Fauci: ‘You Use Lockdowns to Get People Vaccinated’

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases director Dr. Anthony Fauci said Wednesday on MSNBC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports” that “you use lockdowns to get people vaccinated” while discussing the extreme COVID lockdowns in China… Fauci said, “China has a number of problems, two of which are that the complete lockdown, which was their approach, a strictest lockdown you’d never be able to implement in the United States. Although that prevents the spread of infection, I remember early on they were saying, and I think accurately, they were doing better than anyone else. You use lockdowns to get people vaccinated so that when you open up, you won’t have a surge of infections. Because you’re dealing with an immunologically naive population of the virus because they’ve not been exposed because of the lockdown.” He added, “The problem is the vaccines they’ve been using are not nearly as effective as the vaccines used in the United States, UK, EU, and other places. So, they don’t have the degree of protection that’s optimal…” – SOURCE.

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“If we can vaccinate the world, we can beat the climate crisis” Prophecy News Updates – 6/11/21

Although we don’t know the day and hour of Jesus’ coming yet we can definitely know the seasons. (Matthew 24:36; 1 Thes 5: 1-2) The “kings of the earth” (world leaders) and the “merchants of the earth” (great and power elite men) are all joined hands with Vatican in deceiving the world. We are now seeing how slowly but surely the covid planned-demic and climate change agenda will have their part in prophetic end-time events that will ultimately lead to the enforcement of the mark. Let us prepare to stand in the great day of God.

If we can vaccinate the world, we can beat the climate crisis

“The IMF has highlighted the economic benefits of global vaccines, which would be huge. But there is another powerful reason for a worldwide campaign. Vaccinating the world will be crucial if countries are going to act together to confront the climate crisis, which will require many of the same things as delivering vaccines: resources, innovation, ingenuity and a true partnership between rich and developing countries. The Cop26 climate conference in November will be an opportune moment for building this partnership. “

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“’Hope for the Future’: Pope Francis Asks Mary to Intercede for End to Pandemic” Prophecy News Updates – 5/7/21

Last month, the Vatican has dedicated this month of May to Global Rosary ‘Marathon’ for end of Covid-19. So on May 1st, “Pope Francis prayed a rosary Saturday for an end to the coronavirus pandemic, imploring the Virgin Mary to intercede for healing for the sick, comfort for the grieving, and hope for the future.” Source

First and foremost, the Bible plainly states in 1 Timothy 2:5  that “there is one God, and one mediator (intercessor – Strong’s G3319) between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.” In fact, Jesus says “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me” John 14:6 NOT the Virgin Mary.

Second, “our Saviour, and Lord Jesus Christ, which is our hope(1 Timothy 1:1) is also “our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” (Psalm 46:1) NOT the Virgin Mary.

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“Vatican Sends Greetings To All His Muslims ‘Brothers And Sisters’” Prophecy News Updates – 4/16/21

The Vatican calling the Muslims “brothers and sisters” is another evidence that the Roman Catholic church really invented Islam and that the Pope wrote the Quran as exposed by the ex-jesuit priest Alberto Rivera who was killed by the Vatican because of his undeniable testimony. In fact, the Pope’s encyclical Fratelli Tutti promotes ecumenism and universal brotherhood – which is by the way the great principle of Masonry – another branch of the Jesuit Order. This false brotherhood is the kind of “antidote” the Pope is pushing. But Jesus told us the true principle of brotherhood when He was asked, “Who is my mother? and who are my brethren?  And he stretched forth his hand toward his disciples, and said, Behold my mother and my brethren! For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother.” Matthew 12:48. And what is the will of our Father? Psalms 40:8 says, “I delight to do thy will, O my God: yea, thy law is within my heart.”  Truly, a one world church is here and soon a one world government will take place to go against God’s obedient “remnant which keep the commandment of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ” Revelation 12:17. But “we are not ignorant of Satan’s devices” – 2 Corintians 2:11. Let’s all be vigilant!

“We have a testing message to give, and I am instructed to say to our people, “Unify, unify.” But we are not to unify with those who are departing from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils.”

– Manuscript 31, 1906

Vatican sends greetings to Muslims as Ramadan begins

“The Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue releases a message addressed to “all Muslim brothers and sisters” to show solidarity and friendship as they start their month of Ramadan and look ahead to ‘Id al-Fitr.”… “Bringing the Message to an end, the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue notes that in his most recent encyclical, Fratelli tutti, “Pope Francis speaks frequently of hope”. “

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“Vatican Pope and US President United – Urging All Get Vaccinated As Moral Obligation” Prophecy News Updates – 4/9/21

Prophecy declared that the Vatican will use “sorceries” (i.e. pharmakeia or the use/administering of drugs, poisoning or vaccines) to deceive all nations and would use the “great men of the earth” as her merchants to push her Vaccination Agenda (Revelation 18:23-24) to kill people off before they get the chance to hear the last message of mercy as found in Revelation 14:6-12 and 18:1-5. The method of FEAR is being used today to take away freedom so people will comply, bow, and obey. Now is the time that we have to have a real connection with our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. But the remnant of God will prevail “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7 

‘Getting vaccinated is a moral obligation’: Biden and Pope unite over vaccine rollout

“President Joe Biden has adopted a strong stance on vaccinations stating in his Easter address that receiving a vaccine is a “moral obligation” in line with the view previously expressed by Pope Francis.”

Related: Joe Biden: Pope Francis Says Coronavirus Vaccine Is ‘Moral Obligation’

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“Making America Catholic” Prophecy News Updates – 1/22/21

The USA has just installed a second Catholic president and right from his very first day in the office, he already signed executive orders that support Vatican’s agenda like climate change and homosexual agenda. Oddly, he even don’t know what EO he was signing but signs it anyways. Yes, prophecy is rapidly fulfilling in front our eyes – the second beast of Revelation is exercising the power of the first beast (Vatican). Religious laws is soon coming that will involved the whole world!

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Ellen White predicted demons would be OPENLY worshiped



When it came to the early manifestations of demonic activity in the way of mysterious rappings during seances in America, we see this declared by sister White back in 1882.

“I saw that soon it would be considered blasphemy to speak against the rapping, and that it would spread more and more, that Satan’s power would increase, and some of his devoted followers would have power to work miracles, and even to bring down fire from heaven in the sight of men. I was shown that by the rapping and mesmerism, these modern magicians would yet account for all the miracles wrought by our Lord Jesus Christ, and that many would believe that all the mighty works of the Son of God when on earth were accomplished by this same power.” –Early Writings page 59.1 (1882)

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Irish Exorcist Calls for Back-Up to Face Surge in ‘Malicious Activity’ by the Devil

crucifix-640x480“In the face of the rising tide of demonic activity, Father Collins said he is “baffled” that the Irish bishops are not reacting to the need by appointing more priests as exorcists. Complaints range from claims of ghostly encounters, to people being pulled from their beds, and even “full-blown possession.” –Source

Do you remember the 1973 movie the Exorcist? That was the perfect example of how Roman Catholic exorcism works. It’s all a money making scheme. How do I know that? Well first and foremost, most exorcisms performed by Catholic priests take months and even years to supposedly expel the demons. And each time the priests recites the incantations and rituals over the possessed victim the family is charged a fee. Hence the reason some exorcisms take years. It all depends on the wealth of the family. But if you look in your Bibles and see that each and every time Jesus cast a demon out, not only did it happen instantly, not a single person was charged a fee.   Continue reading

Season of the witch: Media cheer growth in occultism

magic“Witchcraft is becoming mainstream in America. “Wiccan witchcraft is now one of the fastest growing religions in the Hudson Valley,” reported News 12 Westchester in New York. A “third-degree Wiccan high priestess” was quoted as saying the religion is a “mysterious, feminist and nature-focused religion that rewards faith and patience with magic … capable of things like curing illnesses, getting a raise at work and helping people find love.” –Source

None of which happen thanks to the incantation of a witch at all. But the moment one of their deceived clients report back on a possible occurrence of good luck thanks to the witches spell, one can rest assured the witch will milk that single occurrence so as to catapult their effectiveness before their future clientele. And for those clients that have yet to have their bought and paid for “spells” work, a few more dollars will no doubt be the remedy the situation. Will it work to gain more people into their web of deceit? Sure it will! Don’t believe me? Ask how well it works for Joel Osteen, Pat Robertson, Jim Bakker and a host of other prosperity preachers that actually perform the same ritual before the people. The only difference being of course is that the witch is a tad more honest by not adding the name of Jesus into the cauldron.   Continue reading