Praise the Lord, for we are vindicated not only by our faith in the unerring word of God that Jesus is God, but also by this amazing discovery! Check out this great news:
Continue readingPraise the Lord, for we are vindicated not only by our faith in the unerring word of God that Jesus is God, but also by this amazing discovery! Check out this great news:
Continue readingSoon there will be very few obedient Sabbath keeping Christians left on earth. Can you see a pattern in all that’s happening?
Continue readingDue to current events in Israel, the many false prophets Jesus warned us about in Matthew 24:11 have stepped forward to again “make merchandise” of the fearful Christians they control so as to push their many false prophecies thereby garnering more donations unto their apostate message. The political leaders in unison with the government approved preachers keep claiming the people of Israel to be the “chosen people of God” in these last days. But is this true?
Continue readingMany claim to this day that the Christians are by no means the replacement of the rebellious Jews as the chosen people. But the Bible actually confirms from the Old to the New Testament that they are.
It was prophesied:
On March 19, 2023, the All Israel News reported the newly proposed legislation to outlaw sharing the gospel message in Israel.
“In what may seem like a strange action in the nation that gave birth to Jesus Christ of Nazareth, some lawmakers in Israel are now looking to send Christians to prison for sharing the Gospel of Jesus in their country.
Legislation has been introduced by Knesset Members Moshe Gafni and Yaakov Asher, two ultra-Orthodox members of Benjamin Netanyahu’s coalition government, seeking to toss people in prison for spreading the Good News of eternal life offered by the Son of God.
The proposed law makes it illegal to share Christian messages in conversation in person, online, as well as in print or by email.
Violators would be imprisoned for a year, with the punishment doubled to two years if believers are witnessing to someone under the age of 18.” Source.
“A Jewish Orthodox scholar is proposing an Old Testament ceremony, the redemption of the firstborn, to return Jesus of Nazareth to the Jewish fold and then hold a retrial at which he could be acquitted. The first trial, two millennia ago, resulted in Jesus’ condemnation by the high priests for blasphemy, his crucifixion by the Roman conquerors and his resurrection through which Christians worldwide believe they can receive salvation and life eternal. The Jewish authorities, however, have been libeled ever since as “Christ-killers” and more. …Alloro’s argument is that the retrial of Jesus is necessary because the original trial before the high priest in the middle of the night was illegal.” –Source
First and foremost, the Jews were not “libeled” as Christ killers. Their leaders did in fact fabricate a case against Him and used the Roman authorities to kill Him because they could not kill Him themselves. Still, all that was prophesied and Jesus was supposed to die for the sins of men including this illegal trial and the sin of murder by the Jews. And yes, even the lie of this so called “Rabbi” can be forgiven if in fact the man proclaiming it repents and accept Jesus as Saviour. Continue reading