a cover up. In fact, just the other day it was declared and many are echoing this fact that Climate Change is moving nations towards the New Global Order. Yet again, Ted or any other SDA leader said nothing on this at all and it’s been going on for many years. (See proof here) It is now child’s play now to easily prove the powers that be are in fact pushing for Sunday laws all over the planet.
Here’s something to think about as well. It used to be that SDA’s were taught from both the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy that the Popes of Rome will use the natural disasters that are to come that herald the return of Christ as a way to bring on Sunday laws by claiming if everyone agrees to keep Sunday holy the Lord will stop the disasters when in fact that’s only going to make them worse by causing the 7 last plagues to begin. And now that those long prophesied calamities have not only started, they have actually increased to the point we have been seeing for years how the prophecy of Hosea regarding all the animals, bird, fish and insects dying, and that’s one of the final events prophesied before the mark is enforced. Yet has anyone heard an SDA preacher say anything about this? Worse yet, as also prophesied, the Pope is right now pushing a climate change agenda that students of prophecy know means he has already set the foundation for Sunday laws all over the world. He wouldn’t be pushing his final agenda like this unless he knew all his plans were set in stone. Yet the SDA leaders won’t tell their flock why the Pope is doing this at all and Ted Wilson says nothing is in the pipeline when it comes to Sunday laws.
And just so you know, what’s happening in nature has nothing to do with global warming or even climate change for that matter. It has to with the fact that our Lord Jesus Christ is coming soon. As Mount Sinai shook and burned as His presence descended upon it, the entire planet is now shaking and burning as His date of arrival draws near. But because most have stopped reading their Bibles just as the prophet Amos predicted, the Pope knows he can make the lukewarm Christians think that the natural disasters have nothing to do with Christ’s return. In fact, he will soon CONvince them all the disasters can actually be prayed away; and especially so if the people keep the Roman Sabbath of Sunday holy so as to make the fake Jesus of Rome think they have repented and then he will supposedly stop the calamities when in fact they will go off the chart.
Check out my climate change page on the website wherein I show eleven of my own videos and hundreds of videos and articles from around the world proving the Vatican is using the prophesied natural disasters to his advantage as we speak to make the case for religious laws. In so doing, all the people think it has nothing to do with the return of Christ. And by the way, see my “religious laws are coming” page to confirm all this when you get time as well.
Because Satan knows his time is short, he has moved the Pope to try and quench the fear of the people when all the disasters started increasing which then caused them to start opening Bibles. The Pope publically declared the end is not yet nigh to calm their fears regarding the calamities in the exact same way Ted Wilson just did for the SDA people who for the most part do in fact know what those calamities really mean.
No, I am not trying to divide the SDA church at all as some have claimed over the last few months due to all my videos exposing their leaders. (See the overflow here) The original truth as it was presented during the infancy of the church is still intact in the obedient people of God that have left the church to follow the Lamb withersoever He goeth. The truth is, the SDA leaders were instrumental in dividing the church long ago when they rejected Christ and His righteousness in 1888. And so when they asked Jesus to leave, His prophesied bride followed after Him. In fact, I hope to share a video in the near future showing the differences between the statement of faith in the early days of the church with the statement of faith of the current SDA church. Most will be shocked how the leaders actually created a new denomination but kept the old name. That now means, if you stay in the SDA church you are actually shaken out of the true church that has never left the Lord. And so, all I’m doing now is trying to get the serious Christians still in the SDA church to try and realize what their Bibles say so as to get them out of danger before the plagues fall and it will be too late.
And have you noticed? The SDA people that have opened their Bibles recently and were moved by the Lord to try and get the people in the church to see what’s really happening, all of these obedient Christians were kicked out of the church to keep the rest of the people from hearing the truth they are called to share. What’s really strange is that most SDA’s know all about those that have left as they have seen with their own eyes how some people that they and everyone else understood to be strong Christians suddenly disappeared from the pews either by choice or by being forced out by their government approved pastors. But sadly, and as prophesied, many now worship the creature on the pulpit over and above the Creator who is forever blessed. These poor and precious souls who choose to stay in the apostate SDA church will do so at their own peril. Worse yet, to prevent them from leaving, the leaders found that the best way to make them feel safe was to move them to use Vatican edited Bibles like the NIV and the edited Spirit of Prophecy books to make them feel as if those with the truth are lying to them and the wolves on the pulpits are the ones they can trust.
Bottom line is this.. it was prophesied to happen and it is happening right now. But until you open your eyes to read the real Bible and unedited SOP books, you cannot see what those that have been blessed by the Lord are looking at right now. The only way to understand prophecy is to obey the God that wrote it.
Additional Articles Confirming we are in the Last Days:
Yale boldly discriminates against Christians * Todd Starnes: Pennsylvania Democrats: Allah is fine, Jesus is not * WHAT?! Retired Chicago cop filmed saying slain teen Laquan McDonald should have been shot more than 16 times * FYI: Facebook Harvesting New Users’ Email Contacts ‘Without Consent’ * Video Shows Migrants Abusing Children at Arizona Border Fence * GLOBAL WARMING? California Snowpack at 162% of Average, 4th-Highest Ever * Businesses! Book deals! 2020 Democrats to deliver socialism on their own silver platters * WHAT?! Polish priest apologizes for burning of ‘Harry Potter’ books * VIDEO: Taco Bell manager gets anger management after choking pregnant employee for asking for too many breaks * Openly Gay Black Woman Overwhelmingly Wins Chicago Mayoral Race * Media hides fact that illegals caused MAJOR measles outbreak by claiming it was “travelers” instead * VIDEO: Pope Francis: God wants fraternity between Muslims and Catholics * Climate change agenda is being driven by hysteria, not facts