SDA Apostasy off the Chart!

For decades I have put forth a heartfelt plea to all Christians still sitting in apostate churches to obey that which is written in Revelation 18:1-5. Sadly most ignore what I have to share.

Today, I want to focus on the Seventh day Adventist people by asking one question.  Any one of us can do this with the same result. Ask any Seventh Day Adventist if their church is in apostasy and all leaders and people in the pews will all agree yes, the SDA church has fallen. Yet even with this knowledge they stay in their church even though their very own prophet stated long ago that “Babylon, the symbol of the apostate church.” (COL 178.4)

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Ted Wilson: Abortion is OK

Ted Wilson stated when visiting in Jamaica that, “We do urge that lawmakers give strong adherence and cognisance to the sanctity of life. Most Adventists would be very supportive of the sanctity of life and not in favour of abortion unless the mother’s life was in danger or there was incest or rape involved, and that’s left to the individual to decide.” –Source

Pastor Ted Wilson just declared, as the General Conference has been allowing since the 1970’s in their hospitals, that torturing and then killing an infant in the womb of its mother is perfectly acceptable if that little baby was conceived by rape or incest. And so I ask, what did the innocent child do to warrant his or her murder? Why does a child end up on death row without so much as a trial simply because the Lord thy God allowed the child to be conceived in the womb of a woman raped? Is Ted Wilson saying the God of the Bible made a MISTAKE? Yes, indeed he is because it was the Creator God that sent the light of life into that fertilized egg at the very moment of conception.

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SDA Church Declares Peace & Safety

downloadDo you recall back in 1998 how Pope John Paul the II released a statement that said, “To the dismay of Seven Day Adventist’s… but to the relief of everyone else, the Pope has declared that the world is not about to end. (-The Times, 24 April 1998, by Richard Owen in Rome)

Well it seems the SDA church no longer feels the same dismay they did 20 years ago. In fact, the president of the SDA General Conference just stated the following on camera. He said, “understand that yes, national Sunday Laws will come, persecution will come, but nothing of that sort is in the pipeline at the present time. Nothing that we have understood.” (-Ted Wilson)   Continue reading