Since posting the videos proving David Gates is a false prophet, some have gone so far as to claim he messed up just like William Miller did when he set a date and so he is not a false prophet. Problem is, the mistake of Miller was prophesied. The date setting of David Gates was never prophesied. He set a date in direct defiance to the written Word of God.
He set that date when he gave that starting point for his 1260 day prophecy that I covered in detail in this video. That officially ended on March 07, 2019 unfulfilled. But many keep defending him and even offer up brand new dates for his prophecy. Some said he meant April 22, 2019. That day has come and gone. Then they said April 30th. That day also came and went without fulfillment. And now they are declaring June 21st, the first day of Summer as the date will see his prophecy fulfilled, even though David gates said with his own lips that it would fulfill some time in “March or April of 2019.”
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