I have a video to share that we as students of prophecy have been watching for the last few years. This is one major step towards the mark of the beast and so I pray you listen closely. The Chinese government recently started a social scoring system back in April of this year that will prevent the people from buying certain things if they are found to be misbehaving in any way the government decides is inappropriate; and what sparked it has been reported in other articles that we know are regarding the prophetic reasons the Vatican’s Muslim refugees have been invading China and other nations all around the world. This so called refugee situation allows for things to escalate to the point the governments have no choice but to set things up to assure an easy way of controlling the people which in turn guarantees as way for them to enforce the mark of the beast against people they eventually deem are acting inappropriately for refusing to keep Sunday holy. Continue reading
Tag: Facebook
Facebook Donated Hundreds of Thousands to Senators Grilling Zuckerberg
“Facebook and entities associated with it have donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to Senators who will grill CEO Mark Zuckerberg on Tuesday afternoon. …Facebook donated the most to lawmakers on the House Energy and Commerce Committee ($381,000), which will question Zuckerberg on Wednesday. In fact, just 9 out of 55 Members on this year’s House Energy and Commerce Committee have not received any contributions from Facebook.” –Source
Many might not see this article about the friendship between Facebook and the US Government as a big deal. But ever since Facebook came online I have been warning people about it because of something I discovered decades ago about the governments strong desire to get the American people to offer up their private information freely. Being a student of prophecy I knew exactly what I was looking at back then and when Facebook finally came online it was like I was snapped back decades in time reading that article. Sadly, I cannot find that article so as to show everyone how this was all planed long ago. But it really isn’t needed anymore because prophecy already shows how the second beast in Revelation which is the U.S.A. will need to have such information so as to better enforce the mark of the first beast which we all know is the Roman Catholic Vatican. And now that the truth is known by most about Facebook due to recent illegal activity regarding their private information, I no longer need to find that old article. But now we see people are once again being conned into thinking all will get better when in fact nothing will change. Since the truth is out about Facebook and the theft of all that private information, the US Government has no choice but to make it look like they are going to fix this when in fact it’s all political theater designed to deceive the people into staying on Facebook. And I can prove it. Continue reading
Facebook Criticizes Germany’s ‘Hate Speech’ Law & Kathy Griffin’s “legal” insanity
“Business Insider reports that Facebook is unhappy with Germany’s new hate speech law that would force social media companies to face heavy fines for failure to remove hate speech and fake news from their platforms. Facebook has argued that these strict new measures will result in legal and legitimate content being deleted from their platform in order to avoid the fines. …If Facebook refuses to comply with the law, the individual deemed responsible for the company in German could receive a personal €5 million fine, while Facebook as an organization could receive a fine of up to €50 million.” –Source
Oh how opinions change so quickly when the dollar bills piling up in Facebook’s vaults are being threatened. Just the other day Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg announced he was going to Pay an ‘Army’ of Roman Catholic Filipinos to Police ‘Offensive’ Material on his Facebook servers, and now that Germany suggests large fines for offensive material on those very same servers he is upset that they would do such a thing. And he (as well as Germany) can use the excuse of “hate speech” and “fake news” to get just about any post removed no matter how truthful it may be. What gets me is how people still use Facebook after so much evidence has been posted as to how dangerous it is to post on those government owned and monitored servers. But then following the herd has always been a favored means to an end for the dying god of this world. Don’t believe me? When we get to New Jerusalem ask Noah what he experienced in his day. Continue reading
Zuckerberg Calls for Government to Give Everybody ‘Universal Basic Income’

“Thursday during his commencement speech at Harvard, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg called for a “new social contract” with a “universal basic income.” Zuckerberg said, “Every generation expands its definition of equality. Previous generations fought for the vote and civil rights, they had the New Deal and the Great Society. And now it’s time for our generation to define a new social contract. We should have a society that measures progress not by economic metrics like GDP but by how many of us have a role we find meaningful.” –Source
In other words, since we have followed the lead of the Vatican in promoting a Socialist format in America by offering welfare to tens of millions of people that don’t need it at all but gladly receive over getting a real job, and since most in America like the idea of allowing the Government to control every aspect of their lives thanks to the dumbing down brought on by the government schools system, why not force the American people to accept a mandatory income so as to teach them to rely 100% on the corrupted Government so that when new and more insane laws are passed removing freedoms and promoting insanities like the mandatory Vaccinations they keep pushing. That way when the people refuse to do as their government commands they can just threaten to take away their “mandatory incomes” so as to force them into compliance just as we saw the government do with the so called Preachers and pastors who bowed in worship to the filthy lucre handed them under the long prophesied 501c contract. Now granted the restriction on political sermons was lifted on May 4th a few weeks ago, but that is where they hung their hat for 63 years! But then that’s how big government works. They push the unjust laws for as long as it grants them additional control of the people and only lift it when it benefits them. And getting the one world church members (ALL church denominations today) to chime in to help the Pope in his push for Sunday Laws, that’s a prophetic no-brainer. And yes, this includes the SDA church as an admitted member. See their own doc files here. Continue reading
Mark Zuckerberg: We Need a ‘Global Superstructure to Advance Humanity’
“In an article titled “Can Facebook Fix Its Own Worst Bug?” author Farhad Manjoo poses the question, “Mark Zuckerberg now acknowledges the dangerous side of the social revolution he helped start. But is the most powerful tool for connection in human history capable of adapting to the world it created?” The author met with Zuckerberg to discuss Facebook and the many issues that the company faces. At one point, Zuckerberg discussed the need for the development of social infrastructure in order for humanity to “get to the next level.” There’s a social infrastructure that needs to get built for modern problems in order for humanity to get to the next level,” he stated. “Having more people oriented not just toward short-term things but toward building the long-term social infrastructure that needs to get built across all these things in order to enable people to come together is going to be a really important thing over the next decades. …Given Facebook’s recent decision to hire partisan left-leaning fact checkers such as ABC News, Snopes, Politifact, and even the George Soros-funded Correctiv to police “fake news” on their platform, many would question the type of “global superstructure” that Mark Zuckerberg wishes to architect.” –Source
Wait a second.. Why is it every time I post more info on Facebook confirming it to be a government owned and operated website hell-bent on pushing the global vision of Rome’s New World Order under a Socialist format that most (not all) Facebook user tells me I’m crazy and Facebook is just a website that some computer programmer built for fun years ago? It’s because the conception and power behind Facebook is just that deceptive. Continue reading
Facebook to Begin ‘Fake News’ Filtering in Germany
“The Financial Times reports that following Angela Merkel’s worries about fake news and misinformation prior to the upcoming German elections, Facebook will begin their fake news monitoring program in Germany very soon. Facebook announced their fake news fact checking program in the US in December, partnering with partisan organisations such as ABC News, Snopes, and Politifact to determine what counts as fake news. Stories reported on Facebook’s platform as fake news will now be forwarded to Correctiv, a German-based non-profit news organisation. If the news is deemed to be incorrect it will be marked as “disputed” and an explanation for the judgement will be attached. These items will also appear lower on Facebook timelines as items are sorted by Facebook’s algorithm.” –Source
You know what this all means don’t you? The fake news agenda is… FAKE. What I mean is, since the left didn’t like the way they lost the US election they have now gone global so as to “police” what they deem “fake news” in other nations so as to assure a positive outcome on their end when the times comes for them to take the golden scepter. This is what Hitler did in his day. Anyone against his Vatican commanded insanities were declared war criminals based on a Vatican definition of dissension. And how do I know the fake news “police” are going to lean to the left and by no means do this policing in an unbiased fashion? The fact they mention one of the fact checkers as the government owned and operated “Snopes” website makes it painfully obvious the fix is already in before it starts and therefore free speech will be off the table unless of course it leans to the left. Continue reading
Creepy startup will help landlords, employers and online dates strip-mine intimate data from your Facebook page
There’s a scene in the dystopian scifi novel “Ready Player One” in which the protagonist glimpses the dossier of personal information a major tech company has gathered on him. It includes his height and weight, his browser history, his address — even several years of his school transcripts.
We’re still several years away from that vision, thankfully, but a new British startup called Score Assured has taken a big step in that direction: The company wants to, in the words of co-founder Steve Thornhill, “take a deep dive into private social media profiles” and sell what it finds there to everyone from prospective dates to employers and landlords. Continue reading…
Expert Warns Facebook Could Be Eavesdropping Through Your Phone
Facebook could be tapping into not just users personal information, interests, and online habits but also your private conversations, a new report has revealed.
Facebook admits that it “uses your microphone to identify the things you’re listening to or watching, based on the music and TV matches we’re able to identify.” Continue reading…
Providing Balanced Information Is Not Facebook’s Goal
Facebook is a for-profit company that makes money packaging its users’ information to sell to advertisers and other entities. The company’s goal is not to produce a “balanced” information diet for its users. People who are shocked that Facebook might be skewing their newsfeed probably shouldn’t have trusted them with their news diet in the first place, given its history. Remember those confusing and ever-changing privacy settings, and that experiment to see whether users’ moods could be manipulated by changing the newsfeed? This is not the company I’d trust to tell me what’s important in the world. Continue reading…
Facebook workers routinely prevented conservative news from trending – former employee

According to a Monday report from Gizmodo, a former Facebook contractor who worked as a ‘news curator’ for the social media giant said that other workers would remove right-wing topics such as Mitt Romney, Rand Paul and the Conservative Political Action Conference from making the site’s Trending news list, even though they were popular enough to qualify. Source