The SDA apostasy continues, as prophesied. “The evolving relationship between Adventists and Catholics… was candid and hopeful” during the event discussion held at Norte Vista High according to the Spectrum Magazine news reported on October 12, 2024 which were addressed by a distinguised Adventist theologian, Dr. Reinder Bruinsma, together with a featured respondent Father Ibe Ukoma, who is a Roman Catholic priest.
A news headline on November 3, 2024 reported that “AI Chatbots are the new priests, An acronym for Churchy Answers That Help You, Cathy is a new AI chatbot that answers faith-based questions from the perspective of a friendly, knowledgeable Episcopalian. Despite its feminine name, the “priestbot,” as Cathy sometimes calls itself, is genderless. There are no ornate flowing robes or croziers, either. But like a wise cleric, Cathy jumped right in with an answer… Developed and funded by the ecumenical group TryTank Research Institute, Cathy uses large language models from OpenAI’s ChatGPT and has ingested the Book of Common Prayer and the entire Episcopal Church website… Cathy is designed to “translate” the Bible into relatable language geared toward younger audiences. It can also serve as a tool for priests by helping them build sermon outlines… Cathy is far from the only faith-based bot — many denominations are experimenting with generative AI. There’s Text With Jesus, Buddhabot, Chatbot Eli, Gita GPT, and QuranGPT, to name a few.”
The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Manila has begun construction on an exorcism center in the Philippines, calling it the “first of its kind in Asia, if not the world.” The Saint Michael Center for Spiritual Liberation and Exorcism, which broke ground in Makati City on May 17, will house the offices of the ecclesiastical district’s Commission on Extraordinary Phenomena, the Ministry of Exorcism and the Ministry on Visions and Phenomena… Exorcism, a religious rite believed to drive out demons or other spiritual entities from possessed individuals, is mostly associated with the Catholic Church but is also practiced in other religions. According to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), exorcism is necessary “when a person needs to be protected against the power of the devil or to be withdrawn from his spiritual dominion. The Catholic Church only allows certain Catholic priests to perform an exorcism with the permission of a bishop. In modern times, a medical professional must first rule out any mental health issues before an exorcism is performed on an individual.”- SOURCE.
ROME — LGBT advocate Father James Martin, SJ, said Thursday that churches have a special duty to celebrate Gay Pride, since much anti-gay violence has been “motivated by religion.”… “The Catechism of the Catholic Church asks us to treat LGBTQ people with respect, compassion, and sensitivity,” he notes. “And participating in Pride events, or at least supporting our LGBTQ friends is one way to do this.” Celebrating Pride “doesn’t mean you have to agree with what every video, every article, or even every float in a parade has to say,” he cautions. “It’s more about supporting the fundamental human rights of this community: the right to live in safety, the right to be treated as equals, and the right to be fully welcomed in the society.” – Source.
A new poll shock has revealed that most Christian pastors believe what they want to believe, a “blending of ideas and applications from a variety of holistic worldviews into a unique but inconsistent combination that represents their personal preferences.” That’s according to the new polling from the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University, directed by George Barna. The results come from the American Worldview Inventory 2022 that contacted 1,000 Christian pastors to understand their worldviews….”
Lust is not the worst of the seven deadly sins, according to Pope Francis. The leader of the Catholic Church has come out saying there are worse indiscretions than having sex outside of marriage, in an interview with reporters while en route from Greece to Italy. “Sins of the flesh are not the most serious,” the 84-year-old religious leader said regarding sex outside of marriage. Top transgressions instead include pride and hatred, according to Reuters. Francis’ rankings of the worst wrongdoings followed the resignation of a Paris archbishop, who quit over a relationship with a woman earlier this month.” – SOURCE
POPE FRANCIS spoke of his “sadness” for hundreds of thousands of victims of child sex abuse carried out by clergy in France’s Catholic Church. The pontiff expressed personal shame at the sheer scale of the attacks, which are thought to have been carried out on around 330,000 children between 1950 and 2020.” Source .
“Pope Francis endorsed same-sex civil unions for the first time as pope while being interviewed for the feature-length documentary “Francesco,” which had its premiere at the Rome Film Festival on Wednesday.” –Source
On January 01, 2020 we find; “Pope Francis began 2020 with a bang Wednesday, issuing a harsh condemnation of violence against women and insisting that how society treats women and their bodies is a measure of its level of humanity.” –Source
Yet just one day before releasing this statement this very same Pope actually strikes a woman TWICE on camera! Check it out in this video.