Austrian cardinal warns of ‘Islamic conquest’ of Europe

cardinal_schonborn_credit__mazur_catholicnewsorguk_cna_1-680x450Cardinal Christoph Schönborn has warned that Europe risks forfeiting its “Christian inheritance” and that an “Islamic conquest” could be in its future.

Speaking in the Cathedral of Vienna on Sunday, Sept. 11, the Archbishop of Vienna referenced the feast day that commemorates the decisive victory of a Christian coalition over the Ottoman Empire in the Battle of Vienna in 1683.

“On this day, 333 years ago, Vienna was saved,” he said. “Will there now be a third attempt at an Islamic conquest of Europe? Many Muslims think so and long for it and say: This Europe is at an end.”

“And I think that we should ask for Europe what Moses does in the reading of today and what God the Merciful does for the younger son: Lord, give us another chance! Do not forget that we are your people just like Moses reminds Him: They are your people, You led them out, You sanctified them, they are your people.”  Continue reading

U.S. court rejects Muslim’s demand to use Shariah

gavel-american-flag-600“A state court in Minnesota, which already is heavily influenced by a large population of Muslim immigrants and has one district represented in Congress by a Muslim, has decided that in America, it’s American inheritance law that applies. …The opinion, which was marked “unpublished” and not to be used for citation, involved the claim of Hosameldin Ibrahim Imbabi of Gold River, California. Representing himself, he claimed that all of the parties in the case were Muslims, so the state court should apply Islamic law.” –Source

Of course this case is minuscule in its long prophesied expectation of Shariah in America as it’s only regarding some Muslim who wants to make sure his dead brother’s widow only gets 25% of his estate. And yes, the man failed to get Shariah allowed. And yes, as usual, Satan uses the love of money to get things done and so this ends up in court so as to help the Muslim get some extra funds while at the same time tickle the ears of the judges regarding Sharia law in the long run. Still, it’s not a guillotine worthy decision and it really doesn’t matter if the man appeals or not to that end. BUT they do have to start somewhere.  Continue reading

VIDEO: US Muslim woman inaugurated as officer

13907064_10154118177517935_5220988672774098083_n“A US Muslim woman from Dearborn, Michigan has been inaugurated as a law enforcement officer in the city. She says her religious and cultural background will allow for better community policing in the city that has the highest percentage of Muslim Americans in the US. Elian el-Khamissi reports from Chicago. “-Source

Our sinful elected leaders have normalized everything from homosexual marriage to abortion and now they seek the normalization of Islamic theology and law step by step. That being said, how long do you think it will be before many Muslim men who follow Sharia Law religiously become United States police officers? It’s no mistake they had a very small Muslim woman join the police force wearing a hijab first. To have a man do it first would be a show of force and many ‘might’ protest. I say ‘might’ because as we have already witnessed the last few decades, the herd mentality of this nation is playing right into the hands of Rome. Still, a small woman with a pretty face and a well scripted profile wherein she supposedly joined to be there for her community when her Koran says her job is the duty of men alone speaks volumes as to the deceptive manner in which they did this.   Continue reading

Islamic State names Pope as enemy number one

pope-francisIslamic State has singled out Pope Francis as its chief enemy.

The Middle East terror group describes the pope as a “non-believer” in its latest publication. IS condemns him for “defending” homosexuals who it says have an immoral lifestyle, the Express reports.

The terrorists also attack the pope for seeking dialogue with “moderate” Islam. Such moderate Muslims include Imam Ahmed al Tayeb, of Al Azhar university in Cairo, Egypt, who IS says is apostate for describing Christianity as a religion of love and peace.

Pope Francis has insisted the war on terror being waged across the world is not a religious war. He admitted however that the world was at war, when he spoke to journalists on the plane to Poland for World Youth Day, after Catholic priest Jacques Hamel had his throat slit by two IS followers in France.  Continue reading

Catholic and Shia Muslim leaders unite to condemn WMDs, terrorism

Nuclear_bomb_explosion_at_the_Nevada_Test_Site_April_18_1953_Photo_courtesy_of_National_Nuclear_Security_Administration_Nevada_Site_Office_CNA_12_15_14Shia Muslim religious leaders from Iran and U.S. Catholic bishops say they have a common fight against weapons of mass destruction, terrorism, and violent religious extremism.

“Christianity and Islam share a commitment to love and respect for the life, dignity, and welfare of all members of the human community,” they said in an Aug. 18 joint declaration. “Peaceful coexistence is built on equity and justice. We call upon all to work toward developing a culture of encounter, tolerance, dialogue, and peace that respects the religious traditions of others.”

The two delegations agreed that belief in one God unifies Jews, Christians, and Muslims.  Continue reading

‘ISIS on a mission to exterminate Christians’

Morten_Brakestad_Stortinget_flickr1The  so-called Islamic State will not stop until it has “exterminated” all other religious groups, according to a former Islamic extremist now working in counter-terrorism.

“They’re on a mission – a programme of extermination – to wipe out everyone else,” said Shiraz Maher, a former member of Islamist group Hizbut Tahrir, speaking this week in London as he promoted his book, “Salafi-Jihadism: The History of an Idea”.

Maher said wiping out Christians, in particular, is a “very important part” of IS’s ideology. He said that although they were “religious amateurs” with “weak theology”, their claim to have restored the Caliphate – by appointing Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi as “God’s representative on earth” – has given them a strong position, which leaves other Muslims with a choice: reject that claim or to “do whatever he says”.  Continue reading

VIDEO: Muslims go to Catholic Mass across France to show solidarity

_90520544_mediaitem90520543“In a gesture of solidarity following the gruesome killing of a French priest, Muslims on Sunday attended Catholic Mass in churches and cathedrals across France and beyond. Reporters on the scene said that between 100 and 200 Muslims gathered at the towering Gothic cathedral in Rouen, only a few miles from Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray, where the 85-year-old Rev. Jacques Hamel was killed by two teenage attackers on Tuesday. “We’re very touched,” Archbishop Dominique Lebrun told broadcaster BFMTV. “It’s an important gesture of fraternity . They’ve told us, and I think they’re sincere, that it’s not Islam which killed Jacques Hamel.” –Source

But it was Islam that killed that priest! But as we know, Satan uses lies and fear to his advantage very easily today in the age of lying. His main hub of organization is in fact the Roman Catholic Vat of sin. This we have no doubt on because of thehistoric facts that match perfectly with Christian prophecy. We also know they need to make the quickly growing (and well placed) Muslim community look less dangerous and bloodthirsty while at the same time continue on with killings all over the globe to do so.

Confused? Continue reading

Jerusalem interfaith event to bring together leaders of Abrahamic faiths

download( A new interfaith and spiritual gathering of Christians, Jews and Muslims will take place in Jerusalem this September.

Amen-A House of Prayer For All Believers”, part of the 2016 Mekudeshet Festival from September 4-23, is an initiative created by the Jerusalem Season of Culture, an annual festival in Jerusalem, to bring together the world’s three major faiths “who share a belief in one God and a boundless love for Jerusalem to dialogue, study, sing and pray together in one temporary house of worship,” said a press release.

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US Churches Prep for Eventual Terror Attack, Experts Say

SAN DIEGO - JULY 3: View of the Mount Soledad Veterans Memorial on July 3, 2006 in San Diego, California. A U.S. Supreme Court justice temporarily delayed a federal court judge's order to remove the cross from city property or pay a $5,000 fine per day which would go into effect on August 1st. The cross is the center piece of the memorial which sits atop a mountain overlooking San Diego. (Photo by Sandy Huffaker/Getty Images)
(Photo by Sandy Huffaker/Getty Images)

Instead of peacefully providing a safe haven for observances of faith, places of worship in the U.S. are beginning to prepare for the worst amid the recent events in the War on Terror, experts told Hollie McKay of Fox News. 

 “I’m pretty sure there will be attacks in the future,” International Christian Concern president Jeff King told McKay. “Until [radical Islam is defeated], we can expect Christians, including in the West, to rationally tighten security measures and try to protect themselves from attack.”

Two men operating for ISIS killed a Normandy, France, priest, slitting his throat in open church in late July, signaling places of worship as potential targets for terror in the U.S. and abroad.

Muslims Answered the call to join Catholics at their Sunday Mass

CoscghUVMAAWbtwMany Muslims attended church in France this Sunday to show compassion for slain priest, Father Jacques Hamel, and solidarity with their Catholic compatriots.

Nowhere was the emotion stronger than in Rouen Cathedral, near Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray, where the elderly priest had his throat slit in church, in the name of ISIL.

“It is the same God. It is the house of God,” said one Muslim woman, among at least 100 who attended the Rouen service in a cathedral packed with nearly 2,000 worshippers.

France’s Muslim Council urged those who follow Islam to attend Mass this Sunday.  Continue reading