“The petition states: We, the undersigned, are scandalized and disheartened by the Pontifical Council for the Family’s new project known as The Meeting Point: Project for Affective and Sexual Formation. This project has many dangerous flaws. For example:
- It fails to state in clear language that parents are the primary educators of their children.
- It never mentions Christ’s teaching on marriage.
- It never names or denounces sexual behaviors such as fornication, masturbation, and homosexual activity.
- It fails to provide any instruction on the Commandments, sin, and the sacraments.
- It uses pictures of life-size naked sculptures to point out the physical differences (including genitals) between a man and a woman in a mixed classroom setting.
- It shows suggestive and provocative images.
- It recommends sexually explicit movies as catalysts to discussion.
…we humbly beg you to protect and guide your flock by retracting this project and restating the Church’s perennial teachings on both the primacy of parents as the educators of their children and the proper approach of extreme caution to this task as explained in Familiaris Consortio.” –Source
This is so very disgusting! They actually push porn on the children in multiple fashions and then ask them to watch porn at home so as to discuss it in school the next day? And yes, “sexually explicit movies” are in fact porn be they PG to XXX. Some may disagree, but I am not one to agree with Hollywood and their rating system when after just a few short decades have normalized all sorts of disgusting garbage as perfectly acceptable for Christians and nonChristians alike. Truth is, one can find sexually explicit images in G-rated Disney movies. Call me a prude or old fashioned. I don’t care. Basic reality is, a few short decades ago, what they show in a PG rated movie today was considered way too explicit. Today, all you need to watch such things is to have a parent nearby or an ID card showing you’re 17 years old! That wasn’t normal 50 years ago and it is NOT normal today. Well.. at least not for people with Christian morals. Continue reading →