“Pope Francis told participants at a Vatican gathering on religious life that the exodus of clergy and religious men and women is weakening the Church and must be addressed. “We are dealing with a ‘hemorrhage’ that is debilitating to consecrated life and the very life of the Church,” the Pope said, noting that the number of desertions from the consecrated life is “worrisome.” –Source
And how do you think Satan and the man of sin will fix this problem? Looking back just 10 decades it’s easy to see what will happen next. Exactly 100 years ago a demon calling itself “the virgin Mary” appeared in a grotto in Portugal to 3 young children. Why children? Satan knows if he appeared as a woman claiming to be Mary the mother of Jesus to adults they may look into his claims by actually opening a Bible to see it’s all a lie. Basic reality is, how many patriarchs and prophets in the Word of God ever had vision as children that was to be proclaimed to all the world? God would never send a little child to do such a work without sufficient training. Even Samuel sat under the tutorage of Ely long before going forth as a prophet of the Lord. Continue reading