Did Pope Francis Really Take Another Step Toward a One World Religion?

reuters-pope-sheikh-2Despite Pope Francis’ literal embracing of a top Islamic cleric and declaration that their “Meeting is the message,” his top aid said Christians must apply Matthew 28 to everyone, including Muslims.

“We have a mission to convert all non-Christian religions’ people [except] Judaism,” Cardinal Kurt Koch said. “And what is very important for us is that we can make mission only with a credible witness and without any proselytism.”   Continue reading…

Why Catholics And Muslims Alike Come To Pray At This Shrine To Mary

LEBANON-RELIGION-CHRISTIANITY-ISLAMDuring the month of May, Catholics around the world honor the Virgin Mary in a practice dating back to the 13th century. But at one shrine to Mary in Harissa, Lebanon, it isn’t just Catholics coming to pray.

The Shrine of Our Lady of Lebanon has drawn Muslim visitors since it opened in 1908, said the shrine’s rector, Father Younen Obeid, in a recent video produced by Catholic News Service. They come as tourists, but also to pray and participate in Christian ceremonies at the site.

“All of [the Muslim visitors] have big respect for Mary,” Obeid said.

This respect stems directly from the Quran, the holy book of Islam, which references Mary 37 times — even more occasions than the Bible. The 19th chapter of the Quran is in fact named after Mary and tells the story of her life and how she came to give birth to Jesus, though Islam does not hold the belief of Jesus’s divinity.  Continue reading…

Britain reviews implementation of Islamic law?!

s300_scales-of-justice-pic“The review will be chaired by Professor Mona Siddiqui, an internationally renowned expert in Islamic and inter-religious studies who was appointed OBE for her services to inter-faith relations. Professor Siddiqui will lead a panel of experts that includes experienced family law barrister Sam Momtaz, retired high court judge Sir Mark Hedley and specialist family law lawyer Anne Marie Hutchinson OBE QC. The panel will be advised by 2 religious and theological experts – Imam Sayed Ali Abbas Razawi and Imam Qari Asim. They will ensure the panel has a full and thorough understanding of the religious and theological issues relating to specific aspects of Sharia Law, and the way it is applied.” –Source

Now I don’t want to go into any deep discussion on this as it is painfully obvious the naysayers have once again been exposed as blinded by the lies of Rome and anyone else working with Islam, like Obama. But as we can see clearly, in those many cases on and offline when those that choose to use lies to defend Islam as well as the Pope and his man in the Oval Office, they accused me and all other students of prophecy as being out of touch with reality when we alI said years ago that Sharia Law is going to be introduced into Western society via the Roman politicians so that the Vatican prelates who actually wrote the Koran centuries ago, and yes we have proof and some of that proof comes from ex-Muslims that converted to Catholicism no less, all this is being done so that the Shariah law within the Koran can be implemented into society so as to have the “legal” means to enforce the mark and “try” to curtail any obedient Christians that have the Holy Spirit utterance of these days most call the loud cry which of course is he expose’ of the Pope who is in fact the man of sin in Rome who runs the earth bound office of Beelzebub most students of prophecy know as the house of AntichristContinue reading…

Egypt: Muslim mob attacks Christians, parade naked woman

Mideast Egypt ChristiansCAIRO (AP) — An armed Muslim mob stripped an elderly Christian woman and paraded her naked on the streets in an attack last week in which seven Christian homes were also looted and torched in a province south of the Egyptian capital.

According to the local Orthodox Coptic church and security officials, the assault in the Minya province village of Karma on Friday began after rumors spread that the elderly woman’s son had an affair with a Muslim woman — a taboo in conservative Egypt.  Continue reading…

Pope in historic talks with Grand Imam of Al-Azh

e2eaf55139b14d6f9d459741b54dc7dd_18“Pope Francis has met the grand imam of Cairo’s Al-Azhar Mosque at the Vatican in a historic encounter that was sealed with a hugely symbolic hug and exchange of kisses. The first Vatican meeting on Monday between the leader of the world’s Catholics and the highest authority in Sunni Islam marks the culmination of a significant improvement in relations between the two faiths since Francis took office in 2013. …Ties were badly soured when the now-retired Benedict made a September 2006 speech in which he was perceived to have linked Islam to violence, sparking deadly protests in several countries and reprisal attacks on Christians.”

One has to realize the craftiness of the beast to really appreciate what’s going on here. Benedict, as evil as he was as pope, was not the catalyst that brought the Muslims to anger that caused them to start killing Christians en masse. If it was, the killings would have begun at his remarks in 2006 wherein he said the (so called) prophet Muhammad’s teachings were “evil and inhuman.”  Continue reading…

Pope Francis Praises London’s New Muslim Mayor

pope-francis-meets-migrants-lesbos2Pope Francis says that London’s election of the first Muslim mayor of a Western capital is an example of how migrants can be integrated in Europe.

Voters in the English capital elected Sadiq Khan, the son of a Pakistani bus driver, on May 6 after a campaign in which the Conservative candidate, Zac Goldsmith, was criticized for focusing on Labour candidate Khan’s religion.

In an interview with French Catholic newspaper La Croix published on Tuesday, the leader of the Catholic Church said that Khan’s election provided an encouraging sign as other parts of Europe put up borders to migrants coming from the Middle East and Africa. Francis, 79, cited the orchestrators of the Brussels attacks—in which suicide bombings at an airport and metro station killed 36 people in March—as an example of the consequences of not integrating migrants. Many of the perpetrators of both the Brussels attacks and Paris attacks that killed 130 people in November 2015 grew up in the Molenbeek district of the Belgian capital, seen as a haven for extremists.  Continue reading…

40,000 Christians Persecuted By Muslims In Germany

gettyimages-461062563-640x480A new study shows that potentially thousands of Christians have been attacked and harassed in German migrant homes by Muslim guards and fellow migrants.

Multiple human rights organizations are warning the German government of the conditions that Christians in asylum homes are being subjected to. One organization in particular has chronicled 231 specific cases of the harassment of Christians by Muslim migrants and Muslim security guards in asylum homes.  Continue reading…

‘Peak absurdity’: Islamophobia accelerating global warming?

islamophobia-and-global-warming-5-15-16-posterIn what some are calling “peak absurdity,” last week MIT’s Department of Global Studies and Languages sponsored a lecture entitled – really – “Is Islamophobia accelerating global warming?”

The lecture was given by “future generation professor” at Melbourne University named Ghassan Hage whose academic credentials included authorship of such tomes as “White Nation: Fantasies of white supremacy in a multicultural society” and “Against Paranoid Nationalism.”

The lecture description was as follows:

This talk examines the relation between Islamophobia as the dominant form of racism today and the ecological crisis. It looks at the three common ways in which the two phenomena are seen to be linked: as an entanglement of two crises, metaphorically related with one being a source of imagery for the other and both originating in colonial forms of capitalist accumulation. The talk proposes a fourth way of linking the two: an argument that they are both emanating from a similar mode of being, or enmeshment, in the world, what is referred to as ‘generalised domestication.’


More Muslims practising stricter Islam

muslim-1PETALING JAYA: Islamic Renaissance Front Director Farouk Musa has urged the government to open doors for dialogue between Muslim conservatives, moderates and a third group he called “revisionists”.

“If there is no dialogue between these groups, we might eventually fall into practising the stricter version of Islam in politics and economics,” Farouk said in an interview with FMT.

He defines conservative Muslims as those who believe their life is predetermined and are therefore not keen to participate in economic competition. The revisionists, he said, were those wanting to follow an unreasonably strict Islamic code.  Source

Teacher To Be Prosecuted For Calling Mohammed Child Molester

high-school-students-take-the-first-test-session-of-the-2015-baccalaureate-getty-640x480A teacher in Austria will be charged for telling students Mohammed, the founder of Islam, was a child molester.

A middle school teacher in the Austrian city of Bregenz is facing criminal prosecution for her comments regarding the founder of Islam. Vorarlberg Provincial Councillor Dr. Bernadette Mennel confirmed that the teacher was facing a criminal complaint when she said, “yes, there is an allegation against the teacher,” VOL reportsSource