For as long as anyone can remember, the SDA church leaders have been saying over and over again that the SDA church is the “remnant church.” In fact, they have been saying this for so long that all the SDA people now echo their claims as if it’s the truth even though this is not what the Bible or Spirit of Prophecy says about the SDA church. Notice this…
- Revelation 12:17 And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.
As is very obvious here. The woman and the remnant of her seed are two separate groups of people. As students of prophecy understand, the woman in prophecy is the church and the remnant of her seed are those called out of the church once it falls into apostasy. You simply cannot be the church and the remnant of the church’s seed at the same time. You are either the church, or the remnant of that church. You cannot be both. And you certainly can’t change prophecy. (See Revelation 22:18) Even the soul that doesn’t understand prophetic symbolism can see that the church and her remnant are two separate groups. In fact, when you get time check out this video I did years ago proving the SDA church can’t possibly be the remnant church.
As many of us that have been looking into the apostasy of the church know, the SDA leaders have been completely infiltrated by Rome right down to her joining hands with the second beast of Revelation in the long prophesied church & state contract, or 501c3 as most know it today. My last few videos confirmed that this church is no longer blessed of God hands down, and that series of videos is not yet finished.
It’s not just their strange doctrines of Allah being god, or their claims that homosexuality is no longer sin, nor is it their Roman Catholic hierarchal structure, or even the tithe being sent to the Pope that exposes them. Nor is the claims of the General conference that keeping Sunday holy is no big deal or even their latest claim that there is no evidence of Sunday Laws being discussed in the pipeline that expose them as being under Rome’s thumb. It also has to do with rock hard evidence that has been unearthed that they have been caught red handed changing all the Spirit of Prophecy books so as to not only hide their Vatican agenda, but they also hide specific prophetic utterances in Spirit of Prophecy so as to unready the people for what’s coming.
And for those that do not believe me, you can prove this quite easily if you are willing to do so. Get a Great Controversy book from the SDA church and then get the original version of that very same book from Vbates.com wherein Vern Bates kept all of Ellen White’s original writings in a vault to assure they are kept safe from the plans of the wicked ones seeking to destroy them. And by the way, when brother Vern reprinted those books he photographed each page to assure no one could accuse him of altering those books in any way. That’s why when you buy his books you will find statements underlined as well as some notes written in the books from people that used the books over 100 years ago.
When it comes to the unbiblical claim that the SDA church is the remnant church, the General Conference of the Seventh Day Adventist church was caught changing the Spirit of prophecy books in many ways as well as echoing these changes from the pulpits of those working for Rome to make it appear the SDA church is the remnant church to those sitting in the pews that refuse to obey Jesus to “come out of her” before the plagues fall. But notice what was actually declared way back in 1870 before they were able to change those books. Notice what it says regarding the obedient church of the last days. Notice how the SDA church was not called the remnant church at all.
- “The testimony of Jesus,” said the angel to John, “is the spirit of prophecy.” Rev. 19: 10. It is the keeping of the commandments of God, and the recognition of the re-vival of the spirit of prophecy by the remnant of the church, or the Christians of the last generation, that stirs the ire of the dragon.” –Spirit of Prophecy volume 1 page 11 (See the entire unedited SOP V1 here) *
To call the SDA church the remnant church is to declare the Word of God and Spirit of Prophecy to be in error and the lies of apostate leaders to be the truth. The obedient people of God that left the church because of the apostasy in the SDA church are called the remnant, not those still sitting in apostasy. Common sense, prophetic utterance and even historic record confirms, the obedient people of God that left the SDA church in today’s last generation are not only doing the long prophesied work of proclaiming present truth, we are also warning as many as possible about how the SDA church has fallen to the point of embracing all the Rome has to offer as well as rewriting Spirit of Prophecy in the same way Rome has been re-writing the Bible.
If you open your eyes you will see that the obedience of the true remnant people moved the Holy Spirit Himself to guide them out of the fallen church and in so doing the Lord blessed them with His perfect zeal to go forth as a working church that spreads present truth to all those with eyes that see. And when you compile the long prophesied fruits of His precious bride along with the historic timing of this last generation that prove them being used of God to revive an interest for the Spirit of Prophecy, you cannot miss the fact they are the true remnant of the Seventh Day Adventist church who as was prophesied long ago to fall into the arms of Rome.
- Sister White said a Remnant would leave the SDA church
- VIDEO: Sister White said a remnant would leave GC SDA
- VIDEO: Is the SDA church the Remnant?

* “Of all the blessings which God has bestowed upon his people, the gift of his Son excepted, none have been so sacred, and so important to their welfare, as the gift of his holy law, and his Holy Spirit. And none have been so well calculcated to thwart the plans of Satan, and, consequently, to stir his rage, as these. And when that people should arise, in the last generation of men, who should be observing all ten of the precepts of God’s holy law, and should recognize the revival of the spirit of prophecy, they might expect to feel that bitterness from their opponents, which can arise only from the direct inspiration of Satan. “And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.” Rev. 12: 17. “The testimony of Jesus,” said the angel to John, “is the spirit of prophecy.” Rev. 19: 10. It is the keeping of the commandments of God, and the recognition of the revival of the spirit of prophecy by the remnant of the church, or the Christians of the last generation, that stirs the ire of the dragon.” –Spirit of Prophecy volume 1 page 10,11
UPDATED: 04-01-19
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