Ted Wilson stated when visiting in Jamaica that, “We do urge that lawmakers give strong adherence and cognisance to the sanctity of life. Most Adventists would be very supportive of the sanctity of life and not in favour of abortion unless the mother’s life was in danger or there was incest or rape involved, and that’s left to the individual to decide.” –Source
Pastor Ted Wilson just declared, as the General Conference has been allowing since the 1970’s in their hospitals, that torturing and then killing an infant in the womb of its mother is perfectly acceptable if that little baby was conceived by rape or incest. And so I ask, what did the innocent child do to warrant his or her murder? Why does a child end up on death row without so much as a trial simply because the Lord thy God allowed the child to be conceived in the womb of a woman raped? Is Ted Wilson saying the God of the Bible made a MISTAKE? Yes, indeed he is because it was the Creator God that sent the light of life into that fertilized egg at the very moment of conception.
It says in John 1:3-4 that “All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men.” And so i implore all interested to see this video or even this video that proved using modern day Science that as the Bible just said, LIGHT actually appears at the very moment of conception further proving Ted Wilson to be a man who mocks the Creator God and His written Word.
But because Ted Wilson and the General conference have clearly joined with Rome as the many videos I have posted confirm, he has been desenisitized to join those wherein the love of many will wax cold. That beautiful little baby that the Creator God gave the gift of life to is so hated today that many demand its death simply for coming to life without so much as committing a single crime. Everything from an inconvenient pregnancy to simply not wanting stretch marks has become the excuse to kill these precious little babies. Worse yet, it’s one thing for the State to unbiblically kill criminals, but the way babies are murdered by these doctors is abject horror and torture beyond anyone’s imagination that can only be described as an emulation of the Vatican’s torturous Inquisition.
And so I ask, has ted Wilson forgotten Deuteronomy 24:16 that declares “The fathers shall not be put to death for the children, neither shall the children be put to death for the fathers: every man shall be put to death for his own sin.” Or what of Ezekiel 18:20 that says, “The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him.” Or what of Romans 12:17 that says we must “Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men.” Yet Ted Wilson says if a woman is violently raped, we must use that same violence to kill her innocent child?
Yes, it appears Ted Wilson has forgotten these amazing Bible verses so as to embrace political correctness. But then this is to be expected when the church of Rome that now controls the SDA church has moved them to deny this doctrine ever since declaring their original sin dogma, which as I declare in this video, has clearly been embraced by the SDA church since the mid 1980’s.
Sadly, because the baby cannot tell us all the pain it goes through when its little arms and legs were being viciously ripped from its little body while alive and fully alert with absolutely no pain killers, which by the way has been recorded by some wherein they show the baby trying to escape the forceps of its killer and even opens its little mouth in a silent scream when they shred it to pieces. But because the child has no voice or even the chance to make an appeal in court as mass murderers do, these loveless leaders in the SDA church and the Antichristian US government see nothing wrong here and so the killing continues.
But think about this MR and MRS SDA church member; Ted Wilson is a supposed man of the Gospel who openly declares it is ok to torture and kill little babies simply because the pregnancy came about by the criminal act of the father. But what he won’t say is that the life of that child truly came by the will of God who gave life unto that baby in the first place regardless of how that baby was conceived. But when love is no longer in the heart, the God of love is removed from the equation.
This hellish act more than any other apostate action performed on a daily basis in the SDA church by all its government approved agents of the state is without a doubt the most evil fruit of the Seventh Day Adventist church to date. But it is also absolute evidence that the bloodthirsty man of sin in Rome is in fact the long prophesied puppeteer of Ted Wilson and every single pastor in the SDA church under his leadership. And common sense dictates this as fact because none of these pastors under Wilson have stepped out of their 501c3 contract with the second beast of Revelation (the USA) or out of the prophesied fallen apostate SDA church to declare the truth about its hellish fruit. They now worship the money over and above the God of Heaven. These pastors are now all in concert with Ted Wilson who is advocating the church sanctioned and legalized breaking of Commandment #6 so as to desensitize the nation even further into accepting death as the norm so as to garner even more souls as Satan’s troops for Armageddon, who will then surround those of us that do see this as open sin and a blatant mockery of the Creator God.
That all being said, what shocks me the most is how some who claim to be obedient children of God still sit in the pew of this apostate SDA church. But I praise the Lord that as prophesied in Revelation 18:1-5 that many will not remain seated for long. In fact, they have been coming out of this fallen church for decades and will do so to join with the remnant of her seed to finish the work prophesied to be done in these very last days.
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