Pope Francis instructs Vatican entities to move all funds to Vatican bank by Sept. 30

Rome Newsroom, Aug 23, 2022 / 05:51 am (CNA). Pope Francis has ordered that the Holy See and connected entities move all financial assets to the Institute for Works of Religion (IOR), commonly known as the Vatican bank. The pope’s rescript, issued Aug. 23, clarifies the interpretation of a paragraph in the new constitution of the Roman Curia, Praedicate Evangelium, promulgated in March. According to Francis’ rescript, financial and liquid assets held in banks other than the IOR must be moved to the Vatican bank within 30 days of Sept. 1, 2022. The IOR, based in Vatican City State, has 110 employees and 14,519 clients. As of 2021, it looked after 5.2 billion euros ($5.6 billion) of client assets. Though commonly called a “bank,” the IOR is technically a financial institute, with no branches, working within Vatican City State to provide services to clients, which include the Holy See and connected entities, religious orders, clergy, Catholic institutions, and Holy See employees… The decree will force Holy See institutions, including the Secretariat of State, to move their financial assets to the IOR by the end of September. The Secretariat of State is known to have had accounts in Swiss financial institutions, including Credit Suisse, through which the controversial London building investment was initially carried out.” – SOURCE.

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Survey: Americans using less cash, foresee a ‘cashless’ future – Change for the worse

Fewer Americans are using cash for purchases than five years ago and two-thirds foresee a cashless future in their lifetimes, according to a new Gallup poll released Thursday. Gallup reported Thursday that 13% of adults say they use cash for most purchases — down from 28% five years ago. The poll found that 64% of Americans believe the nation will be a cashless society in their lifetimes. And for more Americans, that evolution would be a “change for the worse” rather than a change for the better. Gallup said the increased popularity of mobile payment apps seems poised to accelerate the transition.” – SOURCE

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Climate Agenda Now Destroying Nations Economy

Sri Lanka is in a last-ditch effort to stave off economic collapse after an allegedly climate-friendly ban on artificial fertilizers devastated one of the country’s largest industries, according to experts.”… “Our economy has faced a complete collapse,” Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe said on June 23, according to CNN.” Source: How the climate agenda destroyed 1 nation’s economy

Meanwhile, a developing story in Neatherland, the dutch farmers are fighting against climate mandates imposed by it’s government.

“The livelihoods of Dutch farmers are under attack due to the Dutch government’s proposed nitrogen policy, which could necessitate the mass slaughter of livestock and potentially shut down almost a third of the country’s farms.” Source: Climate Mandates Imposed on Dutch Farmers Will Ruin Their Livelihoods: War Correspondent

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UN deletes article on BENEFITS of world hunger

The UN have removed a satirical article from their website that detailed the benefits of world hunger after its discovery sparked an online backlash. The article, entitled “The Benefits of World Hunger,” was written by Professor George Kent from the University of Hawaii. Originally published in June 2008, the article was more recently reposted to the UN’s Chronicle magazine. “We sometimes talk about hunger in the world as if it were a scourge that all of us want to see abolished,” Kent wrote, adding that hunger was actually “a great positive value to many people. Indeed, it is fundamental to the working of the world’s economy. Hungry people are the most productive people, especially where there is a need for manual labour“…. “When we sell our services cheaply, we enrich others, those who own the factories, the machines and the lands, and ultimately own the people who work for them. For those who depend on the availability of cheap labour, hunger is the foundation of their wealth.” – SOURCE.

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Cashless Society: Digital Dollar Is Coming

Looking forward, rapid changes are taking place in the global monetary system that may affect the international role of the dollar in the future. Most major economies already have or are in the process of developing instant, 24/7 payments,” Powell said. “As the Fed’s white paper on this topic notes, a U.S. CBDC could also potentially help maintain the dollar’s international standing… The Fed recently wrapped up its four-month consultation with the public about a digital dollar. “As we consider feedback … we will be thinking not just about the current state of the world, but also how the global financial system might evolve over the next 5 to 10 years,” according to Powell. The U.S. is a step behind on CBDCs, with ten countries having already launched their own versions and another 15 in pilot stages, according to the Atlantic Council’s Central Bank Digital Currency Tracker. “105 countries, representing over 95 percent of global GDP, are exploring a CBDC,” the tracker said. “In May 2020, only 35 countries were considering a CBDC. A new high of 50 countries are in an advanced phase of exploration (development, pilot, or launch).” – SOURCE (Related Video)

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‘Asia’s first’ exorcism center being built in the Philippines by Archdiocese of Manila

The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Manila has begun construction on an exorcism center in the Philippines, calling it the “first of its kind in Asia, if not the world.” The Saint Michael Center for Spiritual Liberation and Exorcism, which broke ground in Makati City on May 17, will house the offices of the ecclesiastical district’s Commission on Extraordinary Phenomena, the Ministry of Exorcism and the Ministry on Visions and Phenomena… Exorcism, a religious rite believed to drive out demons or other spiritual entities from possessed individuals, is mostly associated with the Catholic Church but is also practiced in other religions. According to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), exorcism is necessary “when a person needs to be protected against the power of the devil or to be withdrawn from his spiritual dominion. The Catholic Church only allows certain Catholic priests to perform an exorcism with the permission of a bishop. In modern times, a medical professional must first rule out any mental health issues before an exorcism is performed on an individual.”- SOURCE.

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Growing Your Own Food Is NOW Against The Law In Australia

“VICTORIA, AUSTRALIA: Premier Dan Andrews is passing a bill that prohibits people from growing their own food. The Agriculture Legislation Amendment Bill 2022 has had its second reading in parliament. Biosecurity is stated as the reason for changes.” “Increased enforcement powers, searching of property and persons without a warrant, Increased fines, and $10,000 for providing false or misleading information. Landholder consent is no longer required for Authorised Officers to take samples, stock (animals), and documents. Authorized Officers are no longer required to present identification. Heavy penalties for obstructing entry to the property.” Here’s the bill:

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BREAKING NEWS: Prophesied Reason They’re Removing Food

This needs to be shared far and wide to as many people as we can for everybody in the planet is affected by it (especially in USA) ….

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Pope Says Global Reset Is Real: No ‘Return to Normality’ After the Pandemic

In a message to the Paris Forum on Peace, the pope painted a dire picture of a pre-coronavirus world dominated by corruption, war, and capitalistic oppression. “The reality we knew before the pandemic was that wealth and economic growth were reserved for a minority while millions of people were unable to meet the most basic needs and lead a dignified life,” Francis said, “a world in which our Earth was plundered by a myopic exploitation of resources, by pollution, by ‘disposable’ consumerism, and wounded by wars and experiments with weapons of mass destruction.” “Return to normal would also mean a return to old social structures inspired by self-sufficiency, nationalism, protectionism, individualism and isolation,” he added, “and excluding our poorest brothers and sisters. Is this a future we can choose?”… Our conscience calls us “not to follow the easy way of returning to a ‘normality’ marked by injustice, but to accept the challenge of assuming the crisis as a concrete opportunity for conversion, transformation, to rethink our lifestyle and our economic and social system,” he said. The pope’s vision for a new world begins with “a concrete collective commitment in favor of integral disarmament,” he noted. “World military spending has now exceeded the level recorded at the end of the ‘cold war’ and is systematically increasing every year.” – Source.

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“If we can vaccinate the world, we can beat the climate crisis” Prophecy News Updates – 6/11/21

Although we don’t know the day and hour of Jesus’ coming yet we can definitely know the seasons. (Matthew 24:36; 1 Thes 5: 1-2) The “kings of the earth” (world leaders) and the “merchants of the earth” (great and power elite men) are all joined hands with Vatican in deceiving the world. We are now seeing how slowly but surely the covid planned-demic and climate change agenda will have their part in prophetic end-time events that will ultimately lead to the enforcement of the mark. Let us prepare to stand in the great day of God.

If we can vaccinate the world, we can beat the climate crisis

“The IMF has highlighted the economic benefits of global vaccines, which would be huge. But there is another powerful reason for a worldwide campaign. Vaccinating the world will be crucial if countries are going to act together to confront the climate crisis, which will require many of the same things as delivering vaccines: resources, innovation, ingenuity and a true partnership between rich and developing countries. The Cop26 climate conference in November will be an opportune moment for building this partnership. “

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