Firefighter Fired for Bringing Watermelon to Work

watermelons-watermelon-afp-photo-640x480“A Detroit firefighter was fired before he officially began his first day on the job for bringing a watermelon to work. Robert Pattison, 41, introduced himself to his fellow firefighters at Engine 55 at the corner of Joy and Southfield in Detroit by bringing a welcome gift, WJBK reported. Second Battalion Chief Shawn McCarty calls this welcome gift “a tradition” for Engine 55’s firefighters. “It’s not mandatory, it’s voluntary,” he said. “You come in bearing gifts. The usual gift is doughnuts, but you are allowed to bring whatever you want to bring in.” Pattison, who was a probationary firefighter, decided to stand out from the crowd and bring a watermelon with a pink bow on top. Some black firefighters were reportedly offended by Pattison’s gesture since 90 percent of the firefighters at Engine 55 are black.” –Source

This is so childish! Such hate, such racist hate! And no, I am not talking about the guy with the watermelon. I am talking about the boss that fired him because he got offended by him bringing what he assumed was an honest gift to them on his first day of work; which by the way was customary for new firefighters to do on their first day on the job. And no, as the article proves, he did not bring that watermelon as an insult.  Continue reading

VIDEO: Jerry Springer: Bannon ‘Wants America To Be Basically Christian and White’

2418“Sunday, on MSNBC’s “AM Joy,” talk show host Jerry Springer suggested that White House Chief Strategist and former Breitbart News chairman Steve Bannon “has a philosophical goal” to “do away with a multicultural America,” which is why he and President Donald Trump go after the courts and the media. “Bannon has a philosophical goal, and that is, as I said before, to do away with a multicultural America. He wants America to be basically Christian and white. So keep out the Mexicans, keep out the Muslims, etc.,” Springer explained.” –Source

Jerry Springer, for those of you that may not know, was a flailing politician in 1970 who ran for Congress and failed only to be elected to the Cincinnati council in 1971 and then resign in disgrace after admitting he purchased services from a brothel in 1974. Still, even though all that happened he was re-elected in 1974 showing all of us how corrupt the American voter has become. He then went on to become Mayor and then tried once to become Governor as well as attempting more than one run for the US Senate. But he wasn’t done. His desire to destroy America from within pushed him to create the “Jerry Springer Show” wherein he flaunted all sorts of sick, disgusting and perverted lifestyles of the poor and infamous in the Chicago area.   Continue reading