The Independent News reported on June 29, 2023 that “King (Charles) activates climate countdown clock.” It goes on to say why it was actived “which counts down the time left to balance global greenhouse gas emissions to prevent the Earth heating more than 1.5C above pre-industrial levels. Scientists have said that achieving this is vital to ensuring a safe and liveable planet as even sticking to 1.5C offered just a 50-50 chance of avoiding catastrophic tipping points that would heat the Earth beyond human control.”
It goes on to say that “the climate clock has a countdown of six years and 24 days, at which point experts say the world will have used up the carbon budget for keeping to the Paris Agreement and Earth will inevitably heat beyond 1.5C.”
Further, the chief executive and founder of Climate Action, Nick Henry said, “This powerful illustration of the scale of the climate emergency also reminds us there is still time to avert disaster. We need to align all actors – governments, cities, investors, businesses, and civil society – to move at speed and at scale.”
Interestingly, the chief executive of AstraZeneca, Pascal Soriot, said on stage; “This is not only a crisis that will happen in 20 or 30 years, this is a crisis that is here today. The pandemic globally cost seven million lives. And, of course, it’s an awfully large number of people dying from Covid.”
Let’s highlights some points discussed here:
- The clock warns to prevent the earth heating more than 1.5C. As you know, it was proven by science that the CO2 levels today is the same as in 1910. And the rising of CO2, actually proves to be beneficial to greening the earth in opposed to what these followers of Pope are saying.
- Scientists have said that achieving this is vital to ensuring a safe and liveable plant. If that is true, we have to ask the 31,487 American scientists including 9,029 with PhDs who confirms that global warming is wrong.
- The climate clock has a countdown of six years and 24 days. If we count that from now, it would fall in 2030. Is this why the Pope and his Vatican controlled United Nation’s leader announced their plans for a one world government by 2030? The pope has also launched a a 7-year action plan in 2021 to push his climate change agenda which obviously his way of escalating his New World Order agenda. Will he get his wish by 2030 or perhaps even sooner by 2028?
- The clock reminds the people there is still time to avert disaster. The pope invented climate change to push his agenda and be the savior of the planet. But in reality, the natural disasters are here as a SIGNs that our Saviour Jesus Christ is soon coming.
- This is a crisis that is here today – pandemic globally large number of people dying from Covid. The plandemic crisis and now the climate crisis are all staged as prophesied to be used to enforce religious laws which is the coming mark.
After all have been said, let me ask you: Are you ready? are you sure!?
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