Before sharing what I am about to share it is imperative that you consider getting the book put together by Vern Bates at vbates.com titled, “A Study of the 1884 Great Controversy Changes” because there is no online version available. And for those that prefer the video that the book was transcribed from so as to read along, check out the DVD titled “The Loud Cry – Parts 1 & 2” and you will most assuredly be shocked at what you find. And just so you know, no I am not sponsored by Echoes from the Past at vbates.com in any way. I have known and spoken to brother Vern over the years many times before he went to sleep in the Lord and as far as I know his ministry is the only one that still has the original Spirit of Prophecy writings intact before the SDA church edited them.
There are so many things that have been removed and added to the 1884 Great Controversy that I will not be able to make a blog or even a video on all of it, but I may share other blog entries and videos as my studies continue. But I will share something that literally shocked me last Sabbath when I was studying into this. Every one of the changes are absolute evidence that Rome has literally taken over the SDA church. As expected; these apostate leaders simply don’t want people to know about what’s coming or what signs will be visible that herald the arrival of our Lord in great detail because if they know they will lose the tithe money they give them. What I found will upset many people in and outside the church.
What most are unaware of even to this day is that the SDA church removed most of the very important info regarding the Loud Cry from theirmany edited versions of the Great Controversy. The way they did the editing allowed for a false belief structure back then that is still running rampant in the church today that is causing the people in the church to think the Loud Cry is to be a major revival of primitive godliness within the SDA church that moves the people to proclaim present truth worldwide when in fact this event is prophesied to be missed by nearly everyone on earth and absolutely every person still in the SDA church when it begins. Only the obedient child of God will be used of God in this final movement. No getting around that biblical fact. This why Satan moved the SDA leaders to make the changes.
The enemy of souls knew the prophecy is only revealed to the obedient ones that follow the Lamb withersoever He goeth. But in 1888 the SDA leaders rejected Christ our Righteousness and all the obedient people of God left the apostate church because truth can never be proclaimed by those in apostasy. The SDA leaders knew about this and so to keep the people in the pews, they altered the writings in the same way Rome rewrote the Bibles to generate a mindest of peace and safety.
What I am about to read has been completely removed from the SDA’s version of The Great Controversy and then replaced with a claim of a great revival in the church that they now use to make the people believe they need to stay with the ship.
But before sharing what they removed, notice what they replaced it with in the edited 1888 Great Controversy. It says: “Before the final visitation of God’s judgments upon the earth, there will be, among the people of the Lord, such a revival of primitive godliness as has not been witnessed since apostolic times.” –GC 1888 page 464.
Even though this quote I just read shows up 9 times word for word in the EGW DVD, which also means they placed it in 9 different books claiming Ellen White wrote it, you will not find this statement or even one similar to it anywhere in her original writings. In fact, this is what she really said in the 1884 on page 295, 296.
“Notwithstanding the wide-spread declension of faith and piety in the churches, the Lord still has honest children among them; and before his judgments shall be visited upon the earth, many ministers and lay-members will separate from these bodies, and gladly receive the special truths for this time. The enemy of souls desires to hinder this work, and before the time shall come for such a movement, he will arouse what appears to be great religious interest in the churches. They will exult that God is working marvelously for them, when the work is that of another spirit; Under a religious guise, Satan will spread his influence over the land. He hopes to deceive many by leading them to think that God is still with the churches.” – Page 295-296 1884 GC
What I just read was completely removed from the original Great Controversy of 1884 when they created their new versions. You have to realize brothers and sisters that they removed all this and replaced it with their own words for a reason. And keep in mind, when she says “churches” here she means the SDA churches. Like all patriarchs and prophets before her, she speaks about the true church before, during and after their fall because as we all know according to 1 Peter 4:17, “For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?”
Prophets need not speak or even prophesy unto nonbelieving churches in this manner. Prophetic utterance is never given to them. Prophets only declare unto them to repent before they can grasp such truths. She is prophesying here to warn those still trapped in apostasy to get out before it’s too late. That’s why Revelation 18:4 says “my people” when warning those in Babylon or any church in bed with Babylon about leaving beforethe plagues begin.
And because this false movement in the SDA church has been festering for many decades, we now we see the people have been conditioned to defend their apostate leaders who tell them to stay with the ship in the same way the congregants of Rome defend their priests, prelates and Popes. Just as prophesied they do this knowing every SDA agrees that their church is in apostasy. And just so you know, no getting around the biblical fact that apostasy is the main fruit of any and all churches in bed with Babylon.
Notice what Ellen White said on this:
“Concerning Babylon, the symbol of the apostate church, He says to His ministers of judgment, “Her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities. Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double.” Rev. 18:5, 6. -Christ’s Object Lessons 178.4 (Click here for many more EGW quotes regarding the Babylonian fruit in the SDA church)
Even though their state of apostasy is common knowledge in the SDA church from the pulpit to the pew, as prophesied they are still taught and then believe that God is still with their churches just as Sister White said they would. This is also why a man like David Gates can step up and boldly call Jesus Christ and Ellen White a liar by setting dates and use Vatican dogma to change how prophetic time is defined, yet this type of prophetic heresy doesn’t faze some of the precious SDA people trapped in apostasy. I have emails, blog entries, phone calls and many YouTube comments from people defending David Gates even now after his prophecy failed on many counts confirming this as fact. Something so blunt as to prophesy falsely and even change Bible prophecy no longer matters for many of the dear SDA people because they are moved by the long prophesied ravenous wolves to be dead set on staying with the ship all the way until it sinks under plague #7.
But there is still a short period of time brothers and sisters. And so pray for them, and do the work you know the Holy Spirit is moving you to do right now. Get the original books and place them in their hands because the SDA people better than most know the validity of those books and the Testimony of Jesus Christ which we all know is the Spirit of Prophecy.
- Revelation 19:10 And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See thou do it not: I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.
“The work will be similar to that of the day of Pentecost. Servants of God, with their faces lighted up and shining with holy consecration, hasten from place to place to pro. claim the warning from Heaven. By thousands of voices, all over the earth, the message will be given. Miracles are wrought, the sick are healed, and signs and wonders follow the believers. Satan also works with lying wonders, even bringing down fire from heaven in the sight of men. Thus the inhabitants. of the earth are brought to take their stand.
The message will be carried, as was the midnight cry of 1844, not so much by argument as by the deep conviction of the Spirit of God.” – Page 429-430 1884 GC
QUESTION? Where was the SDA church in 1844? ANSWER: It had not yet been formed. That did not happen till 1863. That means, it is the remnant of her seed that left the SDA church in obedience to follow the Lamb withersoever He goeth that will go forth in the Loud Cry. Like in 1844, they will not be under any main stream denomination that cripples their work. They will go forth in a wonderful and glorious manifestation of the power of God. And so, anyone still in apostasy at that time cannot be used of God. And so it is my prayer that the SDA people repent and come out of their fallen church before it is too late.
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