“Pope’s ‘New World Order’ Is Happening After The Pandemic ” Prophecy News Updates – 3/19/21

Our time is getting shorter to prepare. Let us arouse! The spiritual battle is waging. Truth and error are nearing their final conflict. Let’s use these remaining period in giving the last message of mercy of our God. Soon the one world government will be finally set up and we will behold the fulfillment of prophetic global SUNday law enforcement!

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“EU Bishops Call For Nations To Protect Work-free SUNday” Prophecy News Updates – 3/5/21

This week’s news headlines confirmed once again that our time to prepare is so short that we have to be real serious in our daily walk with God. The final warning in Revelation 14 is to be preached loudly by pen and voice. Synchronized Sunday rest is being called for in EU but we all know that the USA will be the leading nation who will enforce Sunday law first then all nations will follow. The Vatican is using the planned-demic to push climate change so as to enforce his mark and now as we speak they are planning to have a lockdown every two years to ‘save’ the planet even though the WEF admitted that that is not the case recently when they deleted it’s much-ridiculed tweet claiming that lockdowns “quietly improving cities”.

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What’s In The News – Prophecy Updates – 12/11/20

We have a remarkable week brothers and sisters! We see these headlines of the past weeks about the signs of the times that really confirms we are in the very last days. Satan is like a roaring lion seeking to devour whoever he can because he knows he has a short time. So, let’s be watchful and prayerful all the time.


“And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man. They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all.” Luke 17:26-27

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If you’re a student of prophecy you know exactly what time it is. But as a student, we also know that most people have no idea what time it is due to the many false prophets Jesus spoke of for our day that stand on all but a few pulpits today. In fact, their off the chart blindness was prophesied. (See Matthew 24:381 Thessalonians 5:2 & 2 Peter 3:10) And so we have much work to do.

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Talk of BEHEADINGS by Protesters!

Remember this video I did of a guillotine in a Puerto Rico’s BLM protest a couple weeks ago? It seems the protesters in Seattle that supposedly created their own country and are right now terrorizing anyone they can are promoting the use of guillotines. In this video you can hear one of their leaders shout, “Does anybody know what happened to the people who did not get on board with the French Revolution?” The crowd said “CHOPPED.” And did you know they just changed the name of their autonomous zone from CHAZ to CHOP?

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VIDEO: Tracking Christians part 2

downloadNow I don’t ordinarily do this, but I am going to make a video about another video I plan to post on my YouTube page today that I think every serious Bible believing Christian needs to watch. It’s about a year old and so the technology they’re using here has no doubt been updated to be even more powerful by now. This video is just four and a half minutes long, and so I hope you watch it to the end.

And yes, what is said in the video about the Constitution is one of the main reasons the US Constitution will be changed very soon. In fact, I did two videos on this years ago. See Video #1 and Video #2 by clicking the links.   Continue reading


Duka-Koski2“Three judges in an Arizona court, Lawrence Winthrop, Jennifer Campbell, and Paul McMurdie, have announced they are comfortable with the city of Phoenix forcing Christian artists to violate their faith and endorse same-sex marriage. …The judges also quote Elena Kagan’s opinion in the Phillips case, that “a vendor can choose the product he sells, but not the customers he serves,” –Source

Some Americans may be a bit confused as to why homosexuals keep going after cake decorators in regards to why they hate their Christian faith so much; yes, we know all about their long prophesied agenda and how they lied constantly in their “coming out” days when they kept begging Christians to be more tolerant, but then as soon as the wolves claiming to be Christian pastors did just that the homosexuals became the least tolerant of any group in American history towards Christians. And so it has become obvious to some as to why Satan is using his obedient flock to push on this hatred towards Christians.  Continue reading

Top U.N. Official: Trump Engaging in ‘Flirtation’ with Torture, Americans More ‘Accepting’ of It

United-Nations-High-Commissioner-for-Human-Rights-jordan-prince-Zeid-Raad-Al-Hussein-getty-640x480“In this context, most worrisome to me is the persistent flirtation by the President of the United States, throughout his campaign and soon thereafter, with a return to torture. We are now told the US Army field manual will not be redrafted, and the US Secretary of Defence is guiding the White House on this. For now there is little danger of a return to the practice of so-called “enhanced interrogation techniques,” a euphemism that dupes no one. The mood in the US could of course change dramatically, if the country were at some stage to experience a gruesome terrorist attack. And, mindful of how the American public has, over the last ten years, become far more accepting of torture, the balance could be tipped in favour of its practice – and destroy the delicate position the Convention Against Torture is in.” –Source

Now do you see why students of prophecy understood as we did during the Trump campaign when he and the Pope butted heads that is was nothing more than a negative propaganda campaign designed to pull the onus off the Pope and how he will still have complete control over US policy because prophecy will be fulfilled? And the fact Trump and His Roman Catholic wife met with the Pope in May and had nothing but praises for him shows it’s all politics. Nothing more nothing less.   Continue reading

Street preaches who quoted Bible convicted in ‘modern-day heresy trial’

mike_overd_michael_stockwell_webTwo street preachers have today been convicted of a public order offence, after a public prosecutor claimed that publicly quoting parts of the King James Bible in modern Britain should “be considered to be abusive and is a criminal matter.” Prosecutor Ian Jackson also told the court that “although the words preached are included in a version of the Bible in 1611, this does not mean that they are incapable of amounting to a public order offence in 2016. …this prosecution is nothing more than a modern-day heresy trial – dressed up under the Public Order Act.”” –Source

Still think I’m crazy because I stated for the last few decades that free speech will be removed from Christians and the Bible will become not only hate speech, but illegal to quote in public? In this case it’s all about not reciting Bible verses that declare other faiths or other gods to be unwise, not to mention Islam or homosexuality. And any student of prophecy can tell you right off who is behind that religio/political act of protecting the false gods of this world can we not?   Continue reading