Pope Demands: World Govt Must Rule USA!

pope-francis-world-control-US-678x381“Pope Francis told the Italian newspaper La Repubblica that the United States of America has “a distorted vision of the world” and Americans must be ruled by a world government, as soon as possible, “for their own good.” –Source

If you read on in the article you will find he is demanding all this because of his concern for our so called faulty immigration status. Yes, that’s just his excuse to start talking points; but besides the prophetic implications, of which I’ll get into in a moment, he currently wants an influx of Roman Catholics from Mexico and as he stated in writing more than a few times, his “brothers and sisters” in the Islamic faith also need to be allowed to funnel into the USA in large numbers. And as student of prophecy we know the end result of his agenda here but for now he needs to force America to open the borders so as to bolster his voting bloc in his favor by a landslide so as to use the second beast (USA) as prophecy stated he would in these days so as to use the power of the US to enforce his very soon coming mark .   Continue reading

Pope says don’t oppose God or Caesar

popefrancisToday’s blog entry is a video of the Pope posted by Rome Reports a few moments ago, and as usual they have next to nothing in the way of comments regarding the video itself. And so I will just share quickly as to what he said in the video and what he actually meant by what he said, as per Vatican record.

In the video he declared, and I quote “The Christian is called to commit himself concretely to human and social realities without opposing ‘God’ and ‘Caesar.'” And so who does this and every Pope believe to be the God he is speaking of here that the common man must never oppose? And who is it he believes to be Caesar? Well first of all, as we know by many Vatican quotes, the Popes of Rome actually declare themselves to be “God on earth.”   Continue reading

VIDEO: Pope: Pray the rosary Oct 13!

Pope-Francis-With-Rosary-300x300“Pope Francis invited Catholics to make a special effort to pray the rosary during the month of October as a way of commemorating the 100 year anniversary of the apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima.” –Source

As we know, the Pope recently asked the Polish people to pray the rosary on their national border so as to commemorate the so called defeat of Islam. I made a video on that just a week ago. As I stated in the video, the rosary of the Roman Catholic church is not only a series of prayer beads first used by Pagans of old and still in use to this day by Pagans as well as Roman Catholics, Buddhists, Muslims and even Satanists. These prayer chains are nothing more than a way for the unsuspecting and loyal followers in these religions to be used by their deceptive leaders as a way to anger the Christian God. And yes, the Bible does confirm that which I just said in detail.   Continue reading

Pope slams climate change deniers as ‘stupid’

AArHFAnPope Francis on Monday slammed climate change doubters as “stupid” in the wake of a spate of hurricanes that have thrashed the US, Mexico and the Caribbean. “Those who deny it (climate change) should go to the scientists and ask them. They are very clear, very precise,” the pontiff said Monday during a press conference on the return leg of a five-day Colombia trip.” –Source

What this Jesuit Pope doesn’t seem to understand is that most people are not stupid when it comes to what he calls climate change because we are all on the same planet experiencing the weather changes. Yes, we had a few hurricanes, just as we do every year. And just so you know, those hurricanes were bad, yes. But they were not as bad as the media reported them to be. They are obviously pumping up the numbers to help the Pope in his long prophesied agenda regarding climate change. Check out this animation that compares hurricanes the last few decades. Irma, Harvey and Jose were large storms yes. But not THE largest. In fact, Matthew was much larger than Harvey, Jose and Irma, and Irma was only 15 miles wider than Katrina. And just so you know, Irma was 400 miles wide. But Sandy was 1120 miles wide literally engulfing Harvey, Irma AND Jose! In fact, you could fit another hurricane Harvey inside Sandy with 3 miles left over! But, Irma and Harvey got much more air time in the media than any other hurricane in history because we now have a Jesuit Pope who needs to do what Satan demands seeing how he knows his time is so short.   Continue reading

Hardline Colombia Catholics shun ‘false prophet’ pope

2a16f1e6688d40f9c012a24f0a0c5fab0d37d467Though millions may turn out to wave at Pope Francis when his popemobile rolls through Colombia’s streets this week, one group of people will not be smiling — or even watching.

They go to mass and their homes are filled with devotional figurines, but for some here, this pope is just not Catholic enough.

“This visit is by someone ‘non grata’, as diplomats say… He is a false pope, a false prophet of God,” says the academic Jose Galat, the movement’s most prominent member.   Continue reading

Pope Francis Urges World Leaders to ‘Hear the Cry of the Earth’

POPE F“Pope Francis has once again waded into ecological waters, inviting all people to pray for the environment while urging world leaders to “hear the cry of the earth.” …We no longer respect nature as a shared gift; instead, we regard it as a private possession. We no longer associate with nature in order to sustain it; instead, we lord over it to support our own constructs. …The human environment and the natural environment are deteriorating together, and this deterioration of the planet weighs upon the most vulnerable of its people.” –Source

Since he came into office, and yes I said office and not the church because the Vatican is not just a church structure. It is first and foremost a political entity, a literal nation on its own. It is a church and state as prophecy predicted and being as such the man of sin in Rome has the ability to destroy people lives in both the physical and spiritual spectrum. So we must always expect him to lean towards whatever will benefit the Vatican most and their long prophesied agenda towards the enforcement of the mark upon every disobedient soul on earth because I’ve never heard this Pope or any other Pope ever actually say anything that would spiritually bless any soul on earth. And yes, that is a biblical fact for it is also stated in James 3:10, “Out of the same mouth proceedeth blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not so to be.” And as we know, every Pope has claimed to echo Scripture while at the same time preaching Paganism which if embraced curses the soul with damnation.   Continue reading

Pope Francis reveals for first time that he consulted a psychoanalyst to ‘clarify a few things’

POPE FPope Francis has revealed, for the first time, that he sought help from a psychoanalyst when he was younger.

He is believed to be the first Pope in history to have visited a psychoanalyst – or at least to have admitted to it.

In a new book, he says that at the age of 42 – decades before he was made Pope – he went to a psychiatrist in Buenos Aires in his native Argentina for six months.

Jorge Mario Bergoglio, as the Pope was known then, was at the time the head of the Jesuit order in Argentina.

“At a certain point, I felt the need to consult an analyst. For six months, I went to her house once a week to clarify a few things,” he revealed in the book, Pope Francis: Politics and Society.

He did not specify exactly what “things” he wanted to clarify or why he felt the need to seek psychiatric help but he did say the treatment was successful.

“In those six months, she really helped me,” he said. “She was a wonderful person,” the 81-year-old pontiff said.

At the time – around 1978 or 1979 – Argentina was ruled by a military dictatorship and for many people there was much to worry about, with political repression and forced disappearances.

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Pope Francis meets with World Council of Churches leadership in Rome

pope-francis-and-wcc-leadershipPope Francis and the leadership of the World Council of Churches have met in the Vatican and discussed how Christian unity is vital in bringing a true sense of justice to issues the world is facing today.

The Aug. 24 meeting attended by WCC moderator Dr. Agnes Abuom and WCC general secretary Rev. Olav Fykse Tveit also focused on how to deepen relations in the one ecumenical movement, the WCC reported.

Tveit, who is a Norwegian Lutheran said in remarks, “We are very grateful for the very constructive and fruitful meeting with Pope Francis today.  Continue reading

Pope Francis: Rights of Migrants Trump National Security Concerns

pope-francis-barcelona-ap-640x480“Pope Francis on Monday urged countries to greatly improve their welcome to migrants and stop collective expulsions, saying migrants’ dignity and right to protection trumps national security concerns. Francis’ politically pointed message was made in view of the Catholic Church’s 2018 world refugee day, celebrated Jan. 14. It comes amid mounting anti-immigrant sentiment in Europe and beyond following waves of migrant arrivals and Islamic extremist attacks.” –Source

In other words, like any radically disconnected from reality politician no matter what side of the isle they herald from, the Pope ignores the plight of the innocent people that are openly being persecuted, raped, beaten, tortured and even killed en masse by these so called “immigrants” simply because he wants to make sure his loyal soldiers in Islam find their selected post of duty in every nation on earth so as to help Rome do as prophecy says they will do when it comes to enforcing their admitted mark. And as prophecy predicted and historic record confirmed, like his dying god Satan, (see proof here) he uses fear as a major cog in his wheel of deception because it’s so much easier to force someone to do as you command than it is to ask them to bow in worship, even though all politicians have already done so on camera.   Continue reading

Pope Orders Belgian Catholic Charity To Stop Euthanizing People

1502142043818“Pope Francis has ordered a Catholic charity in Belgium to cease euthanizations of mentally ill patients in their psychiatric centers by the end of August, or face excommunication. …To use euthanasia as a kind of ultimate therapy would be utterly unworthy of us,” Stockman said of his order. “It would be as if we were helping a patient who is on the verge of the abyss to take the leap of death, by giving him a little push. As far as I know, this is the very first time a Christian organization has classed euthanasia as ordinary medical practice.” –Source

First and foremost, we have ample amounts of Scripture as well as historic and even modern day evidence that the Popes of Rome are not Christians and the religion called Roman Catholicism is not a Christian religion. In fact, according to every Bible on the planet they are defined as a cult. So for the article to claim “this is the very first time a Christian organization has classed euthanasia as ordinary medical practice” is no different than Westboro Baptists who use hate to spread their version of Christianity. Satan knows what he’s doing here when he uses the most wicked church leaders to declare themselves Christian so as to assure Christianity gets a very bad name. In so doing this moves many into seeking their spiritual fulfillments in his many other demonic religions. And no, I am not saying the Roman Catholic people are evil. The Lord winks at their ignorance just as much as He does ours. The majority of Catholics have no clue their Vatican prelates are devil worshipers who have been prophesied to be those that try to destroy Christianity by claiming to be Christians while declaring Pagan dogma to be that of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Continue reading