On September 4, 2024, a news headline reported that “JD Vance’s Catholicism helped shape his views. So did this little-known group of Catholic thinkers.”
Continue readingTag: Catholicism
Pope: Christians, Jews, Muslims – All Worship ‘Allah’

Christians, Jews and Muslims, all worship the “one God” and are “brothers and sisters” asserted by pope according to news report on June 28, 2024.
Continue readingShocking Articles for the Week (ending 05-01-24)

VIDEO: Russell Brand announces baptism after months-long spiritual journey: ‘Taking the plunge’
The above video is on “The Christian Post” which as any serious and obedient Christian knows is not actually known for true Bible Christianity and so right off, we can expect something strange is afoot here. Stranger still; it wasn’t just “the Christian Post” that shared this as a Christian event.
Continue readingPROPHECY FULFILLING: Catholicism will be LAW in USA

“At the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C., on Tuesday, Mulvaney said that principles of the Catholic faith are manifested within the Trump administration… The president has allowed us, Christians of all denominations, folks from all different faiths … to be very vocal about their faith. …I’m comfortable as a Catholic, even though I work for a gentleman who is not Roman Catholic, that the principles of our faith are alive and well and well respected in this administration and are driving many of our policies,” Mulvaney said. “That is something I am extraordinarily proud to be a part of.” –Source
Continue readingPaul Ryan says America needs Catholicism
“Ryan, who is Catholic, lamented at the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast what he sees as a deepening sense of “identity politics and tribalism” in the country, as well as a trend of “moral relativism” that is becoming “more and more pervasive.” “If there was ever a time, if there was ever a place where Catholics — from the clergy to the laity — are needed, it is here and it is now, helping solve this problem, addressing this challenge,” he said. “Our social doctrine is the perfect antidote to what ails our culture.” –Source
And he won’t be the last to suggest this in the coming days. How do I know this? Not only was it prophesied that Rome will create a New World Order based on a Socialist format wherein so called religious laws based on Roman Catholicism which is biblically defined as a cult becomes the norm. The Popes of Rome as well as many Vatican prelates have declared over the last century or so their bold desires to take over the USA completely. And for those that don’t believe me on that, notice the following quotes from many Roman Catholic politicians and church leaders over the years. Continue reading