Drag Performer at Vatican’s World Children’s Day

The Vatican enjoys various forms of entertainment such as circuses and now drag show. A drag show involves cross-dressing for entertainment usually seen in the gay bars and nightclubs.

A gay-friendly drag queens and kings are also encouraged in public schools, in television shows, in the military, and even in different mainstream churches, as well as the apostate SDA church (scroll down to “DRAG BRUNCH FUNDRAISER”), where homosexual lifestyle is now the accepted norm.

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Drag queens replacing Road Runner, Yosemite Sam

DragTotsvideo“Yogi Bear, the Road Runner, Yosemite Sam? Apparently just not cutting it for cartoons these days. Set to debut June 28 is an animated show about “toddler drag queens” called “Drag Tots!” features voicing  from “famous drag queens,” including RuPaul. Then there’s the Netflix cartoon “Super Drags.” –Source

Is this not expected? Yes it was. And students of prophecy have been warning people for years on this. But because it comes in so stealthily and slowly via the Vatican’s long prophesied agenda, all those that ignored the warnings from years ago can’t see how it has come to such a festering boil today. Christian prophecy that is based on true Biblical definition is no fly-by-night dime store psychic news network that fails over 90% of the time. Christian prophecy is 100% accurate from start to finish and it never changes.  Continue reading

Little Boys Becoming Drag Queens

satanic-drag-queen-long-beach-library-full-600Do you recall this article I posted on my homeschools spurs page back in November of last year? No, you’re not hallucinating, that’s actually a homosexual man dressed as a woman possessed by a demon with five horns literally reading an LGBT story to precious little children in the Michelle Obama public library in Long Beach, California. As expected some of the children were very happy and entertained by all this. But then this is to be expected if you have ever watched modern day cartoons, read a comic book or seen a DC Comic movie wherein all sorts of demon images are made to look as heroes for the children. As also expected some of the children have been adversely affected, and yes as per Biblical jurisprudence some of them have been openly possessed by the demons their very own parents allowed them to play with and now we see boys as young as 10 years old not only dressing as drag queens, this young boy literally started a drag club for kids in New York City! And it gets worse if that’s actually possible.   Continue reading