Sunday Pagan Origin

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For those who don’t know, Kuya Kim is a Filipino television host best known for his trivia shows. In this reel, he said that Sunday had pagan roots but incorrectly stated that it is the Sabbath day, the seventh day of the week, quoting Exodus 20:8. Click here for the video transcript.

Catholics and protestants keep Sunday because their churches have taught them that it is the Sabbath. And I don’t judge them since we are judge based on the light we have received. However, when the Bible light shines in their hearts, many honest members will soon realize that their priests or pastors misled them by following man’s law and they will keep the true Sabbath which is the sign and seal of the living God.

So, there is no reason for confusion because the Bible clearly states that Sunday is the first day of the week and Saturday is the seventh day of the week and it means ‘rest’.

Truth is truth!

Transcript translated from Tagalog to English:

“Do you know where the word Sunday comes from? And do you know the etymology or origin of the word Sunday is rooted in pagan behavior. You should know that Sunday comes from the old English word or old German word Sundaeg which means Day of the sun where they pay tribute to the god of the sun. It also comes from the old Latin word Dies Sli or Day of the Sun. Does that mean, that if we keep the Sabbath day or Sunday holy, this day Sunday the seventh day of the week holy, we will pay tribute to this pagan god? According to Exodus 20:8, Remember the Sabbath day keep it holy. Does it have to be the Seventh day or Sunday as far as we know? Although it was started by the time of the pagans to convert the pagans into Christianity by keeping one day holy, it does not mean that we are also becoming pagans. That means, let’s rest because God worked for six days and he is the only god that had to rest one day. so should we.” – Kuya Kim (Brother Kim)

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